when's the best time to spoil yourself rotten and be as thick skinned as possible???? it can only be your once in a lifetime 21st birthday [yeah, like which birthday is not once in a lifetime...haha]
but bUT BUT!!!! this is my happiest. don't need to guess lah, why else will i be smiling from ear to ear....it HAS to be cus of the incessant showering of gifts lah! oh man........sorry, i simply cannot contain this happiness...you know, these don't just come by every birthday. some birthdays, you just sit in a corner and wonder what is the darn deal about this lame day. i know some people still probably feel the same on their 21st but whatever....haha....all it matters is me and my HAPPINESS. wahahahahaaaa....
actually, let's not talk about the material stuff.... my dad tries really hard, as in damn hard to fit into this "hip" world of youths. you know he actually sent me an sms birthday greeting from his room [i'm just next door by the way] saying really sweet stuff... actually it's him and my mum together... i'm really blessed man.... almost teared. haha. honestly, i couldn't ask for more. even if i saty single my whole life i wouldn't feel that sorry for myself. hee...
and then there're my friends. true true friends. i know it's kinda hypocritical if i say i'd only realize true friends on my birthday cus of the gifts i get. but that's not true. true friends really go all out. true friends does really sweet stuff for you. they're damn excited to get you stuff and plan stuff for you on your birthday. and some just can't wait to shower you with things material and not. and for one i know, this friendship don't just simmer-dry once the clock strucks 12. it's gonna carry forward to my 31st, 41st, 51st..............
you know who you are.
to my other cherished friends who sent well-wishes too....THANK YOU ALL BIG TIME! and i DO keep each and every one of your messages. hee!
hmmmm...but now i think of it, there're still a bloody long list of childish things on my list which i've yet to accomplish. 21st means a lot of things but it's not gonna stop me from executing some of them. growing up takes a lot of time k....it's not gonna happen overnight. cus today, i still feel like the 18 year old me. =) and it's not like wrinkles will just infest my face when i wake up the morning after...haha....yes, break outs are still my best friends [this should be a hormonal problem, though]. okay, if there's anything i'd like to change from now on, it HAS got to be the problematic break-outs! so that's about all. and what's so wrong with ticket vendors checking my IC??? it's a darn compliment, i tell you. wahahahaha...
oh....i just hope that my life can become more happening these few years before i graduate and be all tied down with work in this COLD, PRACTIAL, HARSH, COMPETITIVE, RUTHLESS society.
***secret wish***
here's my Mickey Yoo Chun, for you!

...THIS, is just one of the childish things on my list.
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