Monday, January 29, 2007

Episode: "Gross Dao" Fahrenheit autograph session.

Once is enough and i'll never succumb myself to such grostique circumstances ANYMORE!

lol. i almost LAUGHED OUT LOUD at myself in the damn queue. but what an experience. SO DESU NE.....this is what it's like to go gaga over funny.... you will laugh with me if you see the lunatic teens running after the van....

All you get is 0.3 secs with them after queueing for 4 hrs.....silly me. and how frustrating, i didn't get an autograph after all.....

regret...why did i betray david Tao for him...?

...the pic explains it all....[go pee also look so cute]. Damn....

at least we had fun.

Grostique Scale: **** [4 case u think it's somekind of vulgarity]5 is the max.

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