Ugly singaporeans & their distasteful behaviour....
did you read the new paper article about how some ugly singaporeans inconvenience the work of civil servants like medics when they're trying to save lives? i can't help but frown upon such disgusting behaviour man. if you don't wana help, fine. well you can just 'siam' to one side and let them do their job. but NO, because you're bloody late for work and your boss will, [as if 'to your absolute horror'] cut your pay by $30 bucks...and SO you cannot even allow the medic in. even if he's rushing to save a life, or something like that. yuck! you're so bloody ugly....disgusting, down-right cold-blooded! and to those who 'die die' must squeeze into the lifts and insist on endangering others' can go stab yourself. and i hope there'll be a dozen equally insensitive assholes out there to get in your way in your time of need. why? cus your karma says so.
that's just one of the examples to showcase the 'low-end' group of singaporeans. i feel damn sad cus i'm kinda proud to be one..... not in the ugly way though. you wana know why foreigners keep dissing us? that's cus even our own people can't help criticizing our behaviour sometimes. the next time we're too quick to defend ourselves when attacked, maybe we should do some soul-searching before pouncing at them. that's not to say they're always right. but it doesn't mean we're certainly victimised just because we're at the recieving end.
today, i went to this famous temple at bugis cus it's 'kuan ying dan'. ok anyway, i was there to pray lah, with my mom. i just wana comment on the appalling behaviour of some people... majority of them, sad to say, are singaporeans. and to be more specific, aunties in their mid 40s and 50s......i feel sorry that you're aging but do you really have to be so rude and grouchy?!
the way they push you is like as if you don't deserve to stand anywhere near them. and they give you that 'you're such a nuisance' look. not that it's super provocative but you'll definitely feel irritated right. and the excuse that 'oh, it's probably the heat, or the crowd or the....' is getting really, really old. so i had to push them back. there are some who repeatedly steps on your foot and refuse to apologise. so again, i either glare at them or shout 'wah lau eh'.....sorry, it's kinda inapropriate for me to do so but they should be lucky i didn't resort to head-butting.
and they'll even nag at you and can go on and on and on about it......just because you're unfortunately standing in their way. what about compassion and kindness???? isn't that what you practice in buddhism? i hope they're not praying to strike lottery, cus they're so not gonna strike in a hundred years. and there's the classic nightmarish mrt incidents. i'll leave that for some other time.
i'm not skewed so i have to admit there're many good people around too. but it just takes a few bad apples to cover the underlying better ones. and sadly, this is how stereotyping works.
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