Thursday, March 30, 2006
chronicles of a tank life.
the shop really resembles a tank. transparent pane glass lining the walkway; a miserable space power-packed with rows and rows of accessories, bags, scarfs etc...and not forgetting the cramped cashier corner at the back.
all it takes is one look and u can see everything. clearly, not the ideal environment per se but it's not too nice to criticise it's presence since it does draw lucrative returns every christmas....
amidst all the negativities, i'd say it's pretty strategically located. a VERY VERY smart choice to be precise. you can practically smell the freshly baked bread and pastry from delifrance every half an hour [though it can make u gag after ur meals]. Intoxicating is the word for it... occasional glimpse of B-list celebrities who surprisingly doesn't like to be caught well-groomed. cute guys [in groups] strolling past every now and then...and if you're a nature-enthusiast, then you'll probably find consolation in the sounds created by an artificial waterfall in the basement.
i hope it doesn't sound like i'm whining.....cus seriously, i don't have an issue with the place.
maybe it's just me and my first-day-at-work-blues...or is it because of SOME people..:
1) i reported far too early for work
2) i had to run up to the office at tower B n back down to the shop, THRICE
3) i queued for "decades" at the ocbc bank to bank in some money for the shop
4) i ate alone for my dinner [this is the 2nd worst part]
5) my legs ached like hell cus there's no where to sit
6) the f**king alarm went off and caused a whole lot of trouble...
...this is what happened:
we locked the "tank" n someone pulled the glass damn hard to see if it's locked. that SOMEONE triggered the alarm which rang like a fire alarm, so loud that the whole ngee ann city can practically hear it. we panicked and unlocked the "tank" again and that someone ran in to de-activate then activate the alarm again. so, we locked up and left. END OF STORY...?
as we were reaching the train station, our supervisor called to ask us to run back and check on the alarm cus cisco called her.....damn....!@#$%^&*. so we made a mad-dash back only to realise that it was a false alarm cus everything's settled. we had to unlock again, then call cisco to let them know about it. and the rest was history.....
tell me if i'm pushing the blame. i haven't worked in that "tank" before and i weren't the one who locked up the shop. suay suay it that someone or me?! damn it!
Friday, March 24, 2006
what am i talking abt? i'm just refering to some companies who claim to be hiring HR, Admin n Marketing personnels.
not that i'm deeming them as cheats but if it's plain sales, just say it.
i mean you don't have to go such a long way to explain your comapany history, the wonders of your products or even the forecast of your company's potential......blahblahblah. frankly speaking, if you ask me, i don't really give a damn.
i just wana secure a job, which has nothing to do with pestering people to buy my products. [ for one, i woulnd'nt even think people will buy that idea]. cus not that i'm skeptical towards the things you sell or whatever, just that if it's really gonna be sales, i'd rather work in Accessorize. To borrow a neat line from pte ltd: the grass in greener over there. simple.
sad to say, it took me 2 interviews to really decide from accepting their offer. there's this 3rd interview due today at 1. it just dawned upon me that money aside, happiness and comfort is another criteria i look for in a job. if i couldn't see myself doing that in the long term, i'd opt not to do it.
So, the bottom line: thank you, but no thank you
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
a love to kill
you know it's the same ol' story told before, you know someone's gonna die, you what to expect, who's gonna be with who, and yet you literally keep your eyes glued to the screen, painstakingly follow the chinese subtitles which you can't catch half the time.
what makes you so intrigued and mesmerized is the male lead in the screen. close to perfection, and so full of character...
you're so driven by the thot of yourself being the female lead, of whom he kissed, hugged, and talked to. you begin to wonder, "how i wish i had a love like that". but, the other half of your more sensible self reminds you that you can only dream of it, because it never happens in reality.
it's shows like that which stands in your way- from being down to earth and realistic. but it's never wrong to fantasize right? what's wrong with being dreamy and idealistic for just a few moments.
i'm a self-proclaimed realist but my friends will think otherwise. before them, i can't stop bragging abt the love story i just read, the sad drama i just watched days ago, the latest tunes i've fell in love with. i even name some of them my husband of boyfriend....whatever intimate relationships possible. cute guys, rich brats, talented dudes....whichever category they fall into....
Sad to say, songs are songs, stories can only be stories. at the end of the day, it all comes down to you and your lonely self. how many times can you tell yourself it's ok, i'd sure find someone, someday. i'm not jealous, really. i don't care if other people are doing better than me. i have my friends, i'm not alone.
Right, your life's cool. nvm the hiccups along the way. somehow you'll make it on your own. nvm if it's boring, so long as you're alive, it's ok. But that's not what i want. the truth is, i don't wana lead an ordinary life. i wana meet someone, fall in love, fall out of it and be hurt, and then recover from it. that's pretty sick for some people cus no one likes the feeling. to me, it's an experience cus i've nv been hurt before by the people i love. at least i know i'm protected, and even the relationships i had before, i was probably the one who hurt them.
i really wish that life's like in the movies.....
the kind which u'll lie on your deathbed and reminisce about whatever heartbreaking events happened to you and the one you love.......the kind that can be penned into a sad love story which can make people cry.
Friday, March 17, 2006
accessorize girls' reunion
it's never normal when Accessorize girls hang out....cus there's ME! lol whatever, i just like to do dumb stuff with them. nevermind if we're not exactly of similar age, it's the heart that counts yeah? woohoo~~~ things get so hyped up the moment we stepped into the room! it's funny why everytime we sing it HAS to be K-lunch and it has to be the same few rooms they put us in.....heck that too! just so long as we get some quality time singing till our hearts' content n have a jolly-good time!!! hehe...for a change, i'll let the pix do the talking.....
here goes....
caught on camera 1:
we had a go with the dumb shot. check out shanshan's constipated look. thumbs up for the effort! haha....ooops, sorry bout' the editing though....*wink*

Winner: Xu Lishan
[for her "牺牲色相" kinda attitude]
caught on camera 2:
while they were so immersed in their conversation, AND singing, i shall just take another pic before they notice....hehe! no one's listening to renee.....................................................
Winner: Lim Yue fang
[cus she just simply couldn't be bothered with renee. to be more precise, she's paying attn to the wrong person.]
Winner: Both of us
[Renee scores big time for that scheming expression while i beat her FLAT with my voice!] ok, a bit overrated.
Caught on camera 5:
This one's's like one of my personal fave. you know what's the best part of it all?? I GET TO CHOOSE THE WINNER!!!!
Winner: ME!!! me me me me ME!!!
[tha's too bad man, life's just unfair......wahahahaha!!!!]
Caught on camera 6: for the biggest show-off.......hey, at least i've got my watch to show.... u can ignore the looks
winner: it's like duH~
[for successfully bringing out the beauty of my guess watch. a fine example of how a not-so-applaudible model highlights a drop-dead-gorgeous mechandise]
The verdict: no hard feelings okay people? i feel sorry for u guys.....hahahahhahaaaa....there's always a second time eh?hahahahhahahahhaaaa.... all right all right..... i totally understand that defeat's hard to now where's my diamond-crusted tiara?!
Credits to renee for the k-Lunch treat !
Thursday, March 16, 2006
byebye phoney...
A part of me feels sorry for her, the other half just felt like pushing her head into the toilet bowl.
And to think that she just got the phone a few months ago....the latest samsung can't be worst.
She probably felt the same excruciating pain she felt 2 years ago and it may well take a toll on her screwed up life....i don't care. she kinda deserved it.
what's her problem? i don't leave my phone in some pizza hut place and walk away happily with my friends...i don't put my phone on silent mode FOREVER so that people can't find me and i definitely don't ignore calls. you think some kind souls will call your friends and let them know they've found your phone?? you think singaporeans are not greedy? you think you won't be so unlucky? think again man. not everyone has a clear conscience or righteous values. finder's takers. get it?!
what's with her bloody attitutde and character?
I hate to say this but they're pretty rotten. i hope she feels real bad for whatever happened. i hope she'll still feel bad about it 10 yrs later.
so what if i sound mean? this is really the one and only way to make her learn her lesson. i so wanted to give her a piece of my mind yesterday when she broke it to us but i still had my reservations.
After taking turns to bombard her, my parents can't help but wonder if they'd spoilt her all these years. or maybe they're simply too occupied with my studies....heck which ever it is....but the karma seems to fall upon my sister.
she cried so hard last night that her eyes are all red and puffy this morning. she learnt her lesson the hard way.......
But STILL, howcome i never lose my phone?? !@#$$%%^** i think i feel worst for her poor phone. if only i own it. that will never EVER happen. aaawwwwww.......
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
i'm suffering from internal bleeding.
and it's dripping away from my bank account.
i better stop to heal before i'm dry.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
what have i achieved?
i wana know you ever feel empty, useless, unwanted, dreadful, "sian" and downright unutilised sometimes? one fine day you wake up in the afternoon, the airconditioner switched off by your beloved mother, you feel sweaty and sticky but still covered in the sheets and your dog's fur all over your sneeze then sit up, trying to recall what great plans you have for the day only to find out that there's practically no one in your phonebook u can date in particular. FLAT- u feel so damn flat. what's worst is the unbearable headache u suffer after waking up from 12 hours plus of sleep. that feeling sucked like there's no tomorrow. sometimes i really wana believe that there's no tomorrow. with tomorrows like that, i wish i can sleep for life. i'm sure i have more use than just sleeping, eating, and going to bed. the thing is, it's almost natural for me to feel lifeless these days......
let's see, lemme just recollect the number of remarkable things i've done this week. so far, the greatest of all should be bringing my granny for a check up in the hospital. an then, 2nd on the list, should be babysitting or i should say, BONDING with my beloved pet. Mr muffy seems to think that whenever i'm in shorts it equates "we're going for a walk". cool, it even rhymes....wah-lau-eh....and then he sticks to me like glue tailing me wherever i go...even when i'm going to the toilet. oh well, at least i am of great importance to him. at least i don't feel unwanted. alright, as for the 3rd on the list, that'll be meeting up with gracey and lili for Uni applictions. 4th, i went to get my pay. my eyes almost flashed 2 dollar signs when i saw the paycheck. so the backache and hunger paid and then comes number 5- my parents finally bought me my GUESS watch, as promised. woohoo~~~~ love it man!!! hmmmm.....and OH! i bought my sis 2 pairs of earrings to make her feel better since she's apparently so stressed out over her assessment. she said it will affect her GPA at the end of the yr [whatever that means] and she can't understand god, my physics wasn't so bad before.....but can't blame her, cus she's in IP....the kinda things she study are meant for scholarships in the future, not like plain ol' us.....who just pray for a seat in
that's about all i guess.....nothing commendable after all...... gotta wake up early tomorrow...not exactly early but i can't sleep late into the noons since i gotta attend Suzy's father's funeral. poor girl, it must be extremely hard on her and her family. gotta go show her lotsa support. especially when she's gonna take her A's this year.....i hope everything will go well for her and her family from now on....i've been praying for her these days, you ppl help to pray too...
Thursday, March 02, 2006
a day to remember...FOREVER
yesterday was pretty emotional for me....i left Accessorize after 3 full months...
there's a fair share of joy and laughter, tire and pain.....but i won't regret it since i've met great ppl there. esp my TOP 3 on the list [ Dhila, Lishan, Connie n my dearest SUHAILA ], nvm if that's more than 3 cus i love them equally i'm gonna truly, madly, deeply miss these ppl.....and the rest too....for everything i've learnt and the prezzies!!! lol.
on my last day of work [28th Feb 2006], we were more like partying than working. hehe~ i ordered pizza for them and most of them came to the shop even though they weren't working...some even skipped sch for tt's prolly cus renee [our retail exec] was there too, since it was her last day of work as well.... yep, but i didn't cry though...cus i noe i can always pop-by for a visit..hehe.
That night, was also the night before the release of my A' levels' results......i thought a lot about it and was as nervous as ever.... what if i failed GP? what if i can't even get into SIM?? a billion 'what ifs'.....and that feeling sucked...anyhow, i still had a good night's sleep...think work's the reason for the lack of thank god for it. i slept all the way till 11.24 the next morning till i got an sms from jacky...'good luck' it read, [ i need lots of it]
and all's history....... i thought i couldn't make it.....i thought i'd fail...i thought i'll have to suffer the same emotional turmoil i've suffered 3 yrs ago but i was so wrong when i saw my results....
all i can say is, ' my hardwork really paid off and i couldn't be happier '.what's happier is, the ppl around me did well too...esp lili n gracey: do u all still remember the day we sneaked into the NUS library and studied there? how we wished we can all rightfully call it our 2nd we'll sit at the exact same table we sat in the FASS canteen? now we can!!!
I can practically smell the grass over at NUS, everything seemed to make sense finally. why i didn't make it to poly, why i have to take A levels despite dreading it for 3 made perfect sense....i can't say it's destiny but i can't rule that out either.
Everything's falling into place for me long bloody last.