The performance at Youthpark yesterday was great man!
anyways, my camera's GREATER MAN!!! woohoo~~~ look at how cool it's functions are. TOTALLY. can draw, add borders and cliparts....YAY~
i had a few experiments with the pics. totally the one on top makes it seem like they had this REAL major kickass concert lor. lol. the lights and all...haha.

...and cherine...don't need to say. don't be jealous jm...cus my face is freaking fat here. [don't my Fav jm just looks so damn pretty??? look at his eyes!] HAHA
oooo.....and my Favourite Jm's SEXY BACK. it's damn nice lor, so please trust us, jm....u really look NICE OK!

..yes i've tried...
my expression just explains everything.
ok, maybe that one kinda failed. but he can totally pull off as a playboy pup!
..Muffy the Sissy wanabe IN DA HOUSE.

if you can't read my poor attempt with the stilus, it actually reads "I'm winking at ya, Babe." hahahahahaha...
another bad attempt at trying to color the but i had so much fun man! haha... face without make up hor...revolting.
alright, a few nice pics of Fefe stolen from the cam... [she hates to be featured in my blog i don't know why. it's not even popular] ..and people actually think she looks pretty ok.... but what's with the statue of liberty huh?? Japan has identity issues ah?

the thing on her head, is one of the useless things she bought from Disneyland..also part of the reason she had no money to spend after the Disneyland trip.
..and plus her uncontrollable eating habits.
CUTE RIGHT?! look at the mud on their faces! and that kid on the left is so gonna be in some Hana Kimi idol drama next time...cute!!! see why Singaporean women like to marry abroad? lol!

the thing on her head, is one of the useless things she bought from Disneyland..also part of the reason she had no money to spend after the Disneyland trip.

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