i admit it. i'm such a loser. i dropped my Govt and politics module....
after much consideration, i've finally reached this conclusion. haha. this is somewhat an altruistic and selfish excuse for my loser-behaviour lah...[ my dad will flip if he knows i flunk a module abt the s'pore govt cus he's so pro govt...] so, to prevent this from happening, i figured if i really don't like it, i better stop early before i have to cry myself to sleep everynight for not understanding the lecture. it's damn damn dry man...
so much for being a tat too ambitious, and i just thought if i haven't realise my potential yet, i better not risk it...haha. so call me a loser. bleah~
i don't know is it just me or are the pre assignment blues getting the better of me...i was telling glynis over dinner last night that my pimples popped away the moment i heard my soci lecturer mention the word 'assignments'. i haven't been writing constructively for quite sometime, not considering blogging since they're better known as crapping. and i'm darn sure that my writing ability has gone down the drain...damn! grammatically sound is no longer sufficient if i have a serious lack in content when it comes to academic writing...eeeks. which means i've got lotsa reading to do....i can never emphasize this enough: i hate reading.....
i really hate reading...... i SERIOUSLY hate reading.....
my entries are becoming more and more boring leh.................................
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Friday, August 18, 2006
my first week in NUS
Back to a DIFFERENT school....
today's a day off for me!! yay~ i know many of my friends try damn hard to make their fridays free but some of their timetables just clash...so too bad. mine wasn't deliberate though. haha. i was just lucky!
i know i shouldn't slack so i'm staying at home to do all my readings today! at least i'll try lah... haha.
the first week's OK for me besides the shitty fact tt i had to attend 2 lectures on my own. Geminis are not loners so can you imagine how torturous it was for me? actually not exactly that tormenting lah, but it's just sianz and boring and very -duh- u know? hai~ but if i see it in a more positive way, it's like training myself to be more independent and focused.
the first lecture [which i attended alone] was 'Govt and poiltics in S'pore'. okok....i can imagine the 'HUHs' and the 'EEEEEs' already... thanks alot. i kinda regret it lah, the course pack was so thick and expensive. if i drop it, my dad will nag at me FOR SURE. but the more important thing is, if i let myself dodge another obstacle again....i'm really a big loser. i have to confront it this time no matter what. YES!!!
Loneliness is not an excuse...or is it?
Soci was damn inetersting lah...we learnt breifly about suicides....there are actually many types of suicides n all...and the sociology of dating...how cool is that?! lol. k it's just interesting lah. Communications and new media was ok, though we didn't learn much in the first lecture. the lecturer was quite fun and humourous.
now, for the other module i took alone....Chinese Tradition.... i know i know...worst than the govt poiltics. let me just emphasize it again, i have not much of a choice. okay, not like it was that dreadful lah...it was kinda interesting, really. i'm also not trying to console myself but i really found it ok after all...lol. AND it wasn't taught in chinese!!! i know how shallow people can be when the word CHINESE is in the picture. for god's sake there's nothing wrong with it!!!!
As for japANESE studies....i've learnt that it's racist and rude to use the word 'JAP'. it's like an insult to all japanese and we may get a fat zero if we ever use it in tutorials or as an abreviation in writing. hmm....i wonder if Americans get sent out of class for using the word 'chinks' on chinese. and to think that the lecturer who said that was an american too...
did i also mention i hate crowded canteens? no? YES! i hate crowded canteens.......bleah~
today's a day off for me!! yay~ i know many of my friends try damn hard to make their fridays free but some of their timetables just clash...so too bad. mine wasn't deliberate though. haha. i was just lucky!
i know i shouldn't slack so i'm staying at home to do all my readings today! at least i'll try lah... haha.
the first week's OK for me besides the shitty fact tt i had to attend 2 lectures on my own. Geminis are not loners so can you imagine how torturous it was for me? actually not exactly that tormenting lah, but it's just sianz and boring and very -duh- u know? hai~ but if i see it in a more positive way, it's like training myself to be more independent and focused.
the first lecture [which i attended alone] was 'Govt and poiltics in S'pore'. okok....i can imagine the 'HUHs' and the 'EEEEEs' already... thanks alot. i kinda regret it lah, the course pack was so thick and expensive. if i drop it, my dad will nag at me FOR SURE. but the more important thing is, if i let myself dodge another obstacle again....i'm really a big loser. i have to confront it this time no matter what. YES!!!
Loneliness is not an excuse...or is it?
Soci was damn inetersting lah...we learnt breifly about suicides....there are actually many types of suicides n all...and the sociology of dating...how cool is that?! lol. k it's just interesting lah. Communications and new media was ok, though we didn't learn much in the first lecture. the lecturer was quite fun and humourous.
now, for the other module i took alone....Chinese Tradition.... i know i know...worst than the govt poiltics. let me just emphasize it again, i have not much of a choice. okay, not like it was that dreadful lah...it was kinda interesting, really. i'm also not trying to console myself but i really found it ok after all...lol. AND it wasn't taught in chinese!!! i know how shallow people can be when the word CHINESE is in the picture. for god's sake there's nothing wrong with it!!!!
As for japANESE studies....i've learnt that it's racist and rude to use the word 'JAP'. it's like an insult to all japanese and we may get a fat zero if we ever use it in tutorials or as an abreviation in writing. hmm....i wonder if Americans get sent out of class for using the word 'chinks' on chinese. and to think that the lecturer who said that was an american too...
did i also mention i hate crowded canteens? no? YES! i hate crowded canteens.......bleah~
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Pix from fullerton Hotel
PIX! and the follow-up entry below!!!
P.S: click on the images to see them clearer

one side of the esplanade.
look at the bridge and the cars on it...
the lil' dots along the bridge are actually humans!


@ One Fullerton. those people won't be able to see standing there.
when the display starts, they'll push inwards until the people in there can't breathe......

this is taken during the display itself. those people just gathered in the middle of the road to watch. they didn't give a damn about the cars on the bridge and formed a human road block for more than 15mins. but i bet the drivers didn't mind too since they may well be enjoying the fireworks as well. haha.

fireworks display in the water!
Exclusive view!!!

shooting stars from the ground!

I've actually caught some of the parts on video but i don't know how to put them up..haha.
Anyways, school's starting tml. Glad that my long holiday has finally ended with a BANG!
CheeRs to all!!!!!!
P.S: click on the images to see them clearer

one side of the esplanade.
look at the bridge and the cars on it...
the lil' dots along the bridge are actually humans!


@ One Fullerton. those people won't be able to see standing there.
when the display starts, they'll push inwards until the people in there can't breathe......
oh yeah, people-watching is so fun.

this is taken during the display itself. those people just gathered in the middle of the road to watch. they didn't give a damn about the cars on the bridge and formed a human road block for more than 15mins. but i bet the drivers didn't mind too since they may well be enjoying the fireworks as well. haha.

fireworks display in the water!
Exclusive view!!!

shooting stars from the ground!

I've actually caught some of the parts on video but i don't know how to put them up..haha.
Anyways, school's starting tml. Glad that my long holiday has finally ended with a BANG!
CheeRs to all!!!!!!
MORE flowers in the sky!!!
Wakao! believe me man, i've got the greatest view on the last day of the fireworks display....which was yesterday....WAHHHHH....i can't describe how nice the view was and the atmosphere was totally different from what it's like to squeeze with sweaty and smelly people...i was like..[or WE were] on the top of the world!!!! woohoo!!!! guess guess....where was i??
i was at the roof balcony of Fullerton Hotel!!! WWWAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! totally awesome!!!! you simply can't tell how ecstatic i was. take this: my parents were sipping wine and my sister and i plus my cousin n her friend [ok, what a list] were drinking some cocktail....and right below us were tonnes and tonnes of microscopic humans....they're like huge colonies of ants everywhere, waiting anxiously for the fireworks...poorthing man. and the view of the whole of esplanade and the singapore straits.......-speechless- you can only imagine. i can even see the IR okay...it's such a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l sight.to think that the poor souls below us are like squeezing away and rubbing shoulders with other sweaty people...sigh~
From up there, i finally knew where the fireworks shot from.........the WATER!!! and some from land. and there were actually pretty displays of fireworks dancing in the water which we won't be able to see if you were below... they're like the fire version of the musical fountains can. uber cool......... the fireworks will also manifest themselves according to the tempo of the music played.
NO blockage. NO squeezing. NO stuffy-ness. NO stepping on each others' feet and NO smelly people! haha! the pnly sad thing is that we din bring our cameras. so we have to make do with our phones....i took some ok ones...you shoul've seen them above. there'll be more when my cousin's friend send us the pics. another thing was that we didn't get to hear the "WWWWWOOOOOWW" this time...we were woow-ing oursleves instead. haha. BUT anyhway, we had a GREAT time.
if ever we have to watch another fireworks display again. it HAS to be at Fullerton Hotel.
i was at the roof balcony of Fullerton Hotel!!! WWWAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! totally awesome!!!! you simply can't tell how ecstatic i was. take this: my parents were sipping wine and my sister and i plus my cousin n her friend [ok, what a list] were drinking some cocktail....and right below us were tonnes and tonnes of microscopic humans....they're like huge colonies of ants everywhere, waiting anxiously for the fireworks...poorthing man. and the view of the whole of esplanade and the singapore straits.......-speechless- you can only imagine. i can even see the IR okay...it's such a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l sight.to think that the poor souls below us are like squeezing away and rubbing shoulders with other sweaty people...sigh~
From up there, i finally knew where the fireworks shot from.........the WATER!!! and some from land. and there were actually pretty displays of fireworks dancing in the water which we won't be able to see if you were below... they're like the fire version of the musical fountains can. uber cool......... the fireworks will also manifest themselves according to the tempo of the music played.
NO blockage. NO squeezing. NO stuffy-ness. NO stepping on each others' feet and NO smelly people! haha! the pnly sad thing is that we din bring our cameras. so we have to make do with our phones....i took some ok ones...you shoul've seen them above. there'll be more when my cousin's friend send us the pics. another thing was that we didn't get to hear the "WWWWWOOOOOWW" this time...we were woow-ing oursleves instead. haha. BUT anyhway, we had a GREAT time.
if ever we have to watch another fireworks display again. it HAS to be at Fullerton Hotel.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
flowers in the sky!!
Fireworks make one happy. i'm sure it does..... and now that's the fireworks' festival, you guys and gals out there should gear yourself up and be soaked in that festive atmosphere! it's so wonderful! be it watching with your family [i did!], relatives [ did too!], friends, or your better-halves. it's just amazing to watch it with them, cus the company really makes a difference!
maybe life's not just about whinning and complaining.......there're times which i feel the world's a beautiful place...especially after listening to DT's new album. he may not be as philosophical this time but at least he's good at setting the mood for love. and talking about love, the long lost part of my life....haha.....i know many are like me, and are definitely enjoying it. but i'm sure sometimes you'll just wish you had someone with you right. hai~~~ Glynis should know better...lol.
SO, back to the fireworks....[i'm so good at drifting these days. and that's no surprise why my QET got band 4....damn it lor. why in the world did they pick my paper to mark? WHY? tell me why man......it's so unfair can?!] seee.....i'm drifting again. and whinning. haha. but i'm 'shuang' leh...who cares. i simply love to whine and complain. and there's nothing anyone can do about it. HA HA HA.
Okok, just to stray abit again, i'd like to mention that there are actually people who has some sort of 'identity crisis' you know the kind where you think that you're a grown up and you set a certain standard for yourself to follow. sometimes i feel myself in that position too cus at 20, you don't know where you belong. the problem is, you're no longer a teenager but you're neither a twenty-something. so how exactly should you behave? if you whine, you're childish. if you diss people who whines, then you're too uptight, or what we call very 'geng'. what i feel, personally, now is that, if you choose to behave like an adult, then carry on. but you shouldn't think lowly of those who prefers to stick to their old-self. some people can be real irritating and childish. but if they're happy being themselves and it obviously doesn't affect you, then just let it be man...
People are opinionated, unless they don't have a proper working mind. like me, i like to read blogs selectively and i admit that i VERY OFTEN, laugh at or criticize their entries.....i'm only human what.....and the sad thing is i feel good doing that. it's not the right thing to do but heck it...it's just fun. i'm not proud of it but i'm not ready to loose this habbit. it's just me. but it's really NOTHING lor. so don't make a fuss over it. if i feel that the blogger is dumb or something, i will only think that so long as i'm not him/her, it doesn't matter....i think this immaturity of mine will stick with me for sometime, and it doesn't make a diff just cus i'm 20......
and for now, really, back to the fireworks!!!! haha....i was watching the ITALY display at the esplanade the other day with my parents and sister. i somehow felt awkward going on this kinda outings with my parents as i'm older, but this feeling was gone as soon as the fireworks popped away...... everyone there was totally esctatic. everytime the fireworks shot into the sky and burst everyone will go "WOOOw!" . it's really hilarious....cus it the 'wooow' just gets louder and louder. haha! buthen some weird thoughts came over me which i don't know why. my sadistic mind is at work again. it suddenly occured to me that maybe some terrorists may plan an attack on us by means of the fireworks....what if one of the fireworks is actually attached with a bomb of some kind and it'll just fall into the sea of people like how the fireworks falls on us. sure can kill a lot of people man. and what seems like a festive mood may well be doomsday for us! oh my gOD! i can even predict the headlines in the news "bombs rained like FIREWORKS" i know it sucks...i know i know....... then again, it's just a thought lah, it can't be real....it won't be....
BUT maybe after my entry....i don't know....it becomes an inspiration to the evil people...who knows? and you know, they'll just um..... k STOP! i'll just stop at that. the important thing is, fireworks will and always be the source of joy and exhilaration to us...in a harmless way! FULL STOP.
happy birthday my country!!! i love you!!!
Fireworks make one happy. i'm sure it does..... and now that's the fireworks' festival, you guys and gals out there should gear yourself up and be soaked in that festive atmosphere! it's so wonderful! be it watching with your family [i did!], relatives [ did too!], friends, or your better-halves. it's just amazing to watch it with them, cus the company really makes a difference!
maybe life's not just about whinning and complaining.......there're times which i feel the world's a beautiful place...especially after listening to DT's new album. he may not be as philosophical this time but at least he's good at setting the mood for love. and talking about love, the long lost part of my life....haha.....i know many are like me, and are definitely enjoying it. but i'm sure sometimes you'll just wish you had someone with you right. hai~~~ Glynis should know better...lol.
SO, back to the fireworks....[i'm so good at drifting these days. and that's no surprise why my QET got band 4....damn it lor. why in the world did they pick my paper to mark? WHY? tell me why man......it's so unfair can?!] seee.....i'm drifting again. and whinning. haha. but i'm 'shuang' leh...who cares. i simply love to whine and complain. and there's nothing anyone can do about it. HA HA HA.
Okok, just to stray abit again, i'd like to mention that there are actually people who has some sort of 'identity crisis' you know the kind where you think that you're a grown up and you set a certain standard for yourself to follow. sometimes i feel myself in that position too cus at 20, you don't know where you belong. the problem is, you're no longer a teenager but you're neither a twenty-something. so how exactly should you behave? if you whine, you're childish. if you diss people who whines, then you're too uptight, or what we call very 'geng'. what i feel, personally, now is that, if you choose to behave like an adult, then carry on. but you shouldn't think lowly of those who prefers to stick to their old-self. some people can be real irritating and childish. but if they're happy being themselves and it obviously doesn't affect you, then just let it be man...
People are opinionated, unless they don't have a proper working mind. like me, i like to read blogs selectively and i admit that i VERY OFTEN, laugh at or criticize their entries.....i'm only human what.....and the sad thing is i feel good doing that. it's not the right thing to do but heck it...it's just fun. i'm not proud of it but i'm not ready to loose this habbit. it's just me. but it's really NOTHING lor. so don't make a fuss over it. if i feel that the blogger is dumb or something, i will only think that so long as i'm not him/her, it doesn't matter....i think this immaturity of mine will stick with me for sometime, and it doesn't make a diff just cus i'm 20......
and for now, really, back to the fireworks!!!! haha....i was watching the ITALY display at the esplanade the other day with my parents and sister. i somehow felt awkward going on this kinda outings with my parents as i'm older, but this feeling was gone as soon as the fireworks popped away...... everyone there was totally esctatic. everytime the fireworks shot into the sky and burst everyone will go "WOOOw!" . it's really hilarious....cus it the 'wooow' just gets louder and louder. haha! buthen some weird thoughts came over me which i don't know why. my sadistic mind is at work again. it suddenly occured to me that maybe some terrorists may plan an attack on us by means of the fireworks....what if one of the fireworks is actually attached with a bomb of some kind and it'll just fall into the sea of people like how the fireworks falls on us. sure can kill a lot of people man. and what seems like a festive mood may well be doomsday for us! oh my gOD! i can even predict the headlines in the news "bombs rained like FIREWORKS" i know it sucks...i know i know....... then again, it's just a thought lah, it can't be real....it won't be....
BUT maybe after my entry....i don't know....it becomes an inspiration to the evil people...who knows? and you know, they'll just um..... k STOP! i'll just stop at that. the important thing is, fireworks will and always be the source of joy and exhilaration to us...in a harmless way! FULL STOP.
happy birthday my country!!! i love you!!!
Friday, August 04, 2006
bidding blues.......
Bidding is making my blood pressure rise......this freakin' sucks man. i hope i can get at least 4 mods i bid for cus i don't wana end up taking shitty ones.
Anyways, been staying home these few days except going for tuition. i have to choose my modules carefully, plan and re-plan the lecture dates so tt they don't clash, and then there's the tutorial timeslots. sianz. a real test to my decision-making abilities.
oh, my tuition kid improved already...haha. and he keep bugging me to get him a hamster. at first he wanted a mouse...... i nearly choked hearing it. well, that will NEVER happen of cus. \
argh..... i'm waiting waiting waiting.......
Anyways, been staying home these few days except going for tuition. i have to choose my modules carefully, plan and re-plan the lecture dates so tt they don't clash, and then there's the tutorial timeslots. sianz. a real test to my decision-making abilities.
oh, my tuition kid improved already...haha. and he keep bugging me to get him a hamster. at first he wanted a mouse...... i nearly choked hearing it. well, that will NEVER happen of cus. \
argh..... i'm waiting waiting waiting.......
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