Firstly, congrats to my BESTest friend, JIAYI LIM for your graduation!
i know i've said this enough but i really am proud of you!
be safe on your Shandong trip okay??

for more interesting narration of this series of gluttony pics, please log-on to FACEBOOK.

the ambitious photographer tries to capture a bit too much for this pic. hahaha...
..and i love my shoes. and bag. and hair. =X

i invited peter to join my NUS friends and i to watch 12lotus, which my JM's friend elton treated us to. there was a total like more than 10 of us there so can you imagine how generous he is??!?
My review of the movie is that contrary to what tongues are wagging about how sub standard it is, it came as quite a pleasant surprise to me. i gotta admit after all the bad reviews on the news and stuff about the movie being lack-lustre compared to 881, i didn't expect much for 12Lotus. but after watching the movie, i must say it's much better than 881 if i ever have to make comparisons. however, though both movies are pretty much alike in terms of the getai aspect, they're nothing the same and those clueless aunties and uncles out there really shouldn't compare the two. of cus i cannot blame them cus if they were that good at comprehending they might as well be movie critiques. all they're looking for is light-hearted humour with pure entertainment value, or maybe they are far more interested in watching actual getais than a film. but what's with the bad press about this movie? did those people even WATCH it?? if they did did they even try to understand what it meant? i mean instead of picking out flaws and what not in the film why don't they be more gracious like acknowledging the efforts of the director? i'm by no means biased cus my jm's interning for roy, of cus i feel jack neo's films are entertaining and all.. if you're talking about taking sides i believe no one's half as Good as those big guns in sg's media industry...
here's huili so delighted with just being there.
peter and i.
peter actually got to SPEAK to roystan tan over the phone at TCC where we chilled cus Elton called him up to ask if he wanted to join them to chill at some place later in the night. it was just a random thingy and plus roystan's like half awake cus he was sleeping...but still, i didnt even get the chance okay!
an array of mixed emotions after the movie...
and we waited and waited and WAITED for the credits to roll...
for this moment...
can u see SUBTITLES by CHERINE LAU aka my beloved JM?!?!?!?!?
and SPECIAL THANKS to ELTON Goh (who treated us to the movie and happens to be Roystan Tan's very Good friend)