Now i finally know the meaning of “中毒很深”.
haha. maybe you all should know better. i dream the weirdest dreams.
like yesterday night, i dreamt that i was one of the casts in One Tree Hill.
what's new right? i've always been this queer. even if i don't think about some people or something all day, i still get amazing dreams at night. and if i think real hard about something, i get better ones. =)
it's like a gift of some kind. isn't it great to dream of cute guys and all? haha.... but like they always say, dreams are more than often the opposite of reality. true true.....
maybe that's why i still don't have a boyfriend. i can only dream about it.
okay, fair enough. but the greatest pity of all is that i can't seem to piece the dream together. sianz. so goes the saying "you can't keep everything you want. especially what you want to."
i can only recall vividly that we were all sleeping in a dorm and i have a baby girl beside me. lol. and then Chad michael Murray came into the room....and all's history. not exactly what i'd expect cus i'll rather james lafferty. hahaha.....anyways, like i said, dreams can only be dreams.
i welcome more of these sort though.
even if they won't come true, it doesn't matter really. so long as i get to be happy at least for that moment.
everytime i watch a show i like, i'll totally allow myself to immerse into the plot. i'm so imaginative you won't believe it. haha. i'm sure some of ur are like this to some extent right? we all have our own sick-lil-minds which we won't expose to others so easily...
subconsciously, i think i'm beginning to crave for that kinda life. but i gotta emphasize again on the point that: i don't mean the f.w.b part. haha!!!
***i've been watching superband these days. my general motive was to laugh at those weirdos. but i gotta say that i'm kinda impressed with some of the bands now. like 迷路兵 and Soul... different style but their perfomances were really good. the rest are kinda duh...... and i'm also sick of the rapping n screaming or roaring....whatever u call it.
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