My sister lost her phone......AGAIN.
A part of me feels sorry for her, the other half just felt like pushing her head into the toilet bowl.
And to think that she just got the phone a few months ago....the latest samsung can't be worst.
She probably felt the same excruciating pain she felt 2 years ago and it may well take a toll on her screwed up life....i don't care. she kinda deserved it.
what's her problem? i don't leave my phone in some pizza hut place and walk away happily with my friends...i don't put my phone on silent mode FOREVER so that people can't find me and i definitely don't ignore calls. you think some kind souls will call your friends and let them know they've found your phone?? you think singaporeans are not greedy? you think you won't be so unlucky? think again man. not everyone has a clear conscience or righteous values. finder's takers. get it?!
what's with her bloody attitutde and character?
I hate to say this but they're pretty rotten. i hope she feels real bad for whatever happened. i hope she'll still feel bad about it 10 yrs later.
so what if i sound mean? this is really the one and only way to make her learn her lesson. i so wanted to give her a piece of my mind yesterday when she broke it to us but i still had my reservations.
After taking turns to bombard her, my parents can't help but wonder if they'd spoilt her all these years. or maybe they're simply too occupied with my studies....heck which ever it is....but the karma seems to fall upon my sister.
she cried so hard last night that her eyes are all red and puffy this morning. she learnt her lesson the hard way.......
But STILL, howcome i never lose my phone?? !@#$$%%^** i think i feel worst for her poor phone. if only i own it. that will never EVER happen. aaawwwwww.......
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