how can that be?! the scores were bloody close though, and i personally think that they definitely put up a good fight. great game, the spirit was unbreakable. i'm sure all the volleyball fanatics who were present yesterday felt the same thrill of adrenaline rush with every spike and drop shot made. volleyball is THE game man. the coolest, full of poise and i don't know about other sports but i'm standing by my fave...=)
i hope the Tj guys aren't that sad. [great pity]..because they did play well. and for the benefit of doubt to those who don't know why they lost, 3/4 of Anderson's team were repeat students. not that i have anything against them...but it's kinda like a handicapped game for TJ. a bit of unfairness as well, but still, a 5-setter game is darn impressive. *three cheers*
of cus, genius ol' me took video clips of the games here and there...they can well serve as a reminder of my passion in the sport. haha. anyways, HCI and NYJC's ladies' game was good as well... HCI's power spikes saved the day!!! beautiful....... that explains why most of us were at the edge of our seats!
besides the excitement n all, there are always jokers who try to be funny during the matches. let me just let you all in to a few classical ones...
1: the HCI guys were right above our heads and aparently they got sooo carried away cheering that they didn't realise their saliva are accumulating on our skin. so much for tryna put up with these over-zealous smarties... and when the court suddenly became silent, this HCI supporter blurted " do that sexy serve!" when his school team was serving the ball. he didn't expect the spectators to go quiet all of a sudden and everyone turned to look n laughed so was totally hilarious....and i was still wondering what intelligent stuff can come from bright students...
2: the MC of our school [ MI is the official A div vball conveyner EVERY year] said something like "please refrain from using any musical instruments during the game. musical instruments include plastic pails." how original...... our eyes couldn't roll further...
3: this is the most annoying part of all. this sickenning girl from MI who was a "mopper" as in the one who mops the court during time-out, tried to flirt umpteen times with one of the tj players. unbelievable. not once, or twice.....but EVERYTIME she was out to mop the court she tries damn hard to smile at him. we can't be more embarrassed with what she was doing. ultimate loser. i feel sorry to say that she's in my school. what's on her mind?! she's the undefeated champion for the biggest joker on court, in the game, during the entire match.
thanks for blessing MI with a new-found name "school of desperados". seriously, i think her self-esteem is sky-high. oh please don't tell me that's what my school's girls these days are made of: as shallow as a puddle of water.
alright enough of that, let's just look at some lovely pictures...

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