The Onnest sec school people qixiang ever had... including ME!

k, the end for the birthday.###
Next Up, F1. yet another passe topic but i gotta say it was really an experience of a lifetime man! for those of you who were less than impressed with the event, i dont blame you. i felt it was kinda dumb and all too until i get to experience it myself cus my dad had an extra ticket for the Sunday finals. for goodness' sake he had like EIGHT freaking tix for each day's event and he gave 'em all to his workers 'cept for the last day. and the best part was he bought the tix at TURN 1 so it's like quite near the pit stop and the view was damn Good. each tix costs like 800plus bucks can. OMFG. luckily one of his clients didn't get to go so i faster grab it even though i haven't complete my research paper due the next day. HAHAHA. boy, was that worth it man!!! i went there and bought lotsa F1 merchandise including a set of F1 sasha bears!!! took many pics with my hp BUT i couldn't upload them to the com cus of some probs with the USB. Anyways, i was more than elated to be there lah! you really gotta be there to feel it. i would've been damn sour about the entire thing if i didnt get to go. and i made my dad promise to get better tix for the next 4 yrs!!!! i took like multi shots when MASA and co zoomed by also cannot capture properly... they were rocket fast can. i so regret not bringing my digicam. SAI. i'll upload the pics when i have time.
and YES i changed phone again, but not the number though... it's baby pink, it's touchscreen it's SAMSUNG! haha. my fave korean brand. lol. my sis wanted my phone and it's stupid to have us both carry the same phone so she asked me to give her my ericsson since it's relatively new and in perfect condition plus it suits her more than this. so yeah, closed the deal... the ericsson was more ex than mine lor... and i gave her complete with the Agnes B handphone charm i bought...
and i wana say that these days, I SPEND MY OWN HARD-EARNED MONEY. i don't use my parents' to buy things for myself, contrary to what people think. i'm not rich, my parents are but they don't necessarily transfer their wealth to me all the Time and using their money makes me feel damn paiseh too. so if i buy things i like or clothes, i use my own money. unless they offer to pay, like all doting parents do... i won't reject. HAHA. but they've been tight on my spending these days so yeah, i spend but at my own expense. so stop thinking that i'm LOADED okay.
my mom keeps threatening me about how late nights and all will destroy my face and complexion and to tell the truth, I AM QUITE PETRIFIED by that. but bo bian, my friends only come online at night. and if i bathe late, i'll have time to spare until my hair dries. chances are, when i start utilizing the waiting time online, i tend to "flow", if you get what i mean. you don't? c'mon, i used the word before, it's a new media term to describe a condition where you get immersed into doing something. okay that's beside the point, the point is, i'm really damn scared. so i must try to sleep earlier from now on....though blogging at this hour isn't really a good start, i swear i am!
OHHH!! i forgot to talk about the chalet i had with the NTU friends during recess week. FUN as usual but things changed. the feeling's different from when we were in korea. but it's okay, we're still having fun, just not as much fun as before. but i played the bestest monopoly game ever with them! the thought of JingDa wanting to BUY everything w/o even knowing if the property is buyable is ultra hilarious... i almost laughed out loud in the train when i thought of it. the only horrible thing about the chalet was the ultimate waste of food. Overestimation is really sinful. i hope ong yy undertsands this by now. lol.
FINALLLY, i am going to tell you all about a FUCKED-UP thing that happened. as you all know (or not) i have 4 tuition kids to date. 1 at Central Green (CG) introed by my ex tuition kids' mom, and 3 others are siblings introed by the Central green kid's mom. what happened was on the first day of tuition, the CG side msged me last min that the boy has homework to do so he cannot have tuition when i was already on my way there, and they asked me to go over to the 3 other kids' house first, which i was totally unaware of. so i obliged since i was already there. naturally, she asked me to go there first, if anything, i will start arranging the tuition schedules starting from them first, then the CG kid. so all's settled, i'll give tuition at the 3 kids' house followed by at CG. SO if any changes were to occur from the 3 kids' side i'll obviously have to change the CG side as well right???
yesterday, after giving the last lesson for the month for the CG kid, his mom confronted me. but unfortunately cus she couldnt understand eng she had to ask her eldest son to translate, making herself look totally ridiculous.
she accused me of 2 things: 1) that i lied about a change in tuition time which i absolutely cannot recall what and also cus her son's eng was so lousy and had such limited vocabulary i couldnt comprehend what he was trying to arrive at. 2) she said "YOU ARE THE WORSE SG TUITION TEACHER SHE HAVE MET."
like WHAT THE FUCK?! HELLO?!?! i'm not sorry for the expletives i use here cus i dont know how else to get my frustrations across. of cus i didnt say that to their face but i totally lost my cool the moment i heard that. i find no point in trying to explain myself at that point. what you all need to know is that there was some miscommunications and there was only ONE SINGLE occasion i changed the tuition time last minute. apparently they don't understand the meaning of LAST Minute changes so too bad for them. BUT I CANNOT TOLERATE JUDGEMENT FROM PEOPLE WHO CLEARLY DON'T HAVE THE CAPACITY TO BE OBJECTIVE. and for one, I FUCKING DON'T LIKE TO BE JUDGED. but i can understand on one account - that is if that comment about me was due to their lack of vocab. i'll let it slide. but still.... excuse me, she's not judging by account, she's making sweeping statements on my character.
i was so HEATED i snapped back with my ultra pissed expression:
"Excuse me, i already explained myself and apparently you refuse to except any of it. it's either you don't understand what i'm saying or for some other reasons i don't know. but i think it's extremely unfair that you're passing this kind of comments because so far, i've taught other kids and none of them i have any problems with that. unlike you all, they understand that my tuition timings are subjected to changes and sometimes i have to make last minute arrangements. if you don't like the way things work then it's okay if you want me to stop teaching your son, i have no problems with that."
i must be so pissed i can feel myself starring him down.... all he said was "OKAY" and i stomped out of the house. i had to take 3 deep breaths in the lift to cool myself down. F**k lah, for the last time and i'm gonna be over this.
Okay, back to happier stuff. i hope my maid recovers soon cus it's financialyy draining for my family. thank god the operation did help, no doubt slightly.
we celebrated my granny's (mom's side) birthday on wednesday with almost all the relatives present at the restaurant. she's 88!!! and still healthy!!! we took lotsa pics with my cousins' babies, abit digressing but it's not always we get a chance to see them. and then thurs went to uncle simon's house for house warming.... so it's family family family through the week. i love family gatherings cus we cousins always get to catch up.
and I DROVE THE TT FOR THE FIRST TIME THAT NIGHT!!!!!! the revving of the engine really gives me the thrills man!! it's not that bad after all.... so if i practice more, i can say goodbye to XIAOBAI in no time! and talking about xiaobai, i'm gonna wash him tomorrow.... DAMN.
okay, after a super duper long post which i took hours writing.....
lemme show you my new found infatuation with my backview. HAHAHHAHAA..
not that i like to make fin of myself or what, but i really think i look better from behind.

Like some hot korean girl right??