Monday, November 27, 2006
Old habits die hard. actually, it's not really old.
why like that?????
just finished my Soci paper at 9 today. this is the first time since my A levels that i'm waking up at 6 in the morning. i was the earliest. every other day after i finished my A's i'm never the one waking up first. i love it. OTOT [own time own target].
Wana have a taste of freedom? Try a dose of OTOT!
i realised....i'm never gonna touch soci again. i hate theories.......all theories are bloody flawed....critics will come up with new ones....and then they're flawed too....then someone heroic will criticise it, and then there's the birth of a new theory...and then the critics continue cricticzing it...and then....and then... and then..... it's a damn vicious-cycle. You know women are vicious, but guess what?? theories w/o functioning brains can be vicious too! luckily i'm not insane enough to exhaust my entire lifetime studying theories.......
One thing i know for sure.....i cannot agree more that Uni- exams are much less demanding than A levels. Study a bit also can more even better, can score....consistency plus revision, don't skip tutorials and lectures and [if you're lucky enough to get good project mates] can Ace the module. haha...what a warped and superficial theory.
i coin this MATTY'S ULTRA SUPERFICIAL THEORY for survival in NUS. in short, it's a "MUST"
damn...i see theories flying around...........feminist, conflict, functionalist, control, symbolic interactionist...............
there's a social explanation to everything you do. Dial 1900-so-cio-lo-gy for the answer!
Friday, November 17, 2006
listened, appalled, enlightened...
You must expect the unexpected if not reality is gonna hit you hard at your face. cus people never seem to be who they are. Behind every pretty face you see, there's always an ugly scar hidden somewhere. beneathe that thick make-up, is an entire face of blemish concealed. and underneathe all the branded and seemingly glamourous clothes, god knows who you'll find.
Seriously, what is normal? Varsity life's all about smoking, clubbing, skipping lectures, making out with your new found friend and sex is it? this is as natural as pouring a glass of water to some. but it's really, really not the norm. does that mean my life will be dull and unhappenning without all that crap? no what.....
i find consolation to the fact that i'm not guilty of any of the above. okay, maybe the skipping lectures part. i don't have to strive to be simple. i am simple. people say i look like i always club but the truth is, i hate it. that's why you can never judge someone from their appearance.
not to say that people who indulge in those activities are evil or sinful.... they have different values in life, so whatever....
maybe cus i watch a lot of tv and dramas...that's why i tend to idealize the way my life should be like according to what i see.... but the more i know these days the more my ideals get crushed. and now all the more i'll put myself on guard. in the first place, i was never really generous in letting guys in.
i should really come back down to earth.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
i almost died laughing reading it. oh well....for once, i thought people i don't know actually reads my blog. YAY. *rolls eyes* too bad i only have one pair of eyes if not i'll keep rolling them till they fall off the sockets.
anyway.... we can't stop people from tagging us cus the tagboard's precisely there for that reason. we also can't help the fact that those people can be assholes who apparently thinks that they're some kind of virtuous blog moderators who goes around calling people a ***** for saying stuff they don't like to hear....using degratory language. how righteous. if you realise, i didn't say the country's bad, or i hate it.....
flood my tagboard with all ur stewpid ***************** for all i care..... i don't really give a shit. but i do hope you find better stuff to do. =)
okay....haha. thanks for giving me inspiration to blog on something worthwhile though, whoever you are..... lol.
To Manga junkies out there....go watch 'Hana Yori Dango' [ japanese version of meteor Garden] on youtube. it's more straight to the point, not draggy and has better looking characters in there. and the best thing is. got english subtitles!!! quite worth watching...only 9 episodes though. each episode has 5 parts and the last one has 7.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
NOW will constitute days like TODAY, right this moment you're reading this, and the rest of the week to come.
Biologists coin this PMS. Heck it, to me it's no different from a 'DND' written on my face.
1) Do not impose yourself upon me and tell me things i don't like to hear.
2) If you have nothing nice to say, DON'T.
3) This is not the time to criticize me or my opinions alike.
4) Pardon me for my bluntness.
This is by no means a childish manifestation of my attitude, but rather my very polite version of an appeal to potential irritants.
Potential irritants can mean even a passing ant. See, the thing is, even ants are not half as irritating as humans. it's ironically those with proper-working brains that are asses.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Goodbye Mr pain-in-the-a** tuition kid!
The one thing i've taken away with me [besides the pay] is the realisation that you can never get too comfortable with your student cus they'll eventually climb over your head like a MONKEY. not literally of cus. i'm sorry to say but his mom is paying me PEANUTS and she still wants to bargain. So you're not rich, SO AM I! and i'm not exactly interested in doing charity. even if i am, i wouldn't choose YOUR kid. bleah.
Daddy's flying off to India today...Goodbye, we'll miss him. but why doesn't he wana bring the two cup noodles i bought for him?!?!? ungrateful. very unglam meh? i'd reckon eating curry at an street stall unglam, and ultra unhygenic. C'mon daddy, pack up your ego, AND the cup noodles...i'm only saying this for your own good.
Jolyn's gonna post abstracts of her AS essay in her blog soon. 1st, read the Qn. 2nd, read that paragraph. 3rd, you'll feel your eyebrows twitching. 4th, you'll break into uncontrollable laughter. if you don't find it funny, fret not. this requires some extent of intellectual humour. So, if you don't laugh, it just means you have low EQ.
COld war is B-O-R-I-N-G. if i stayed for the entire lecture, i might DIE. so Jolyn and i left dring break. Pathetic. i have nothing against you and your deliverance, Dr Quek, Cold war simply puts me to sleep.
JUST my personal opinion. i think Xiaxue is really a cool blogger. you should read her blog and then your own. i know we all have our own styles but you gotta applaud professional bloggers like her. really impressive, and entertaining.
yet another boring post right. in case you all still don't get my tone, i'm kinda moodless and irritable. it's a good thing s'pore bans pte ownership of weapons. if not i'm so damn sure ppl will attempt to gun me down. the thing is, i've read many blogs. and i'm darn sure i won't be the first to die.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Meet XIAO HEI!!!
HI ALL!!! meet my new lappy XIAO HEI!!!! lol it's the coolest, sleekest, classiest and most effecient laptop you'll ever see[assuming all other laptops do not exist.] hahahhahahaaa....
Please bear with me okay, as you know, there are very lil things for me to hao lian or even blog about these days.....i can feel myself tearing at the corner of my eye from reading my previous posts.....they're pathetically BORING. lol. hard to find interesting stuff to blog when you're living a seemingly DULL life [for now since exams are coming ].
i like its shiny black surface! there're silver wavelines on the
entire black surface if you see carefully

nice!!!! n it's MINE!
heh heh..not bad right... it's the new HP entertainment notebook. the reason i love it so much is cus its exclusively MINE!!! absolutely no sharing. there's a point for this case anything goes wrong at least i know it's my own i won't have to blame anyone. i'm cultivating responsibility
AND you must be wondering my daddy must love and pamper me soooo much he keeps showering me with extravagence...NO!!!! you're so wrong!!! reason being i spoilt my sis' chic-and-very-expensive-BenQ-limited-edition laptop. oops....i honestly felt bad [mainly because my JS essay was saved inside and there's no back up]. buthen i cannot possibly admit that i dropped the laptop in the toilet [which did happen]....but it was with the cover so i didn't think it would matter. but guess what..something DID happen and it's on repair now....poorthing. my family must have guessed it lah...they know all my 'patterns' already so they probably knew i was denying. so they keep reminding me what a lousy and careless person i am. lol. my sis was worst lor. she kpkb-ed all the way like she never crash her laptop before. accidents do happen you know....that's why i'm going to implement the 'no-sharing' rule. hmph.
so daddy bought this and in case anything happens, i'll have to be responsible...hohoho...sounds like a good deal to me. anyways, i'll probably need one for school. thanks to nus' VERY EFFECIENT online learning environment that makes it almost a neccessity to go online EVERYDAY. sian. "i totally love to download my own lecture slides on the IVLE everyday to print and not worry about paper jam and wasting my ink and papers."
my foot.
and it must be cherine Lau always says....she can go on about KARMA all day. cus i spoilt fefe's lappy tt's why i have to rewrite the damn essay. and that kuku headache must be part of the KARMA too. dammit!!! one week already still pain. sian bo.......
the bottom line is....i have a cool new lappy!!!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Sis' Not Home....
HA HA HA. Felicia lau Wan Lin's not home....WHY?? oh, cus she's having fun at a chalet.....hoho.
bet she's gonna miss her bed. talking about her bed. it's totally disgusting.
FYI, she forbids me to post her pictures in the blog, friendster...practically wherever she thinks will threaten the circulation of her photos. well i won't blame her since she's undergoing this ultra image conscious period where she's so convinced that everything looks ugly on her. okay, if she says so....
She's the most messy and unhygenic person i've ever known [in my family]. though i'm not exactly very clean, but at least i attaempt to make myself seem so. lemme show you an example of her gross-bed. and for goodness' sake. BEDS ARE SUPPOSED TO LOOK COSY AND CLEAN AND NEEDLESS TO SAY IT HAS TO SMELL GOOD.
A Fine example of what a bed should look like. JUST LOOK AT HER'S!!!!

Still got more gross one.... can u see the piece of used tissue paper in her bed??? eeeewww!!!! i wonder if it's mucus or booger....

jUST look at her 'bao bao'.
urh.....horrible right. just let u in on a lil secret. she ever slept with muffy's shit stains in her bed before. she's just to lazy to be bothered and her bed's not too different from a toilet bowl anyways. LOL!
I'm such a nice sister...i dedicated this entire entry to her. she must be so touched...i'm gonna prepare tt used piece of tissue for her to wipe her tears. wahahahahaaaa.....
Monday, November 06, 2006
Pain Like Hell!!!!!!!!!!!
and HAO TONG BU TONG ZAI WO write essay tt time TONG!!!!!
Whoever u are, STOP WACKING my HEAD!!! it's drving me crazy man!!!!!!!!!!! *growls*
Bloody Hell....can you even imagine trying to write a history essay and tt asshole headache keeps cutting off your thoughts?!??! then u need to re think, and re write, and re edit a zillion times?! WTF. if this goes on i can might as well knock the daylight outta myself. POS.....
Anyways, my dad was telling us he heard someone kicking at our gate the other night. what, AGAIN?!?!?!?!? This is not really a good time to piss me off, neighbour. and he better stop it while i'm still politely calling him my neighbour. if i ever catch him doing that again i'll confirm break his bloody leg!!!! so what now? he's so poor he cannot afford medication anymore??!?!? did my maid tried to seduce him? WTF. i hope his leg get trapped in the gate the next time he kicks it and helpful me will be MORE THAN GLAD to relief him from entrapment. i'll make sure i chop off his damn leg and tie a ribbon around it to return him!!!!
Let's just see who's more insane. dammit.
people around me in school are like damn stressed out. only me and yy seem to be cruising like we're on a it a bad thing? partially i guess. some are totally, extremely, absolutely stressing over everything! and it's contagious man!!! i'm trying hard not to be affected. and thankfully i'm sane... though i'm not exactly coping well but no use complaining now already..... it's just sem 1, we need time to adjust. whatever.
K, back to tt sucker who has this thing about kicking our gate. not that i wana say but he's really a nuisance to society and is potentially endangering the lives of other people, especially us. Either we strike it big in 4D or TOTO and shift the bloody-hell outta here, or he can please do us all a favour by smuggling drugs and be caught and hanged soon.....i'm sorry.....i'm being a tat too mean but I WON'T be if you perish from the face of the earth.
Do us all a fovour man, Die DIe DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Bacardi is alcohol....right?
they always say you'll become drunk faster if you drink quickly but i think i'm just good at it. haha. i'm not drunk and i can still walk straight...just that i feel damn sleepy. oh well, it's inherited from my dad maybe. i told him i drank a small glass of his Bacardi and he was like "wwwHHATT?!?!!?" haha... alcohol doesn't seem to have an effect on me apparently. and it tastes bad. lol. my dad says Bacardi's suppose to go with coke. oh heck it, if i could i'd just drink it without anything. i'll be really ineterested to know what i'll be like when i'm drunk.
Btw, does anyone of you know who Emmet Till is? or rather, who he was? his story will make your heart sink so deep you'll wana cry. it really makes me wonder why the world is so cruel to some and why must innocent people be made an example before a society is willing to make a change. Racial conflict is a horrible, horrible thing. it's hard to imagine how a superpower like the US had so much underlying bad-blood and unglamorous past which constituted to what it has become today. 'learn from mistakes', but inevitably, innocent souls will be lost along the way.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Ultra cool blogskin, Jiayi.
Headaches are coming back...literally. there's a reason for this. i remember a certain evening when i was still schooling in MI, i was on my way home from volley training...then i got striked on the back of my head on the bus by a secondary school girl's elbow, ACCIDENTALLY. then the headache started 2 days after.... the pain is like someone striking on your head. it's just like a visit from an old friend which i don't particularly like.
Guess what man, my lappy's dead. the hard disk got corrupted....and the best part was my JS essay project is inside...luckily i was mentally prepared for the worst. the typical me will start crushing papers and kicking chairs.....
my dad says i have a bad temper: i agree. my mum says i'm acutely impatient: very true. my sister thinks i'm a tyrant: to a large extent, yes. my cousin thinks i'm bossy: nothing new.
it pretty much concludes the fact that i'm an ass at the real me is like that.
this is my most horribible flaw...which you will never see.