I've been snapping away but didn't have the mood to upload the pics! Now i have! so ENJOY yah???
***Disclaimer: Just in case you are featured and look a bit unglam, if you wana mosaic off your face i give you friendship discount. One photo 10bucks. AHAHAHAHHAHAHA.
I'm jobless okay, this is how i earn money!!
Cam Whoring in XiaoBai:
very Hiao right, my sister.
it's okay, I'm HIAOer. =D
ok last.
Can't remember the date but Jiayi and i were at Marina Square
Dome has the NICEST Caesar Salad lah! I LOOOOOVVVE salads man. but i hate thousand island dressing. Register that if you are my true friend. :)))))
A very contented me.
Ther service SUCKS lor. At first the waiter say got 2 drinks then it became one. what the hell!? big difference can. They charge so much money but can't even get their facts right??? still wana argue somemore. Luckily we are not the kind that take things lying down. haha.... two anal women can be super lethal. heh heh.
But anyways, i won't be singing elsewhere for a thousand years i guess. CUS I HAVE A K-BOX/PARTY WORLD equivalent KTV system at home. (Rolls around in triumphant laughter)
Look at Ah lim's intense posture and facial expression!
tsk tsk tsk. Totally into it can...
oooo... my throne is threatened.
@ the Airport
trying very hard for a Cherine-impersonation

All the Nais UNITE!

YAY!!! we're graduating TOGETHER!!!!! i hope

I think we're a more subdued and controlled buncha people compared to others. and our version of a little lunatic act is to pose outside the office of our major dept.
@NM3225's LAST & FINAL tutroial (thank goodness)
From left: Cindy, Poh Si, Huili & ME
@ The Deck aka Arts Canteen
"Our Last Meal Together in FASS"
Look at the bright and cheery canteen now. It used to be dark and scary.... but that's not the point. Though we always, ALWAYS complain about how sian and undelicious the food is here, we'll still miss the times we used to hang out...the dao huey that occasionally taste good, the very popular papaya milk that tastes so yucky but we still insist on drinking for good reasons, the Yong Tau foo that serves lesser and lesser soup each time, the bar chor mee that takes half and hour to cook even if you're 3rd on the queue and the most popular average tasting waffles.
Look at the bright and cheery canteen now. It used to be dark and scary.... but that's not the point. Though we always, ALWAYS complain about how sian and undelicious the food is here, we'll still miss the times we used to hang out...the dao huey that occasionally taste good, the very popular papaya milk that tastes so yucky but we still insist on drinking for good reasons, the Yong Tau foo that serves lesser and lesser soup each time, the bar chor mee that takes half and hour to cook even if you're 3rd on the queue and the most popular average tasting waffles.
like they always say, it's never about the food. It's the PEOPLE.
..and these will always be the most dearest people i'll have fond memories of after graduation.
From left: Poh Si (aka DA NAI), Me (aka Xiao Nai), JM Cher (aka Er Nai), HuiLi ( aka Nai Zun) and Merissa, the dear sister (at the back)

All the Nais UNITE!

YAY!!! we're graduating TOGETHER!!!!! i hope

I think we're a more subdued and controlled buncha people compared to others. and our version of a little lunatic act is to pose outside the office of our major dept.