*smiles WIDELY*
guess what? my first birthday preszzie i got this yr was from my lovely sista! as in my REAL sister....lol....she bought this one tree hill soundtrack for which i love dearly...wahahha...and a mirror from The Face Shop which i requested too...
oh well, picking and choosing birthday presents isn't really a chore of the people buying them anymore you know. since don't know when---- it has CHANGED.
i can actually recollect the number of times i literally squeeze every drop of by brain juices to think of a plaudible present for someone....even people like my close friends. i simply just can't think. but if you ask me what i'd like to have for a present, well, the list will probably be longer than that of the North-south mrt line. haha.
of cus i don't go saying " oh i want this, this this and this..." to everyone. sometimes i'd rather they choose.... especially those not-so-close friends. though i know my heart's crying "please get me that FOSSIL watch...!!" lol....doesn't it sound familiar to you? deep in your greedy little minds you probably have this wishlist which you long for but sadly, and always, you can only attain them yourself. hai~
though it defeats the purpose of a present wrapped under fancy gift wrappers [which also doesn't come cheap], you'll prefer to get something you like instead of a photo frame with small diamante hearts on its borders right. talking about bad experiences with gifts...YES, even your bestest friend of many donkey years can be lousy to some extent when it comes buying something you like for your birthday. [unless they totally...and i do mean TOTALLY hangs out with you like forever]. if not, the best presents should be found under your friend's "BY REQUEST" list.... cus personally, i'm guilty of such a petty crime too. when THE day draws near and you just couldn't gather enough inspiration. it can be disastrous...
and the worse of all is probably the delusion that you know what he/she likes. so you wana get a pair of shoes for her [but what size?]. i don't see him for half a yr so has he grown out of an M-size for Ts?? Oh you know so and so loves puppies, so you get a bag with puppy-prints on it...[an obviously WRONG choice cus puppy prints on bags is a huge mistake] but you still get it anyway cus you're meeting her in half an hour. and the most common tag-line you hear almost all the time "oh you can change the size if it doesn't fit" and some ingenious souls even offer the reciept out of convenience. how sad is that?!
why?!?!??! because it seems that "it's the thought that counts" pet-phrase became a convenient excuse to the world of friends these days.
now adays, who gives a damn man.....change, change lah....i don't mind.. no one really abides by such 'traditions' where you "surprise" people with gifts which half the time they don't exactly like them. who knows which pathetic corner your presents are sitting in your friend's home. not that i'm trying to demean the whole idea of giving birthday presents but sometimes it's just funny how it works. sometimes i feel sorry for the plush toys my friends gave me [long ago]. there's this thing called 'spring cleaning' every year so imagine my mom bugging me to throw old stuffies away and the thing is i actually feel bad and sorry for them. they're my birthday presents!! for some sentimental reasons i do keep some of them, no matter how much dust they collect. =)
the bottom line is----now i get to choose *smiles WIDELY again*
here's a few on the list...
1) a pair of birkies [don't worry, this is taken]
2) OTH soundtrack [did i just mentioned my sis already got this?...]
3) The Face Shop mirror [...this too]
4) Anna Sui Dolly girl...on the beach [ jiayi's take, sorry.]
5) a set of tarot cards [ jane n jan's already..]
6) an FCUK t shirt...light color...
7) gavin degraw's chariot EP
8) 3 pairs of earings from far east...of my choice ;P
9) an accessorize belt
10) buy me a good birthday meal. lol
okee...i reckon a lot of you will pretend you've never read this entry...*sobs*
and you'll probably be rolling your eyes in all directions......but don't everyone get to feel SPECIAL once every year??? at least i do.........*pouts*
....................... ....... ... .. ... .... ................. .. ..... .... .... . ...................
....now you even wana forget you've ever known me...oops.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
it's all over
it's all over
It's amazing after so long
i still do think of you
i've been breaking the rules
promised to let you go
but i just can't do
So i cry, so i lay awake
and picture your face
but it's too late, far too long
i can't help it
somethings just won't go away
it's over for you
just as it was for me
but each time i tried i just fall deeper
do you remember what we were?
cus someday, if i could
i'll never cause you pain
till then
it's all over
It's cold and lonely out there
i'm yearning for your touch
it feels like yesterday
but in a flash 4 years' gone away
So i cry, so i lay awake
and picture your face
now it's too late, far too long
listen to me
i'm missing you so bad
i'm sorry i let you down
there's no way to turn it around
i don't need someone else
but all i hear is this
"it's all over"
It's amazing after so long
i still do think of you
i've been breaking the rules
promised to let you go
but i just can't do
So i cry, so i lay awake
and picture your face
but it's too late, far too long
i can't help it
somethings just won't go away
it's over for you
just as it was for me
but each time i tried i just fall deeper
do you remember what we were?
cus someday, if i could
i'll never cause you pain
till then
it's all over
It's cold and lonely out there
i'm yearning for your touch
it feels like yesterday
but in a flash 4 years' gone away
So i cry, so i lay awake
and picture your face
now it's too late, far too long
listen to me
i'm missing you so bad
i'm sorry i let you down
there's no way to turn it around
i don't need someone else
but all i hear is this
"it's all over"
Monday, May 22, 2006
carnival day @ MI
this is kinda overdue but i gotta blog something abt CARNIVAL DAY @ MI since my fellow counterparts did the same. haha.

3 things i found amusing and entertaining:
....the haunted house. it was hilarious. they really need to try harder lah. the three of us [grace, rong n me] luffed so hard inside it almost sounded creepy to the people outside. lol. darknest doesn't scare people if they know what i mean. it's soooo dark in there we can't even see the faces of the "GHOSTS". n i gotta apologise on behalf of the 3 of us for stamping on one of their...whatever...we couldn't make out what 'it' was anyways. and did i mention that we needed assistance to show us the door? very funny.....i even disturbed the dead by answering a phone call inside. we were like "i can't see i can't see i can't see" through out...hahahhahaa.
....the band jams wer, uh, alright lah but if they're serious abt jamming in the school hall, the lousy pa system HAS TO GO. jacky did a great job saving himself from the not-very-impressive rock performance by singing some chinese songs after that...besty: stick to ur niche. =P
....the people i see in school....like the clothes they're wearing, aaawwwwww.....some really freak the hell outta me. think ur should know what i mean. eeeeeewww....and then i saw people i didn't like and didn't want to see, EVER. glyn n lirong knew i was running away....a real bad history which i hate to even recall.
i just bought $5 worth of coupon and i still have $2 left. all i gotta say is, my purpose there wasn't to spend at the carnival. i'm already done with what i was there for....lol. grace n lili will know. hee~ till then....i'll miss them!
went party world with jac n glyn later n we sang in the hall.... felt bad for dragging glyn to sing cus she didn't! she was sick n was busy making "wantans" with tissue paper while me n jac were singing. i'm ssssoooooo sorrrryyyyyy!!!!!!! i promise the next time we'll do what u like k? n get well soon pleassseeee!!!!

3 things i found amusing and entertaining:
....the haunted house. it was hilarious. they really need to try harder lah. the three of us [grace, rong n me] luffed so hard inside it almost sounded creepy to the people outside. lol. darknest doesn't scare people if they know what i mean. it's soooo dark in there we can't even see the faces of the "GHOSTS". n i gotta apologise on behalf of the 3 of us for stamping on one of their...whatever...we couldn't make out what 'it' was anyways. and did i mention that we needed assistance to show us the door? very funny.....i even disturbed the dead by answering a phone call inside. we were like "i can't see i can't see i can't see" through out...hahahhahaa.
....the band jams wer, uh, alright lah but if they're serious abt jamming in the school hall, the lousy pa system HAS TO GO. jacky did a great job saving himself from the not-very-impressive rock performance by singing some chinese songs after that...besty: stick to ur niche. =P
....the people i see in school....like the clothes they're wearing, aaawwwwww.....some really freak the hell outta me. think ur should know what i mean. eeeeeewww....and then i saw people i didn't like and didn't want to see, EVER. glyn n lirong knew i was running away....a real bad history which i hate to even recall.
i just bought $5 worth of coupon and i still have $2 left. all i gotta say is, my purpose there wasn't to spend at the carnival. i'm already done with what i was there for....lol. grace n lili will know. hee~ till then....i'll miss them!
went party world with jac n glyn later n we sang in the hall.... felt bad for dragging glyn to sing cus she didn't! she was sick n was busy making "wantans" with tissue paper while me n jac were singing. i'm ssssoooooo sorrrryyyyyy!!!!!!! i promise the next time we'll do what u like k? n get well soon pleassseeee!!!!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
one tree hill
"i don't wana be anything other than what i've been tryna be lately..."
i was just wondering, if an American life is really like what it seems on tv. like what i'm watching now, those people live outrageous lives. they pregnate themselves in high school, raise their own children while schooling, sleep around like FWB [friends with benefits], cheat on their best friends then make-up, marry when in love [and believe me, at a far too young age], dating a college professor, commiting adultary when their marriage are on the rocks [or even before], fathering 2 sons...just to name a few. is it real or is it just drama?
i'd like to believe they're overrated but a part of me feels that lives like that aren't really a bad thing. not that i'm supporting the sleeping around part but it's definitely more interesting than anticipating sales and queueing at zouk.
though we do have small estates and towns here, it's far from what it's like in western countries. people know you by name even when you stay three streets down. here, i don't even know who's staying around the corner of my flat. it can be a bad thing though if too many people know you, especially when you don't wana get busted for screwing things up. to be straight, life here is safe, comfortable, routine.....mundane. anything else on the list above is pure taboo.
now why does it seem like i'm taking my life for granted? am i wrong to want something more than just being comfortable? i wish i had problems like the characters do, but i'd safely rule out adultary or anything that has to do with sexuality. what the hell....i'm still conservative in the right way.
hmmm...just so you know, it's actually a 'food for thought' after a whole day of OTH marathon.
i was just wondering, if an American life is really like what it seems on tv. like what i'm watching now, those people live outrageous lives. they pregnate themselves in high school, raise their own children while schooling, sleep around like FWB [friends with benefits], cheat on their best friends then make-up, marry when in love [and believe me, at a far too young age], dating a college professor, commiting adultary when their marriage are on the rocks [or even before], fathering 2 sons...just to name a few. is it real or is it just drama?
i'd like to believe they're overrated but a part of me feels that lives like that aren't really a bad thing. not that i'm supporting the sleeping around part but it's definitely more interesting than anticipating sales and queueing at zouk.
though we do have small estates and towns here, it's far from what it's like in western countries. people know you by name even when you stay three streets down. here, i don't even know who's staying around the corner of my flat. it can be a bad thing though if too many people know you, especially when you don't wana get busted for screwing things up. to be straight, life here is safe, comfortable, routine.....mundane. anything else on the list above is pure taboo.
now why does it seem like i'm taking my life for granted? am i wrong to want something more than just being comfortable? i wish i had problems like the characters do, but i'd safely rule out adultary or anything that has to do with sexuality. what the hell....i'm still conservative in the right way.
hmmm...just so you know, it's actually a 'food for thought' after a whole day of OTH marathon.
Friday, May 19, 2006
A div Volleyball 2006
TJC LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aaawwww.........man......... how can that be?! the scores were bloody close though, and i personally think that they definitely put up a good fight. great game, the spirit was unbreakable. i'm sure all the volleyball fanatics who were present yesterday felt the same thrill of adrenaline rush with every spike and drop shot made. volleyball is THE game man. the coolest, full of poise and style....lol. i don't know about other sports but i'm standing by my fave...=)
i hope the Tj guys aren't that sad. [great pity]..because they did play well. and for the benefit of doubt to those who don't know why they lost, 3/4 of Anderson's team were repeat students. not that i have anything against them...but it's kinda like a handicapped game for TJ. a bit of unfairness as well, but still, a 5-setter game is darn impressive. *three cheers*
of cus, genius ol' me took video clips of the games here and there...they can well serve as a reminder of my passion in the sport. haha. anyways, HCI and NYJC's ladies' game was good as well... HCI's power spikes saved the day!!! beautiful....... that explains why most of us were at the edge of our seats!
besides the excitement n all, there are always jokers who try to be funny during the matches. let me just let you all in to a few classical ones...
1: the HCI guys were right above our heads and aparently they got sooo carried away cheering that they didn't realise their saliva are accumulating on our skin. so much for tryna put up with these over-zealous smarties... and when the court suddenly became silent, this HCI supporter blurted " do that sexy serve!" when his school team was serving the ball. he didn't expect the spectators to go quiet all of a sudden and everyone turned to look n laughed so hard....it was totally hilarious....and i was still wondering what intelligent stuff can come from bright students...
2: the MC of our school [ MI is the official A div vball conveyner EVERY year] said something like "please refrain from using any musical instruments during the game. musical instruments include plastic pails." how original...... our eyes couldn't roll further...
3: this is the most annoying part of all. this sickenning girl from MI who was a "mopper" as in the one who mops the court during time-out, tried to flirt umpteen times with one of the tj players. unbelievable. not once, or twice.....but EVERYTIME she was out to mop the court she tries damn hard to smile at him. we can't be more embarrassed with what she was doing. ultimate loser. i feel sorry to say that she's in my school. what's on her mind?! she's the undefeated champion for the biggest joker on court, in the game, during the entire match.
thanks for blessing MI with a new-found name "school of desperados". seriously, i think her self-esteem is sky-high. oh please don't tell me that's what my school's girls these days are made of: as shallow as a puddle of water.
alright enough of that, let's just look at some lovely pictures...

aaawwww.........man......... how can that be?! the scores were bloody close though, and i personally think that they definitely put up a good fight. great game, the spirit was unbreakable. i'm sure all the volleyball fanatics who were present yesterday felt the same thrill of adrenaline rush with every spike and drop shot made. volleyball is THE game man. the coolest, full of poise and style....lol. i don't know about other sports but i'm standing by my fave...=)
i hope the Tj guys aren't that sad. [great pity]..because they did play well. and for the benefit of doubt to those who don't know why they lost, 3/4 of Anderson's team were repeat students. not that i have anything against them...but it's kinda like a handicapped game for TJ. a bit of unfairness as well, but still, a 5-setter game is darn impressive. *three cheers*
of cus, genius ol' me took video clips of the games here and there...they can well serve as a reminder of my passion in the sport. haha. anyways, HCI and NYJC's ladies' game was good as well... HCI's power spikes saved the day!!! beautiful....... that explains why most of us were at the edge of our seats!
besides the excitement n all, there are always jokers who try to be funny during the matches. let me just let you all in to a few classical ones...
1: the HCI guys were right above our heads and aparently they got sooo carried away cheering that they didn't realise their saliva are accumulating on our skin. so much for tryna put up with these over-zealous smarties... and when the court suddenly became silent, this HCI supporter blurted " do that sexy serve!" when his school team was serving the ball. he didn't expect the spectators to go quiet all of a sudden and everyone turned to look n laughed so hard....it was totally hilarious....and i was still wondering what intelligent stuff can come from bright students...
2: the MC of our school [ MI is the official A div vball conveyner EVERY year] said something like "please refrain from using any musical instruments during the game. musical instruments include plastic pails." how original...... our eyes couldn't roll further...
3: this is the most annoying part of all. this sickenning girl from MI who was a "mopper" as in the one who mops the court during time-out, tried to flirt umpteen times with one of the tj players. unbelievable. not once, or twice.....but EVERYTIME she was out to mop the court she tries damn hard to smile at him. we can't be more embarrassed with what she was doing. ultimate loser. i feel sorry to say that she's in my school. what's on her mind?! she's the undefeated champion for the biggest joker on court, in the game, during the entire match.
thanks for blessing MI with a new-found name "school of desperados". seriously, i think her self-esteem is sky-high. oh please don't tell me that's what my school's girls these days are made of: as shallow as a puddle of water.
alright enough of that, let's just look at some lovely pictures...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006
the taste of fulfillment
it's been sometime since i've felt soooo occupied. since the day i stepped outta my school [officially] i didn't think my life was any fulfilling. that's not considering that i earn myself a living temporarily. it's not quite fulfilling cus i have no idea where my money goes half the time.
talking about 'monday blues'..... i dread it. owing to the thought of tutoring 2 kids at 2 different places after work. what's new... mondays, to me, is is a classic representation of tire derived from routineness......
work. nothing much to say.......except that we're still secretly eyeing the suspect, though it seems all has abated. it's not that simple. the $200 has to be somewhere, taken by someone....we know. but who? i'm sure we do have our silent guesses. i'm neutral so there's no stigmas on my side. but i gotta keep my ass safe.....no doubt, i'll have to be extra careful these days.
my kid's english is deteriorating due to the 2 weeks break from tuition. i hope fever's not the reason for him to lose all memeory of what i thought him. in fact, i just witnessed an amazing household anecdote of 2 kids running around the flat pushing and kicking each other [real hard] and with the parent sitting calmly on a chair uttering gentle words of warning which are clearly ignored by them. how interesting. he not only don't look sick, he's actually bursting with energy. what a paradox to his behaviour during the lesson. i'll just have to widen my eyes a lil and he'll go weak. poorthing. am i THAT fierce? lol. i don't give a shit man. i have my way with nasty kids too... >:)
and then kid no. 2 in yishun......she's smart....but lazy. AND desperately tryna waste my time by engaging me in her "earnest" conversations.... the way she questioned me seem like she's really interested, but really, she's just trying to pass time off. the weird thing is i still fall for her dumb trap. when i, too, get carried away, i'd stop to ask her " are you trying to waste my time?" and she'll go " nooooo i'm not lah...." and this goes on like a vicious cycle... damn.... i hope she passes her math this time. <:(
the 3rd kid....[my sister!] she has an econs exam tml and she doesn't know a thing. she's smart but she really didn't lay a finger on her notes YET. marvelous. of cus i'll have to give her a piece of my mind before lending a hand. luckily my econs isn't lousy. and the concepts are simple. and coincidently i'm fond of inflation....so i sat with her for an hour-plus, explaining the concepts. thank god she understood.
think i've never spoke as much before in a day, not even my days in school......
another prob...i won't get my tuition fees till next month...shit shit shit. i want my $$$$$$
it seems forever to wait for it to come.....and the boy i'm tutoring wants me to tutor her cousin too......hai~~~ i need to squeeze time out badly.... Accz is still a responsibility i can't kick away now. i love the people and i promised to help. i'll have to keep to it by hook or by crook. this is gonna be a real test.
***volleyball finals on this wed..... im so looking forward to it!!! cus the girls finally get to meet up, watching the game we love!!!! cute guys, power spikes....tttt-j!!! till then.....
talking about 'monday blues'..... i dread it. owing to the thought of tutoring 2 kids at 2 different places after work. what's new... mondays, to me, is is a classic representation of tire derived from routineness......
work. nothing much to say.......except that we're still secretly eyeing the suspect, though it seems all has abated. it's not that simple. the $200 has to be somewhere, taken by someone....we know. but who? i'm sure we do have our silent guesses. i'm neutral so there's no stigmas on my side. but i gotta keep my ass safe.....no doubt, i'll have to be extra careful these days.
my kid's english is deteriorating due to the 2 weeks break from tuition. i hope fever's not the reason for him to lose all memeory of what i thought him. in fact, i just witnessed an amazing household anecdote of 2 kids running around the flat pushing and kicking each other [real hard] and with the parent sitting calmly on a chair uttering gentle words of warning which are clearly ignored by them. how interesting. he not only don't look sick, he's actually bursting with energy. what a paradox to his behaviour during the lesson. i'll just have to widen my eyes a lil and he'll go weak. poorthing. am i THAT fierce? lol. i don't give a shit man. i have my way with nasty kids too... >:)
and then kid no. 2 in yishun......she's smart....but lazy. AND desperately tryna waste my time by engaging me in her "earnest" conversations.... the way she questioned me seem like she's really interested, but really, she's just trying to pass time off. the weird thing is i still fall for her dumb trap. when i, too, get carried away, i'd stop to ask her " are you trying to waste my time?" and she'll go " nooooo i'm not lah...." and this goes on like a vicious cycle... damn.... i hope she passes her math this time. <:(
the 3rd kid....[my sister!] she has an econs exam tml and she doesn't know a thing. she's smart but she really didn't lay a finger on her notes YET. marvelous. of cus i'll have to give her a piece of my mind before lending a hand. luckily my econs isn't lousy. and the concepts are simple. and coincidently i'm fond of inflation....so i sat with her for an hour-plus, explaining the concepts. thank god she understood.
think i've never spoke as much before in a day, not even my days in school......
another prob...i won't get my tuition fees till next month...shit shit shit. i want my $$$$$$
it seems forever to wait for it to come.....and the boy i'm tutoring wants me to tutor her cousin too......hai~~~ i need to squeeze time out badly.... Accz is still a responsibility i can't kick away now. i love the people and i promised to help. i'll have to keep to it by hook or by crook. this is gonna be a real test.
***volleyball finals on this wed..... im so looking forward to it!!! cus the girls finally get to meet up, watching the game we love!!!! cute guys, power spikes....tttt-j!!! till then.....
Saturday, May 13, 2006
f**ked up
this is so f**ked-up!
i'm so damn pissed!
i feel like murdering someone now!
for the 2nd time...the f**cking alarm at the Ngee Ann City store went off.
the best part of all.....this time i didn't have to run back from orchard mrt BUT i had to ask my mom to drive me all the way back from home.
it's a f**cking long story. i don't even wana recall the damn incident. let's just say the place is cursed. this is not the first time i've overtly proclaim my hatred for working there...it just plain sucks. i don't know if i should put the blame on the girl i partnered with [ the same girl i partnered with when the alarm went off the other time ]. but twice???? how's tt possible...something must be wrong somewhere.
damn it! and why should i always be the one who goes back?! SUAY like there's no tommorrow can.....
man, it has to be the shop's problem!!!!! faulty pos machine. messy-like-hell cashier counter. a puny space for a hell-lota stuff.....get a life man, the shop's only THAT small.....it's either they should revamp it, or please don't try to imagine the shop's big enough for EVERYTHING. it's really pissing ppl off. locking the glass door is another chore on it's own. something has to be done.
maybe those assholes should try spending a week or so in the shop to experience all these shit before they start complaining about our working attitude whatsoever. they don't know a thing and yet they act like they know a LOT. wana hire plaudible staff with their KNS pay rate. maybe if they sleep earlier and dream about it, it will happen.
the entire company is SO F**CKED UP. period.
i'm so damn pissed!
i feel like murdering someone now!
for the 2nd time...the f**cking alarm at the Ngee Ann City store went off.
the best part of all.....this time i didn't have to run back from orchard mrt BUT i had to ask my mom to drive me all the way back from home.
it's a f**cking long story. i don't even wana recall the damn incident. let's just say the place is cursed. this is not the first time i've overtly proclaim my hatred for working there...it just plain sucks. i don't know if i should put the blame on the girl i partnered with [ the same girl i partnered with when the alarm went off the other time ]. but twice???? how's tt possible...something must be wrong somewhere.
damn it! and why should i always be the one who goes back?! SUAY like there's no tommorrow can.....
man, it has to be the shop's problem!!!!! faulty pos machine. messy-like-hell cashier counter. a puny space for a hell-lota stuff.....get a life man, the shop's only THAT small.....it's either they should revamp it, or please don't try to imagine the shop's big enough for EVERYTHING. it's really pissing ppl off. locking the glass door is another chore on it's own. something has to be done.
maybe those assholes should try spending a week or so in the shop to experience all these shit before they start complaining about our working attitude whatsoever. they don't know a thing and yet they act like they know a LOT. wana hire plaudible staff with their KNS pay rate. maybe if they sleep earlier and dream about it, it will happen.
the entire company is SO F**CKED UP. period.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
i hate the smell of smoke...it's utterly unbearable and disgusting.
anyhow, i had to put up with it cus it's my colleague's birthday party... besides that, it was a whole lotta fun. we went to this pub near the national library [ sorry, can't really remember it's name ] but the people who went are kinda fun n Onz...lol...can't believe i'm using that word. sound so lian-ish.
whatever, visiting a pub is the lian-est idea on it's own....hehe...that's to me of cus... this is not a criticism on anybody who frequents these places [ cus my dad's one of them ]...it's just a stigma of some sort that only uncles or let's just say middle aged individuals patronize them. the kinda songs they play over the karaoke system will be dominantly in hokkien. lol. so this was what i braced myself for...but i was so wrong, the place isn't that bad....in fact, lotsa young people are spotted, and majority of whom are my colleagues' friends...and the songs, surprisingly updated.
with that, how can i not sing a tune or two right? lol i don't think i sounded good cus i can't hear myself half the time...and the best thing is no one in particular was paying attention to it. which is kinda good. haha. i think my colleague was like the star of the night when the cameras happily clicked away with the blinding flashlights... FUn Fun FUN. though i didn't taste a drop of alcohol. haha. oh, and did i mention it was the first time i've been to such a place? what an experience!
i went home with 2 of my younger colleagues first cus we all stay in yishun....can share cab fare... hahaha!
oh! i wana complain about something!!! i just wana comment on the receptionist of a certain company which starts with M, who is under the HR department. her attitude totally sucked. period. if the seats at the reception ain't meant for human beings you should just lay an alter there with some joss sticks....what's with asking us to wait outside? that's like so inconsiderate and selfish. does she feel so dejected working as a receptionist that she has to take it out on us?! that really pisses me off man. you're just a bloody-puny receptionist. [i have nothing against this profession just that people with attitude problem yet chooses to work in the service-sectors turns me OFF!].
Connie and i starved for 3 hours before we finally get to eat our SUBWAY sandwiches. i hate the HR department....where sucky faces and rotten attitudes breed. *pukez*
anyhow, i had to put up with it cus it's my colleague's birthday party... besides that, it was a whole lotta fun. we went to this pub near the national library [ sorry, can't really remember it's name ] but the people who went are kinda fun n Onz...lol...can't believe i'm using that word. sound so lian-ish.
whatever, visiting a pub is the lian-est idea on it's own....hehe...that's to me of cus... this is not a criticism on anybody who frequents these places [ cus my dad's one of them ]...it's just a stigma of some sort that only uncles or let's just say middle aged individuals patronize them. the kinda songs they play over the karaoke system will be dominantly in hokkien. lol. so this was what i braced myself for...but i was so wrong, the place isn't that bad....in fact, lotsa young people are spotted, and majority of whom are my colleagues' friends...and the songs, surprisingly updated.
with that, how can i not sing a tune or two right? lol i don't think i sounded good cus i can't hear myself half the time...and the best thing is no one in particular was paying attention to it. which is kinda good. haha. i think my colleague was like the star of the night when the cameras happily clicked away with the blinding flashlights... FUn Fun FUN. though i didn't taste a drop of alcohol. haha. oh, and did i mention it was the first time i've been to such a place? what an experience!
i went home with 2 of my younger colleagues first cus we all stay in yishun....can share cab fare... hahaha!
oh! i wana complain about something!!! i just wana comment on the receptionist of a certain company which starts with M, who is under the HR department. her attitude totally sucked. period. if the seats at the reception ain't meant for human beings you should just lay an alter there with some joss sticks....what's with asking us to wait outside? that's like so inconsiderate and selfish. does she feel so dejected working as a receptionist that she has to take it out on us?! that really pisses me off man. you're just a bloody-puny receptionist. [i have nothing against this profession just that people with attitude problem yet chooses to work in the service-sectors turns me OFF!].
Connie and i starved for 3 hours before we finally get to eat our SUBWAY sandwiches. i hate the HR department....where sucky faces and rotten attitudes breed. *pukez*
Sunday, May 07, 2006
how's it going?
was just blog surfing this afternoon and i realized how far apart some of my friends are from me. i didn't just read entries from my old list but instead took the trouble to go beyond that. a lot of people know tt reading isn't exactly my fav...so i sat for pass an hour tryna digest what my friends are up to these days...
cool...so i'm not alone, some of them are like me, some of them had more interesting stuff to do. good to know that, really.
my parents went out "dating" as usual...more than often, Sunday is like "movie-day" to them. i have friends telling me that they envy the kind of relationship my parents share which i agree... still, they kindly offered to bring me along-everyime- but hey, though i'm close with them, i'd rather not. as i grow older, i also grew outta the tagging-along phase, esp on things like going to the movies...so i stayed home of cus.
my sis, as usual, hasn't finish her homework and the endless projects, or so to speak. the funny thing is, here i am blogging [spending my time of freedom, DESERVINGLY], the next thing i know when i turn my head to her, i see her staring at her laptop with some dumb game called SIMS. no offence, but tt's a bloody bad habit. and there she goes, gulping down 7-up from the 1 litre bottle itself...eeeew...i often wondered how JC students are like at home, now i know. they not only don't bury themselves in books, they're also kinda dysfunctional to a certain degree. lest she isn't just an average JC student. cream of the crop, like my dad likes to put it. but from her every behaviour n the way she hugs her 2 stinky pillows in her bed....you just can't fit her into the picture.
another week's gone by....money's coming in i hope....
sometimes i just wish there'll be a reunion of some sort for friends to gather and chat our hearts out but time nv allows this to happen. everyone's got their own stuff to do, busy busy busy....... when can it ever be when we can sit and chat over a cup of caramel ice blended...again?
anyways, met up with collin, jacky, n glynis last night. Karaoke sessions with them kicks-ass!
tommorrow is THE day man. i'm done with considerations and procrastination....
F.Y.I: Rain's made it into TIME's 100th most influential people in the world...how cool is that?! to those people who thinks pop-culture is dumb n dying....haha..he's gonna make it real big in the US.....i don't just idolise popstars for nothing OKAY. hmmm, not exactly idolizing, but more like admiring.
you know what's the best thing? i'm still reading TIME mag ok....lol.....and this LEE KUAN YEW book my dad gave me...OoOoo...how inspiring....
cool...so i'm not alone, some of them are like me, some of them had more interesting stuff to do. good to know that, really.
my parents went out "dating" as usual...more than often, Sunday is like "movie-day" to them. i have friends telling me that they envy the kind of relationship my parents share which i agree... still, they kindly offered to bring me along-everyime- but hey, though i'm close with them, i'd rather not. as i grow older, i also grew outta the tagging-along phase, esp on things like going to the movies...so i stayed home of cus.
my sis, as usual, hasn't finish her homework and the endless projects, or so to speak. the funny thing is, here i am blogging [spending my time of freedom, DESERVINGLY], the next thing i know when i turn my head to her, i see her staring at her laptop with some dumb game called SIMS. no offence, but tt's a bloody bad habit. and there she goes, gulping down 7-up from the 1 litre bottle itself...eeeew...i often wondered how JC students are like at home, now i know. they not only don't bury themselves in books, they're also kinda dysfunctional to a certain degree. lest she isn't just an average JC student. cream of the crop, like my dad likes to put it. but from her every behaviour n the way she hugs her 2 stinky pillows in her bed....you just can't fit her into the picture.
another week's gone by....money's coming in i hope....
sometimes i just wish there'll be a reunion of some sort for friends to gather and chat our hearts out but time nv allows this to happen. everyone's got their own stuff to do, busy busy busy....... when can it ever be when we can sit and chat over a cup of caramel ice blended...again?
anyways, met up with collin, jacky, n glynis last night. Karaoke sessions with them kicks-ass!
tommorrow is THE day man. i'm done with considerations and procrastination....
F.Y.I: Rain's made it into TIME's 100th most influential people in the world...how cool is that?! to those people who thinks pop-culture is dumb n dying....haha..he's gonna make it real big in the US.....i don't just idolise popstars for nothing OKAY. hmmm, not exactly idolizing, but more like admiring.
you know what's the best thing? i'm still reading TIME mag ok....lol.....and this LEE KUAN YEW book my dad gave me...OoOoo...how inspiring....
Saturday, May 06, 2006
yet another korean drama
the princess hours
just look at their cast...OooOoOoOoo.....so cute.....

just look at their cast...OooOoOoOoo.....so cute.....

here comes the "alfred bears'" version...
KAWAII!!!!!! lol..
all i can say is, you won't regret watching it.
*btw, i got my skin from the show as well...nice! [better than the 'zi lian' one right shin sao?
Thursday, May 04, 2006
ordinary day
no work today.
i woke up at 10.56 in the morning cus i couldn't stand the smell coming from the kitchen. my maid was probably frying some stuff. that's like the most bothering smell in the morning. i woke up partly because i felt kinda guilty for enjoying too much air-con. our bills are inflating like a balloon i heard, so i better not contribute any more to it since i dont bring money home every month.
instead of slacking my day away, a certain sense of responsibility overwhelmed me and i knew that i can't possibly waste my time away. since school's gonna start after such a long break, i gotta keep up with knowledge. you don't wana lose out and go "uh...." when ur schoolmates engage in a convo right? besides, some jc students can be real scary.....they sort of make you feel dumb sometimes.
so i read a lot [ my a lot meant more than what i usually read] lol....but the surprising thing was, i didn't take it much as a chore, i read more outta interest...probably spurred by the recent election rallies...
talking about rallies, nee soon central had a rally yesterday....it was kinda predicted that more people turn up for the WP's rally than the PAP's. the numbers weren't made up of genuine support i reckon. the huge turn-out on the WP's side was more generated by curiosity and pure look-see attitude. to think that me and my mum actually went for it too for merely 20mins. i better not comment further on that except for the itch i had on my feet for standing on the disgusting field.
so i read the papers and then laid on the couch for sometime. i didn't want to do more reading cus it'll just bore me to death on such a lazy day. i'm not the kinda bookish person like my sis. no matter how interesting the materials are, i just won't go on and on for the whole day. unlike my sis, who can actually finish harrypotter in like 2 days....i simply can't.
that's why i settled for math instead. lol i'm by no means trying to catch up with my less than plaudable grades in sec sch but i had to complete the math papers in order to tutor my student.
math is still, like a pain in the ass to me.....though i can get the qns right...i'm taken aback by how difficult the P6 qns are now...i can't imagine that 10 yrs down the road, my kids will have to undergo the same, if not, worse fate than this.
now, i found myself positioned comfortably before the laptop, writing this piece of long winded essay which is nothing close to a masterpiece. i call it professional-crapping... i'm writing this cus i have nothing much to do before 4.30 [my tuition], and cus i haven been updating. the stuff i wrote these days are pretty general and nothing much of what i was doing recently.
now you know......i'm boring.
btw, i haven accept any of the varsities yet...but most probably, it will be NUS.
and one more thing, my phone's dying on me.....ANYTIME.
i woke up at 10.56 in the morning cus i couldn't stand the smell coming from the kitchen. my maid was probably frying some stuff. that's like the most bothering smell in the morning. i woke up partly because i felt kinda guilty for enjoying too much air-con. our bills are inflating like a balloon i heard, so i better not contribute any more to it since i dont bring money home every month.
instead of slacking my day away, a certain sense of responsibility overwhelmed me and i knew that i can't possibly waste my time away. since school's gonna start after such a long break, i gotta keep up with knowledge. you don't wana lose out and go "uh...." when ur schoolmates engage in a convo right? besides, some jc students can be real scary.....they sort of make you feel dumb sometimes.
so i read a lot [ my a lot meant more than what i usually read] lol....but the surprising thing was, i didn't take it much as a chore, i read more outta interest...probably spurred by the recent election rallies...
talking about rallies, nee soon central had a rally yesterday....it was kinda predicted that more people turn up for the WP's rally than the PAP's. the numbers weren't made up of genuine support i reckon. the huge turn-out on the WP's side was more generated by curiosity and pure look-see attitude. to think that me and my mum actually went for it too for merely 20mins. i better not comment further on that except for the itch i had on my feet for standing on the disgusting field.
so i read the papers and then laid on the couch for sometime. i didn't want to do more reading cus it'll just bore me to death on such a lazy day. i'm not the kinda bookish person like my sis. no matter how interesting the materials are, i just won't go on and on for the whole day. unlike my sis, who can actually finish harrypotter in like 2 days....i simply can't.
that's why i settled for math instead. lol i'm by no means trying to catch up with my less than plaudable grades in sec sch but i had to complete the math papers in order to tutor my student.
math is still, like a pain in the ass to me.....though i can get the qns right...i'm taken aback by how difficult the P6 qns are now...i can't imagine that 10 yrs down the road, my kids will have to undergo the same, if not, worse fate than this.
now, i found myself positioned comfortably before the laptop, writing this piece of long winded essay which is nothing close to a masterpiece. i call it professional-crapping... i'm writing this cus i have nothing much to do before 4.30 [my tuition], and cus i haven been updating. the stuff i wrote these days are pretty general and nothing much of what i was doing recently.
now you know......i'm boring.
btw, i haven accept any of the varsities yet...but most probably, it will be NUS.
and one more thing, my phone's dying on me.....ANYTIME.
Monday, May 01, 2006
i can still remember..
the moment i set my eyes on the school, i dread the imagination of myself stepping into it everyday of the 3 yrs i've got to spend there. the picture painted was ugly and stale. the colors inverted, and nothing seem pretty. the very first words which struck my mind were "2nd class", "yucks", "my god" and "shit".
the million dollar question: "why didn't i work harder for my math"?
the extent of resentment was far beyond words....i mean, who will ever want to go through this kinda fate? seperated from all your friends, reduced to a position where no one in particular ever thought of as an option, an abrupt, yet regretful end to all the camaradrie built within 4 yrs.....[you did have best friends, but everyone's moving on] your best friends have a life too, a new life, in a new and credible school. you? "of cus, we're still best of friends"- those whom only meet up a few times each yr...the "u take good care yah?" kind....till this point, my heart has already sank to the bottom.
and at the other end of the red spat, there's poor ol' me, who struggles to make the best, [not best, but at least, livable] days outta this sticky situation. i'm totally stuck, either way, there's no turning back. everytime people enquire about my school and studies, it's like an insult. though very often i merely laughed it off and made jokes out of it, somehow, many a times, i felt like crying out loud. i hate to acknowledge the fact that i'm left-out.
i've met new friends, some of them are still close to me now and will still be in yrs to come. those were the ones whom i went thru thick and thin with... how we mugged the afternoons away, how we hogged the printing room with the prelim papers, how we bugged teachers for more tutorials on our own free will....we ran and panted and ran again every monday for the past 3 yrs.....cursing at the pe teachers and their 'inhuman' antics...[and yet we thank them for our fitness] to think about it now, we actually missed those torture sessions...]
for now, i'm comfortable with where i am and my own achievements. it seems most appropriate at this point, for me to pen a note of thanks to the school for all the success i've yielded. i'm so sorry, i couldn't find anything nice to say. i'd probably write something that reads " thanks for providing me with such a lousy environment which forced me to adopt harsh methods of survival". crude but at least it's something some of us can relate to. there are minimal number of teachers who are truly dedicated in their teaching and a huge part of it makes up the students' own efforts. but i gotta say this, even if we were spoon fed, some students are like spoilt brats who refused to open their mouths. thus, they don't get no where...
maybe this sounds like "chronicles of a sore-loser"...and it's like i'm bragging about how great i am...the thing is, i believe i have the right to say this as a form of consolation after spending 3 yrs in a place i dread returning to. for now, i can firmly assure myself " it's ok, no one's gonna look down on me anymore, i'm where i'm supposed to be. i deserve every bit of it." though the almost predictable kinda answer still resound in my head whenever i was asked about my school, i've finally shaken off the "tag"....at long last. no one's gonna go "huh?....oh...ok...." when i mention my school name from now on.
it doesn't matter where you came from...ultimately it is the product that matters. even JC students who are seemingly 'made' for universities, don't get into any... the ultimate prestige is to be accepted by the varsities....the most concrete prove of one's credibility... you think the uniform you wear is cool...you think sports is your life, you think revisions can wait, and sadly, you think the grasses in school are green....take a look at those in kent ridge and nanyang crescent...then think again.
the moment i set my eyes on the school, i dread the imagination of myself stepping into it everyday of the 3 yrs i've got to spend there. the picture painted was ugly and stale. the colors inverted, and nothing seem pretty. the very first words which struck my mind were "2nd class", "yucks", "my god" and "shit".
the million dollar question: "why didn't i work harder for my math"?
the extent of resentment was far beyond words....i mean, who will ever want to go through this kinda fate? seperated from all your friends, reduced to a position where no one in particular ever thought of as an option, an abrupt, yet regretful end to all the camaradrie built within 4 yrs.....[you did have best friends, but everyone's moving on] your best friends have a life too, a new life, in a new and credible school. you? "of cus, we're still best of friends"- those whom only meet up a few times each yr...the "u take good care yah?" kind....till this point, my heart has already sank to the bottom.
and at the other end of the red spat, there's poor ol' me, who struggles to make the best, [not best, but at least, livable] days outta this sticky situation. i'm totally stuck, either way, there's no turning back. everytime people enquire about my school and studies, it's like an insult. though very often i merely laughed it off and made jokes out of it, somehow, many a times, i felt like crying out loud. i hate to acknowledge the fact that i'm left-out.
i've met new friends, some of them are still close to me now and will still be in yrs to come. those were the ones whom i went thru thick and thin with... how we mugged the afternoons away, how we hogged the printing room with the prelim papers, how we bugged teachers for more tutorials on our own free will....we ran and panted and ran again every monday for the past 3 yrs.....cursing at the pe teachers and their 'inhuman' antics...[and yet we thank them for our fitness] to think about it now, we actually missed those torture sessions...]
for now, i'm comfortable with where i am and my own achievements. it seems most appropriate at this point, for me to pen a note of thanks to the school for all the success i've yielded. i'm so sorry, i couldn't find anything nice to say. i'd probably write something that reads " thanks for providing me with such a lousy environment which forced me to adopt harsh methods of survival". crude but at least it's something some of us can relate to. there are minimal number of teachers who are truly dedicated in their teaching and a huge part of it makes up the students' own efforts. but i gotta say this, even if we were spoon fed, some students are like spoilt brats who refused to open their mouths. thus, they don't get no where...
maybe this sounds like "chronicles of a sore-loser"...and it's like i'm bragging about how great i am...the thing is, i believe i have the right to say this as a form of consolation after spending 3 yrs in a place i dread returning to. for now, i can firmly assure myself " it's ok, no one's gonna look down on me anymore, i'm where i'm supposed to be. i deserve every bit of it." though the almost predictable kinda answer still resound in my head whenever i was asked about my school, i've finally shaken off the "tag"....at long last. no one's gonna go "huh?....oh...ok...." when i mention my school name from now on.
it doesn't matter where you came from...ultimately it is the product that matters. even JC students who are seemingly 'made' for universities, don't get into any... the ultimate prestige is to be accepted by the varsities....the most concrete prove of one's credibility... you think the uniform you wear is cool...you think sports is your life, you think revisions can wait, and sadly, you think the grasses in school are green....take a look at those in kent ridge and nanyang crescent...then think again.
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