when i was 14, i had 3 best friends....now, i've had 2 of them in my friendster contacts, and had fallen-out with 1.
when i was 16, i had 2 best friends....they're still with me now but i'm closer to 1.
when i was 18, i had 2 best friends....one of them's attached and we hardly meet, and i always hang out with the other until today.
Now that i'm 20, i have ANOTHER 2 best friends....haha.....
Meet my New Best Friends...

my point is, everyone of us has different sets of best friends at different point of our lives and sometimes it can be tiring to maintain...especially when we get seperated. But best friends aren't just friends....they don't come and go....they're here to stay. it just takes effort.
sometimes you can't help feeling tired over who's gonna organise the next outing, who's not gonna make it for one, who's always busy with their own lives and boyfriends. you get pissed, you get frustrated mostly because you don't have a boyfriend. you flare and then ignore....and after that feel bad for it. you've known each other like forever yet you still hate their attitudes sometimes. of cus, you know they're like that, you know their character but you can't help getting mad. They say things you don't like to hear, or mean things to your face. you tick it off as they're just jealous. then you start to wonder, why are You all even best friends when you get so irritated with their flaws??
But at the end of the day when we get to meet, we laugh our hearts out, we make each other smile. that's what matters.
haha. maybe that's what friends are for.
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