ONE Degree 15

Dad and Uncle Simon: they're the reason for the car decal on our car's windscreen. heee~~~~

Mommy looks so cool looking intensely at something. but i'd reckon her Dior specs are cooler. HAHA. and the grey object don't wana know.

My 'army' of cousins and relatives...and my cute granny.

yes we can all READ, meimei.

She smile like she own the yatches lor. woah you should've seen those kick-ass yatches there owned by some filthy rich balding men. [ok maybe not balding lah, i'm just jealous...] LOL. we saw really young ang-mo kids clad in luminous diving suits running around their dad's yatch...wth, we run around the void deck at their age lor.

this person don't know how to take picture can, the view behind is like as if we're at johore port. MY TIAN AH.....

woah...this cool or what?! then again if you think about it, the pool will be a cocktail of orange juice, punch and maybe some vodkha by night. eeew...

THIS, is even cooler! my dream MAHJONG table. auto shuffle and stacking. this is what i call EFFECIENCY!


aaww...the ultra comfy sofa...

The nostalgic backview is totally cool!
From top left: Roger, twin 1, me and FeFe

Don't need to guess, so the entire day was spent outside with my family, cept for the going back home to change part. haahaa... yeah i KNOW i should be studying but i'd sell my soul, no, TIME for a buffet dinner.
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