Saturday, September 17, 2005

PRIDE & some other nitty witty stuff


though i don't doubt my abilities in understanding or even reading chinese language, i do have a huge problem in trying to decipher the un-simplified chinese in "fan ti" words....

For one, it took me like 10+ mins to figure out the word "save"'s like i feel so Cheena all of a sudden....well anyways, that's just crap and i still managed to blog so i'm not really gonna bother about it for now.

today's 'REST-DAY' for me so that explains the fact that i'm not gonna touch my notes... No, not that i'm not touching them- i still gotta re'arrange and file them over again. so you can actually imagine how much i loathe the period after exams....cos it's not exactly OVER for me yet....... and to my absolute horror, my physical geog notes alone was like more than 6 inch thick....excluding my human geog part which makes up a whole GEOGRAPHY subject in case it didn'toccur to you. so was wondering, 53 days left so how the hell am i supposed to conquer all that??????

now that i have time to do some reflection on how sinful i was for the past weeks, watching DVDs and stuff....[ i simply could not resist television ]...this huge sense of guilt was undeniably OVERWHELMING. sad to say, i wasn't as prepared as i thought i was for my prelims....and as if it wasn't bad enough....i suffered from a brain block during the econs essay paper.....

nevermind, no one should sympathize with me or offer any form of's just like i'm plotting my very own downfall....too bad, i'm only human, i'm not infallible....i've got to put up with so much temptations [specifically tV] in life and sometimes i do fumble, i do succumb to all those negative influences. ------this is essentially MY form of self-consolation. lol.

Luckily, i do have a network of supportive friends around to give me the encouragement and advices i ought to heed but very seldom does so. BUT, i do appreciate those efforts. especially with the pte-ltd family...considering the fact that we're in IT TOGETHER....we MUST make it to UNI!!!!!! we're not gonna make promises now, we're gonna MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!!!!

oh, to my beloved JIAYI....though u may not see this but i 'll still say it here....
HAPPY BE-LATED BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! my dearest, grooviest sista ever!
[we're gonna take lotsa pics tml! and i can't wait!]

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