High as in HAPPY-high. Dry as in BROKE-dry. haha... kinda oxymoronic... but i like
i ought to reward myself for sleeping at 3am last night. Man oh man....finally EVERY DAMN THING IS DONE, excluding the mugging. so u can only imagine how high i am today. but sleepiness has gotten the better of me.LOL. it's the 3am shit. i cannot take late nights. there comes a point where my human clock simply dies on me. and i become a bloody zombie.
ANYWAYS.... met my dear long lost beloved LIRONG at the lt11 bus stop today. it wasnt planned so if dear wydia reads this, lol...i didn't skip Southeast lecture on purpose....i was hungry, and drenched...so lirong came to save the day!! lol. no lah...we simply saved each other. we went MS's Xing Wang. can't help it, i suddenly crave for french toast. haha... food makes us HIGH!!!

i love sunny-side-ups...but i hate the sunniest part of it all...the yucky yolks!
look at how fascinated she was with her food...

.....lili, i don't think you smiled that much at the food in school. lol!

oh man....look at that sheepish smile....

the simplest food tastes like heaven when you're hungry....
hehe...so we happily ate away...and chatted and ate and chatted.... it's been sometime since we had such a long chat. from the bus stop to the bus, then to the mrt then to marina Sq and then suntec. lol. havent been enjoying myself lately so you can imagine how high i was. lol. so high that i had to splurge. i bought a fossil wallet. my guess one spoilt. so sad. so daddy's sponsoring me...and this time i upgrade. yes, before you think guess is more ex. and i bought a nice stripped top too, picked by dear lili. lol. she calls me an impulse buyer, but ironically she was also the same person who encouraged me to buy stuff....lol. girls are funny. we don't mean what we say most of the time. shall elaborate on this another time cus i can go on and on about that.
...on the Broke-dry part...please exercise your knowledge of inference. i'm now in zombie-mode, it's a chore to go on.
from tomorrow onwards, i'll HAVE to be in full-fletched mugger-mode.