it's so fun to have them around!!!!! collin, glyn and jacky are probably the best people you'll ever have around to sing with! but sadly, jacky's not in the picture....people have chalet ok..................Nevermind, we had tonnes of fun anyways... we were role playing, acting like we're having some kinda concert and starring in some mtv... they're all recorded in my phone. i don't know how to attach them here so i can't show u all... lol. they were super duper corny! collin suggested uploading them in U-tube but well.. i dont wana be famous for the wrong reasons leh. haha. and YES, photo whoring is like glyn and i's favourite pastime now man! looking retarded is no problem for her since she's naturally a good-looker. of cus i'll play along lah, but when i see my pics uploaded in the com, i really wana cry. what's worst when u're already not looking good and u still try so hard to look spastic? haha. but it's the fun that matters!! i figured since we're both single and have so much time to spare [when it seems like the whole damn world is attached], we'd get to spend more time together and have fun like singing, watching movies, bowling, pooling, swimming, beaching and BITCHING, blah blah blah. i know it's sweet hanging out with ur better halves but girlfriends are like indispensable in your life too? that's just what i think. at the end of the day, not all relationships [much as i'd beg to differ] lasts, but friendship does. it's bad to fallout with your bfs but it's worst to fallout with your friends. i've lost that ability and interest to chat with my friends over the phone since don't know when. but if they're really down and out or need some entertainment, i'll gladly oblige! really! i still believe that many strong relationships are forged via the telephone. it's old school YES. it's time-consuming YES. but the purpose is always there...spend some quality time to catch up with someone with no distractions what so ever. it's good to meet up too but very often when u're out, u'll be too engrossed with ur surroundings etc. when was the last time u wanted to tell ur friend something and then the sight of this hot dress stole u away? see........of cus, the wonders of technology always win over such a necessity. why should i waste my time calling my friend when i can just msg her an sms? i bet we're all excellent expression-interpretors of sms-es by now... like u can tell if the person's tone is happy, sad or angry. but it never kills to ring them up once in awhile to say hi right?i just feel that as we age, the amount of workload and commitment increases.....less time for family, less time for friends. while we're still schooling at the moment, isn't it wise to spare time for each other. can u imagine when we're 30, and slogging our lives away for food sand shelter, do u even think we'll have the time to meet up and hang out? well if u're lucky, u marry a rich husband, maybe u'll have all that time in the world. but i'll not be that lucky.
what kind of a guy makes me dream of him so often that it frustrates me?the better the dream the worst i'll feel when i wake up. it's just plain irritating.sometimes i feel like i'm running in circles.... after running for so long, i'll still return to the same ol' starting point. and it frustrates me when i know that he's always there.bumping into someone responsible for my awkward past didn't help at all. she's like digging on my old wound. to think that we're not even friends now angers me more than ever. why did i even listen to her? my alter ego reminds me that i should blame myself. but what if the only means of consolation for me is to push it to others? after all, no one likes to admit their mistakes. that i can say, i'm truly ironic. in hope of gaining acceptance and acknowledgement, i'll go around telling people it was my fault. to make people feel that i'm responsible enough to admit my mistakes and discredits. BUT, i can never say it to him myself. what matters anyway? it's already been so many years and he probably forgot all about it. maybe it's just me talking all these while. maybe. i think i'm thinking too's the deal, the answer to all my incessant speculations can be as easy as a phonecall or a message away. i can only wish that i've had greater courage. for now, i'll just continue to be haunted by those dreams. at least i can be happy in them.
What Aunty?!mirror mirror on the wall...please tell me i don't look old. please give me at least a single ray of hope and affirmation that i don't look like i've had 2 kids.......which idiot with the right frame of mind would call me an aunty?! as in, genuinely feels that i look like one. my sister's friend did!!!! sucker....i feel freaking insulted can!!!Mr NJC cum IP student cum potential scholar can't even tell apart a young lady from a 40 yr old aunty?! i'm not saying my mom look old lah but hello???? are his eyeballs diconnected from their circuits or something???? what's on his mind huh????? what's wrong with dressing down and comfortable at home?! do i really look that auntified?! ...............................................................................................................................................................PISS OFF!i'm so fed-up.and i have tests next week...........AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
a LONG LONG post!it's been a busy week. i don't think anyone wana hear me rant and whine about it. what else man??? it's just sch.... no one's interested in me and my dull life i presume. lol. anyways, i feel weird for not blogging. it seems like a long over-due assignment of some sort which i kept postponing....bleah~~~shall talk more abt interesting stuff now cus i realised tt i'm driving away readers with my boring to the bones kinda content.ok, lemme see, let's start with the dinner with coach last week. it was damn damn damn fun lah....took lotsa pics which i still didnt have time to upload [ and u were wondering why i have the time to blog this] lol. lazy lah... but we had a good time trying to embarrass him in New York New York. wahahhaaaa... i'll really miss such gatherings man! lotsa laughter and dinner for free.... before that glyn n i went Holland V to visit Jolyn's flee market stall... those ppl must have thot we were mad for dressing up to go there....the scorching heat nearly killed us man. they were selling nice stuff but the heat really got the better of us so we HAD to run... n guess what, we wore heels... mine wasn't as high as glyn's 2 n a 1/2 inch. in fact it was puny compared to her's. damn funny.... we ended up paying for a new pair of novo flops each. they were so comfy tt we shopped around MS for hours...haha....that was last week...this week was a busy week, like what i said earlier.... lol. think i can only blog once a week from this evening, i was feasting, yes FEASTING at long beach in Eastcoast. my relative's treat of course.....the seafood was super duper 'zai' haha!!! i ate fresh jodak n lobster....FRESH ok. like sashimi.... OoOoOo....marvelous.and i realised how 'out' i am...both my cousins [who r 18 btw], have i miss that feeling.... hmph. i can only watch. lol. not that i crave for one... it just makes me wonder, what's wrong with me??? the best thing was, there's this reknown fortune teller in our sch last week and he happend to briefly read my palm. his really 'zhun' as in accurate... he said something like i'm a very imaptient and short tempered person and i'm prone to seperation in relationships. which means if i don't like tt person anymore i'll just leave's so scary cus it's kinda true.......of cus, tt's something i'll never wana let my future bf know.... haha.