Sunday, May 27, 2007
No title
just realized there may be friends who actually read my blog besides the usual. i feel kinda weird but um....luckily i never badmouth him! LOL. HI JOVIAN! now you'll get to see the rest of the ice berg...though not completely. [that is if you ever read this] haha.
anyways... strangely, i don't feel that excited over the trip. don't know why either....but i hope this will change when i reach there.
jiayi MY FAVOURITE FRIEND dedicated an entry to me. THANKS favourite friend. i will remember you in japan. lol. we all know what that means. sometimes i really wonder if i've been such a great friend to some. but i'm really glad to be appreciated.
lotsa stuff are going on around me. sometimes when you really feel like taking a step back, you can't cus whether you like it or not, you're part of it. and the world doesn't stop for you just because you can't keep up.
i should be happier.
K one last thing. i hope i don't lose my way or get lost in Japan cus i'm known for having serious directional problems. wish me luck okay?
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
Girl next few doors
a guy friend of mine just commented that i have the girl next few doors look. man.... i felt a sudden rush of chill down my spine in that one splitting moment.
no, he isn't into me. lol. cus i was telling him about the computing guy in our tutorial [the one i am still secretly admiring]. then he asked me when am i going for him but i was like "no, siao ah!"
don't blame me, it's like a reflex. things like that blurrt out unintentionally from me sometimes. but honestly, my other self is really prompting me to be proactive. then again at times when i don't feel that jaded, i don't feel a need to get involved.
yet the stupid stupid me still checks out his friendster account now and then to reassure his single status. Seriously, what am i doing?
Girl next few doors? that's not too bad for the record. at least i'm not like the girl downstairs or in the basement...or even the dustbin. lol.
and coincidently, jiayi and i were chatting about being a real SOCIAL BUTTERFLY cus Geminis are supposed to be like one. FYI i am the latter but i'm not so sure about the former. if you mean entertaining my own friends then yes. but i'm really not the sort who goes around tingkling wine glasses with strangers.
i can be siao and 3-8 with my close friends but it's a whole different story with people i'm not that close with. sure i can try entertaining them but i'd just feel damn sian at the end of the day. i like the feeling of comfort with people i'm familiar with...maybe that's precisely why my social circle hardly extends beyond friend's friends.
i cannot break the so-called chasm between making friends with my friend's friends and complete strangers or the people like. asking me to be proactive is like asking a frog to jump out of a metre deep well.
maybe one day, i'll be desperate enough to take that leapt.
for now, let me just stay in my comfortable next few doors. haha.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
dead BEAT
i'm really not for late nights OR early mornings.
had to leave in the afternoon from Glyn's chalet cus i really couldn't take the tire anymore.
hope she had fun, we had fun too. i had fun. fun fun fun. fun but still need to rest. not being a spoilsport but sleep tops my list everytime, all the time.
haha... then you should know lah, followed by tv.
shall i elaborate on what i did during the chalet preparation? it's gonna be another episode of boring details. so let's just skip it.
wow. i wonder how my 21st birthday celebration will turn out. it's a real tiresome occasion, sad to say. but i like =)
....and the photo taking part......dreadful. i simply can't smile for too long. it's a bloody chore to smile, but i can pull off a string of laughter anytime. haha....
ANYWAYS. someone owes me money. a LOT of money. this pisses me off badly. so PAY UP!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Not gonna turn into a potato!
bloody hell. so much for longing dearly for a break.
there's simply no kick in slacking with no strings attached.
woke up late, watched tv, ate, watched tv again, eat some more, watched yet another trashy tv show, brought muffy for a walk, bathed him, bathed myself, ate dinner and now i'm blogging.
man, what happened to my exciting holidays....???
think i'm still more into guilty pleasure. as in i'm more a person who gains satisfaction from doing the wrong things at the wrong time. like the afore mentioned boring sequence of activities could be totally pleasurable if they were done during exam period. agree??? i hope you fit right into one of my shoes for this. haha.
i don't wana spend the entire day channel-surfing or think of what trash to eat next. that is why, i'm gonna start work tomorrow!!!
working for my naggy-dad sure beats being a couch-potato!
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Horror kid!
Never have i came across such a bloody brat in my life.
the most shameful part of it is that he is actually my relative. GROSS.
i detest ill-bred kids. it's a cold hard fact....especially if they're from my family.
you tell me, what hell of a kid [a 3 yr old boy], stares at his own relatives from the corner of his eyes like we owe our lives to him, steals his own cousin's toys, refuses to acknowledge adults, throws random tantrums, bangs his head repeatedly against the wall, throws hard objects at people [even his own grandma], cries his lungs out all the time, bites his father's inner thigh or the most despicable of all, beats his mother's pregnant stomach?
if i ever see him doing that with my own eyes, i'd grab him and shake the f**king sense outta him until don't recognise his parents anymore.
honestly, think his parents are the BIGGEST problem. On a superficial level, this is retribution. In a logical point of view, this is what i call PURE STUPIDITY.
if you can't freaking rear a child, please do society a favour and stop breeding more destructive beings. but think it's too much to ask from them cus they probably didn't anticipate themselves as inadequate parents. until today, my uncle still thinks he has a way with children. [Oh COME ON, give that thought up ALREADY!]
sad. sadness.
and what more now? a second son? cool. i can totally forsee what's gonna happen. the horror kid will murder his own sibling one day. or better, both will grow up to be violent kids. maybe they'd rob grannies hand-in-hand in broad daylight. how lovely...
If ever someone has to take the blame, my entire family will point straight to his mom. absolutely naive and clueless. spoils the kid like there's no tomorrow. and we finally found the best tactic to breed a rotten boy, GIVE HIM WHATEVER HECK HE WANTS TO SHUT HIM UP.
IF i EVER have to handle such a kid, i'd make sure he stops his crap with just one look. so he likes to bang his head against the wall? fine, i'll lock him in the room and let him bang until he bleeds. kids like tt know u can't bear to see them hurt, and they want your attention. they think you're gonna be so worried they might kill themselves. for once, leave him alone. he'll finally realize head-banging doesn't work. the next time he intend to repeat that crap again, he'd think twice. it's gonna be a damn painful process for both the parents and the kid. but NO CHOICE. slow-talk doesn't work cus kids have small brains.
i'd really like to believe that the poor boy's innocent and victimized. i mean, which kid is born a criminal right? must be the upbringing and environment. i'm sorry to say but they are so gonna ruin his future.
when one fine day, they realise their beloved boy steals from shops and whacks the f outta other kids for no concrete reason and finally thinks "he's getting out of hand, let's just throw him in boy's home and let him learn", it's going to be too late. by then, the poor boy will start blaming them for not giving him proper education. he hates you, blames you or even hits you. you call him an ungrateful, good for nothing child. it's as good as stabbing yourself.
bottom line is, why make him learn the hard way and make things happen to the point of no return when all these can be avoided in the first place? see what i mean by plain stupidity?
not that I am mean, put it more plainly, your kid kill you nevermind, don't make other innocent people suffer because of your mistake.
and if one can afford money for cigarettes, why don't just spend some on PROTECTION??? it's a bloody vicious cycle. as in LITERALLY.
Saturday, May 05, 2007

so big that you have to use a straw.....

YY: hey, your birthday party have no theme?? c'mon, think of a theme!
ME: like color-code?? it's so CLICHE already....
Cher: not color code lah.....[continues eating] *um-qio* [as in giggles secretly].
ME: what you giggling about, JM?
YY: yar lor...say lah! faster.
Cher: [still giggling] don't want's damn all hear already sure think i'm siao one.
YY: just say lah!
Cher: i was thinking of the theme "BA XIAN" [as in 8-gods].
YY & ME: .......................................
*Food for thought*
at the taxi stand last night, i bumped into one of my friends in school. think he was with his girlfriend.
i was thinking, if that's really his girlfriend, howcome he doesn't hold her hand? hmmm...i watched them walk for some distance and they still never hold hands like they're just plain friends.
howcome some couples don't hold hands anymore after some time? it's the least a couple should do what. not that i'm into PDA but it's really weird seeing that.
could it be because they're so used to each other or they really hate doing so? that i don't know. it's just damn sad. don't need to be shy about it what. in a relationship, SKINSHIP is very important! [don't think dirty].
Thursday, May 03, 2007
tomorrow is the day for me to start legitimately slacking.
But before that, i gotta clear all the !@#$% notes that's been piling up at every corner of the house [actually, i'd love to burn them like what i always say after each paper. but i'm such an environmental friendly person].
to kick-start the celebration, the JIEMEIs are gonna feast at 'BIG O' after the asshole genes and society paper.
it's just weird how mugging for genes makes you feel you've aged a decade faster. not only that, it makes you wonder if you're really healthy, or even suspect that you have some inherited disease. what's worse is, you start imagining that everything you eat is artificial and can possibly mutate you....oh man.....the 'wonders' of biotechnology.
..and before you think there's only Dolly the sheep, there's Polly, Tracey, Megan and some monkeys and rats.....i hope none of our friends share the same names.
you're so lucky you don't have to learn about them. at least you can continue to live in delusion. haha.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
YEAH I KNOW IT's on the 2nd...