Just to let you all know, i'm not pissed with my mom anymore. reading my previous post again really makes me realise how insanely pissed and helplessly hungry i was cus i waited in fumes for her to leave the house before finally chionging to the kitchen to get food. tsk, my ego hor...sometimes, bigger than guys'. LOL.
anyways, i wana gossip about my sister's suitor. HAHAHA. surprise surprise~~ never in my imagination will anyone have anything for my smelly sister. WOOPS~ kidding lah...i know her inside out so i guess it's weird?? and now adays she opens up a lot more to me, especially on BGR stuff. that's after i assure her umpteen times that i won't reveal her secrets lah....shoot i can't keep secrets..but anyways, it's not a secret anymore, at least to all her friends.
nope she's not attached yet. not until i am....HAHAHAHA. this is quite a cruel demand of her since i may well be left on the shelves for another LEAP year. LOL. it's damn sad how i always find consolation in making fun of myself. what am i, a loser?? yes yes...probably. especially now when my little sister has such a prospective suitor. he's TALL, he's TANNED, he's SPORTY, he's SPECKY (okay, this is a plus for me), and most importantly HE FREAKING LIKES MY SISTER SO MUCH.
like i always lament to her..."fefe, he's not dropping hints lor, he's dropping BOMBS" hahaha....all it's left now is that magic question and POOF, i'm gonna be blinded by the irksome glow on her face. EEEWWW~ LOL. typical of a sour and loser SINGLE sibling, huh?
deep down, with all honesty, i am happy for her.
wah lau, don't doubt me...i'm not THAT mean. besides washing plates for her i'm actually quite agreeable...hehe~~
anyways, it's about time for her lah, lao niang had my first love like how many years earlier than her lor. she should experience that kinda puppy love too...that maybe the most carefree and purest kinda love she'll ever find (i hope) but i don't know about kids these days lah, with all the perverted celebs like you-know-who polluting the minds of innocent kids and even ADULTS like us....sigh....hard to say. LOL.
okay enough of her...let's talk about me.
what's new? well, cherine and i just joined the CNM society!!! it's perfectly fine if you cannot relate to my excitement. i can see why...CNM don't explain much in the first place. it's actually communications and new media. oooooo....now you know, but still not interested. fine fine... cher's excited cus she can earn CCA points and be an active student in NUS for once. Me? i'm just happy Plain John's in it. That'll generate enough interest right?
like who is plain john...???
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
an angry post
what's with middle aged woman? why do they always have to shout?? why are they so freaking sensitive and easily irritated??? it's like one moment she talks to you nicely and then she'll start screaming at you when you say things she don't like to hear.
You think my mom is soft spoken? yes she is. but when she starts screaming the whole ceiling can come crumbling down.
For Goodness' sake i'm already 21. why the fuck must she keep screaming at me. as you can see, i'm farking pissed. it's like my whole stomach is filled with anguish instead of food. i'm so hungry now but i have absolutely zero appetite thanks to her.
It's like even if it's PMS i think it doubles with age. She has issues...HUMONGOUS ones. i'm not being rude you know. maybe you all don't know, but this has been going on for some time, just that i never say. some things i just don't wana bring up and make it seem like i'm a super unfilial daughter or something.
and i know i always say no matter what we only have one pair of parents so we gotta respect them. BUT, sometimes i think if she continues to be so demanding and easily ticked-off by little things she'll start to lose all the respect from me.
you wana know what she screamed at me for?!
First, i was already preparing to cook spagetti for my sister and i cus my maid's off. my mom's going out to eat with my dad. and BY THE WAY, my sister just sprained her leg but it's NOT SERIOUS AT ALL. she still walks, stands and move around FINE. so when i was preparing the stuff i just told my mom that later eat already fefe must wash the plates herself. So she gt angry and scolded me saying why can't i just wash everything. she ask me "will die is it". obviously won't die....but i just answered something like "she's also not crippled" in a very monotonous tone.
That's when all the screaming started. she said i was mean and "hei xing" for saying that about my sister [when obviously i said she is NOT crippled] okay lah, maybe that isn't the best award-winning line ever, but why make such a huge fusS???!?!?!? then she continued shouting and screaming in the kitchen until all the neighbours can hear about how what an uncaring, horrible, insentive, lazy, petty, calculative person i am.
*sigh* you tell me which idiot hear already will 'SHUANG' right??? i didn't expect fefe to wash EVERYTHING you know. and although i may sound a bit mean when i say she's not crippled but there's some truth in it what. like what the fuck, of cus i can help you but like you all don't know how spoilt she is. i can't help but feel that she's siding her big time lor. So what? she has homework i don't have?! she has to do revisions i don't have?! she's has to go to school but i'm a good-for-nothing lah?! how much time and effort does it take to wash your own plates? i really don't wana go there but she force me to think this way lor.
the worse is i CANNOT answer back at all okay, i must let her scold until she SHUANG then can. if i answer back it'll be equivalent of me being a CRIMINAL. even if i was right, even if i have my principles...everything reduces to ZERO in her perception. i just CANNOT say anything. i think you all can understand how frustrating that is.
Honestly, why can't she just talk nicely? Just because i respect her i'm supposed to shut up and let her scream everytime it happens and make it seem like i'm totally in the wrong??! This is like how frustrating you know??
So if i continue to take allowance from her i have to succumb to all that crap lah?? is this what you call FAIRNESS?? if it is then okay, i have nothing to say...it's part of it anyways, right? damn. i'm fuming now i can feel smoke coming out from my head. Now that i'm taking a sociology module on emotions i can totally explain this using the capitalist model; people with greater economic power controls you and your emotions cease to be of importance. i can so see this picture big and clear before me.
it's like if she can just calm herself and think for a sec, not everything i say is as offending as she sees them as. and i'm not even asking her to do the impossible of taking into consideration how i feel - because i know for sure that'll never happen. there's only room for what SHE thinks is right and all else will be filtered out as imprudence.
i cannot fucking imagine when she really has menopause. i'm going stay outta her way as much as possible man. she's so hard to please, so easily provoked. this really spoils my mood big time. and even if i am wrong, i'm not a kid anymore. shouting don't work for me. maybe if she starts treating me like an adult we can all save ourselves from these shit we're going through.
You think my mom is soft spoken? yes she is. but when she starts screaming the whole ceiling can come crumbling down.
For Goodness' sake i'm already 21. why the fuck must she keep screaming at me. as you can see, i'm farking pissed. it's like my whole stomach is filled with anguish instead of food. i'm so hungry now but i have absolutely zero appetite thanks to her.
It's like even if it's PMS i think it doubles with age. She has issues...HUMONGOUS ones. i'm not being rude you know. maybe you all don't know, but this has been going on for some time, just that i never say. some things i just don't wana bring up and make it seem like i'm a super unfilial daughter or something.
and i know i always say no matter what we only have one pair of parents so we gotta respect them. BUT, sometimes i think if she continues to be so demanding and easily ticked-off by little things she'll start to lose all the respect from me.
you wana know what she screamed at me for?!
First, i was already preparing to cook spagetti for my sister and i cus my maid's off. my mom's going out to eat with my dad. and BY THE WAY, my sister just sprained her leg but it's NOT SERIOUS AT ALL. she still walks, stands and move around FINE. so when i was preparing the stuff i just told my mom that later eat already fefe must wash the plates herself. So she gt angry and scolded me saying why can't i just wash everything. she ask me "will die is it". obviously won't die....but i just answered something like "she's also not crippled" in a very monotonous tone.
That's when all the screaming started. she said i was mean and "hei xing" for saying that about my sister [when obviously i said she is NOT crippled] okay lah, maybe that isn't the best award-winning line ever, but why make such a huge fusS???!?!?!? then she continued shouting and screaming in the kitchen until all the neighbours can hear about how what an uncaring, horrible, insentive, lazy, petty, calculative person i am.
*sigh* you tell me which idiot hear already will 'SHUANG' right??? i didn't expect fefe to wash EVERYTHING you know. and although i may sound a bit mean when i say she's not crippled but there's some truth in it what. like what the fuck, of cus i can help you but like you all don't know how spoilt she is. i can't help but feel that she's siding her big time lor. So what? she has homework i don't have?! she has to do revisions i don't have?! she's has to go to school but i'm a good-for-nothing lah?! how much time and effort does it take to wash your own plates? i really don't wana go there but she force me to think this way lor.
the worse is i CANNOT answer back at all okay, i must let her scold until she SHUANG then can. if i answer back it'll be equivalent of me being a CRIMINAL. even if i was right, even if i have my principles...everything reduces to ZERO in her perception. i just CANNOT say anything. i think you all can understand how frustrating that is.
Honestly, why can't she just talk nicely? Just because i respect her i'm supposed to shut up and let her scream everytime it happens and make it seem like i'm totally in the wrong??! This is like how frustrating you know??
So if i continue to take allowance from her i have to succumb to all that crap lah?? is this what you call FAIRNESS?? if it is then okay, i have nothing to say...it's part of it anyways, right? damn. i'm fuming now i can feel smoke coming out from my head. Now that i'm taking a sociology module on emotions i can totally explain this using the capitalist model; people with greater economic power controls you and your emotions cease to be of importance. i can so see this picture big and clear before me.
it's like if she can just calm herself and think for a sec, not everything i say is as offending as she sees them as. and i'm not even asking her to do the impossible of taking into consideration how i feel - because i know for sure that'll never happen. there's only room for what SHE thinks is right and all else will be filtered out as imprudence.
i cannot fucking imagine when she really has menopause. i'm going stay outta her way as much as possible man. she's so hard to please, so easily provoked. this really spoils my mood big time. and even if i am wrong, i'm not a kid anymore. shouting don't work for me. maybe if she starts treating me like an adult we can all save ourselves from these shit we're going through.
i still love you mummy; but you're pushing me away
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Happy 21st to one of my FAVOURITE girls in NUS!!!!
Here's to Ong YY:
You looked really pretty with your RED HOT dress yesterday!! though we agreed unanimously that you could've looked more sizzling without the inside piece. LOL. 21 already can wear R21 a bit mah...
Anyways, i hope you like the gift from me n Doreen, plus the card Cherine and i made for you....i painstakingly stuck all the diamontes on the card can! haha...and i used all of them ON YOU!!! how nice and self-sacrificing. hehe~ Oh but i didn't get to write a lot for you on the card cus i really couldn't think of what to write. and please appreciate Cher's effort cus she did the bulk of it....we started making it in school the entire day, even in lecture and she brought it back to complete. all her heart and soul; blood and sweat in it okay~ HAHA you should know what to do for her 21st later this year hor?
OKAY, lemme write a proper testimony for you since i have time, but i guess you're probably sleeping at this hour after downing so many shots last night...haha.
"Since i've known you from Arts camp, i've never seen a more hilarious and bubbly character (besides Jolyn, cus she's the undipustable champion when it comes to prancing around). Cherine's a bit 'man-shou' (slow-cook in chinese) so i thought you're a really nice person to click with. who knows right? we've already became JMs now. you are just one of those contributing to my wonderful memories in Uni.
remember how the 2 of us were PSed by cherine on 3-8 fu nv jie??? lol. we had a hell of a time walking from Clarke Quay to Max Brenner at Esplanade lor! and then there's the D-cup outing where we ordered nothing but one D-cup each at the Big O in Millennia walk. i've got the crazy pictures to prove okay! and OH! the CRAZIEST has to be the night i strutted up and down ViVo IN MY HEELS to look for a pair of heels for you...First time i spent my Valentine's night out...with u and Cher...and how we went all looney in Kbox till 5 in the morning.
the bottom line is, i love you!!!! but please, i beg you...don't blast my car's player!!!! i know you how elated you feel sitting in it. LOL. "
10 things you need to know...
- You are Chio. No, CHioest.
- Your Sexiness oozes from the inside. [literally]
- You are Sugar sweet
- Don't be put off by porn
- Learn to be puntual [not even expecting an EARLY]
- Spend more time with US, your JIEMEIs
- Lower forehead; higher self confidence
- Love Cher more
- Love ME more
- Love yourself MOST
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
why am i blogging this hour? it's late, i'm tired, i wana sleep.
i'm waiting for part E of YuleBaifenBai to finish loading then i'll chiong into bed after watching. sigh. this is probably the sianest period of time for most Arts students. Especially CNM majors...projects, presentations, reports, essays, plus tutorial assignments. this is the most appropriate time to spell out the four golden letters. Oh you know your ABCs...and you don't even need to think. FUCK!!!!!
it's quite an irony to be taking a sociology module called 'emotions' and yet have problems with managing my own now. lol. crap, this is not an interesting entry. shit, shoot, shucks.....

i'm waiting for part E of YuleBaifenBai to finish loading then i'll chiong into bed after watching. sigh. this is probably the sianest period of time for most Arts students. Especially CNM majors...projects, presentations, reports, essays, plus tutorial assignments. this is the most appropriate time to spell out the four golden letters. Oh you know your ABCs...and you don't even need to think. FUCK!!!!!
it's quite an irony to be taking a sociology module called 'emotions' and yet have problems with managing my own now. lol. crap, this is not an interesting entry. shit, shoot, shucks.....
oh but i wana show u all my latest desktop background
CAUTION: your impression of me will change forever more
...i have good reasons to keep my lappy at home :X

ignore me.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Miss me?
NO. what's new? not blogging means i'm busy lah, like REALLY busy. you don't want me to name them cus they're things every undergraduate do.
anyways, i'm going to update you:
firstly, my dad crashed his car...for the 3rd time. yes, that's not something to be proud about and to me, it PISSES ME OFF BIGTIME cus he has to use my car for the time being. but on a more serious note, i WORRY BIGTIME for him as well. luckily his car is big and sturdy like all continental cars, if it's like those jappy cars with seashell thickness [ooooooo my poor lil baibai~ please be safe] then god bless him. and LUCKILY he never hit any pedestrians. what if they die?! omg, omg omg.......i cannot imagine. GUILTY FOR LIFE. so here's the convo we had when he came home that fateful night:
DAD: ........[silence]...........
MUM: [normal tone] So? every morning i tell you to "drive safely" before you go to work, [starts shouting] WO SHI ZAI JIANG FEI HUA LAH?!
ME: WAHAHHAHAHAHAHA...mummy! ni hen humourous leh....
DAD: ............tsk, [in a dead serious tone] i'm going to get a new car .
ME: HUH?!?! for what? cannot repair meh?!
DAD: *shakes head*
ME: why why why? you wana change nicer bigger one ah?
DAD: *shakes head again*
MUM: *glares at him*
ME: then why u wana change??
DAD: this car is suay.
MUM & ME: ...............................................................................
Then from here, we all started bombarding him at the same time:
ME: wah lau eh daddy, you know what's the problem not?!?! the problem is you yOU YOU!!!!!!!!
FEFE: mummy drive also no problem lor....it's you lor
MUM: YOU have problem know. you stop talking on the phone for awhile will DIE IS IT?!?!
NO. what's new? not blogging means i'm busy lah, like REALLY busy. you don't want me to name them cus they're things every undergraduate do.
anyways, i'm going to update you:
firstly, my dad crashed his car...for the 3rd time. yes, that's not something to be proud about and to me, it PISSES ME OFF BIGTIME cus he has to use my car for the time being. but on a more serious note, i WORRY BIGTIME for him as well. luckily his car is big and sturdy like all continental cars, if it's like those jappy cars with seashell thickness [ooooooo my poor lil baibai~ please be safe] then god bless him. and LUCKILY he never hit any pedestrians. what if they die?! omg, omg omg.......i cannot imagine. GUILTY FOR LIFE. so here's the convo we had when he came home that fateful night:
DAD: ........[silence]...........
MUM: [normal tone] So? every morning i tell you to "drive safely" before you go to work, [starts shouting] WO SHI ZAI JIANG FEI HUA LAH?!
ME: WAHAHHAHAHAHAHA...mummy! ni hen humourous leh....
DAD: ............tsk, [in a dead serious tone] i'm going to get a new car .
ME: HUH?!?! for what? cannot repair meh?!
DAD: *shakes head*
ME: why why why? you wana change nicer bigger one ah?
DAD: *shakes head again*
MUM: *glares at him*
ME: then why u wana change??
DAD: this car is suay.
MUM & ME: ...............................................................................
Then from here, we all started bombarding him at the same time:
ME: wah lau eh daddy, you know what's the problem not?!?! the problem is you yOU YOU!!!!!!!!
FEFE: mummy drive also no problem lor....it's you lor
MUM: YOU have problem know. you stop talking on the phone for awhile will DIE IS IT?!?!
...and it went on for a few mins....
so if you ever see my dad driving on the roads, please keep away. he is a potential road hazard. end of story.
SO, the latest movie i've caught was the Leap years. Not a horrible attempt for a local romance film. The storyline was okay. Kudos to the beautiful actresses and the ONLY hot male lead. i think you know which MALE i'm talking about...not that GAY definitely. for one, glyn and i lamented non-stop in the film about his english...okay okay, i so understand the story of him coming from a cheena country already...but please, let me rant. if i don't i might just explode. we agreed unanimously that this should be the film he acts as a mute. LOL. meanest....
anyways, it did make me shed a tear or two.....see, i can even count, so it's not as moving as films like 'a moment to remember'. but cannot compare lah, for that kinda standard i would be counting buckets, not just drops.
the verdict: the soundtrack, quotes and trailer was far better than the movie itself. if you really refuse to watch it, i think you'll be quite satisfied with the trailer. =D
NEXT UP: i was Pissed an hour earlier before i blogged this. WHY? Oh, i can't fucking post it here cos you know the damn story~ blogs are for EVERYONE to see.....and that EVERYONE includes that SOME PEOPLE you're about to talk about so....~ so what's the point of saying i'm pissed here when i'm not going to blog about it? Oh, the reason is simple: cus i feel like it. and also, because i'm human i have EQ and i don't want anything i say here to potentially complicate things. However, i do admit i'm being a lil childish here but, like i said, i feel like it. well, all i can say is that i don't blame anyone judging me from superficial interaction. i don't live for them. BUT, i'm not always obliged to be cordial, because i'm human, because i get busy, because i'm woman and i have PMS, because i get moody like all humans do, because mature as i am sometimes i behave like a kid, because i have a whole load of reasons for whatever i do that can shoot right up to the moon and back....and most importantly, because you don't know me. so anyways, i'm not pissed. i just wanted to rant. and shucks i've said a bit too much but heck, i'm not very sorry...this is just an outlet. if anyone gets pissed reading this, or have the slightest suspicion i'm talking about them...then let me clarify; don't think so much. i'm also learning to become a better person each day. so unless you're a saint too, let's all repent for what bad we've done [HAHA] and move on. LOL.
now that i've let it out. i feel GOOD. =D
finally, i have awesome friends!
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