*This entry is not exactly boy-friendly. so do excuse me. =)*
Girls, lemme introduce you all to some HOT STUFF!!!
(read on for more below)
First up, some of you may have heard about Benefit cosmetics from the states. but for those who've heard but haven't tried or have reservations about them, well, u can ask me. =D the VERY willing lab-mouse who've have tried and tested the products. okay, SOME. i know the story goes "no, asian skin is different from ang-mo's so we should stick with Jap skin products and cosmetics". BUT BUT BUT, girls are suckers for everything chic and eye-catching! Even Hollywood celebs are suckers for Benefit products...so....u should read on! okay, at least feast yourselves with the colorful packaging!TADA!!!!! my humble collection of Benefit products
(cus i'm sort of still using Stila's)

First up,
Bene tint.
This is the first benefit product i've bought. This all-time fave of mine is the winner of the 2007 beauty awards by Harpers Bazaar! this amazing bottle of red tint, no doubt small and costs a freaking 65bucks, does wonders to your dull cheeks. it gives the most natural blush effect and is suitable for ALL skin tones, unlike the conventional cakey blushers in the market. like it's name, it's a tint so it lasts througout until you clean it off with your make-up remover. PLUS, you can even apply the tint to your lips, giving them an instant healthy look! isn't it wonderful? the best thing is it can last you a year! if you ask me, it's just MARVELOUS~ OH! and it smells rosey....ooooh......
Bene tint pocket pal

before you think i'm siao or have too much money, this is not mine. i bought this for fefe cus she's starting to become a bit 'hiao'. lol. okay, i'm kidding. cus she wants one so i got one for her. =D what a lovely sister i am right. HAHAHA. ummm, the point here is this, if you want something convenient, light and slightly less pricey (@ 41 bucks), you can opt for this instead of Bene tint.
"that gal" brightening face primer
don't the name of it just sounds so girlie? and suddenly your gu-niangness is revived just from the looking at it's pinkish packaging. wait till you smell it lor. smells so annoying sweet you feel like putting it in your mouth. okay, so what is this glue stick look-alike product all about? well, it's a face primer can't you read? in other words, it's like a base that helps to brighten your dull complexion before you apply your foundation. the coolest part of it is on days when you feel like going make-up free, you can simply just apply this primer w/o make up and it'll give your face an instant healthy glow! and the sweet scent will totally make you feel like the prettiest girl alive! HAHAHA. but please don't let them lie around the house esp if there are kids at home. they might just use it as glue.
...priced @ 6obucks
Last but not least....
Some Kind-a gorgeous foundation
yet another winner of the 2007 Harpers Bazaar beauty awards. Ummm.. i havent really tried this yet but i will soon when i finish my Stila one. it should not disappoint me since it's fellow award winning product (bene tint) is quite reliable. but it can be tricky when it comes to the right foundation. some women spend half a lifetime searching for the right one...so i'm not sure. anyways, this is a creme-to-powder formula, ideal for oily skin. it gives a silky and translucent finishing and is suitable for all skin tones. which means to say, there is exactly ONE tone for this foundation. let's see if it works for me. this is also 60bucks.NOW, FOR THE HOTTEST STUFF EVER!!!
BARON CHEN!!!!!!!!!
i know it's the same pic lah, but till i can get an even yummier picture of his, let's just make do okay. oh man, i don't wana sound like an annoying secondary school girl who's crazy over handsome actors but *sigh* i can't help it! and sure, tonight i will repent about behaving like one. hurr hurr hurr~~~
i think i mistook his name for 'river' or something when i watched the making of KungFu Dunk on tv the other day. LOL. and i insisted his name was 'river' all the way throughout the movie today..which obviously ridiculed Cherine quite a bit, cus who in the right frame of mind would call themselves 'river'???? LOL. but because he was so drop-dead gorgeous looking, we sort of overlooked that. and chen bo ling actually looked quite desirable in some scenes. SOME, i repeat. lol.
HA HA HA!!! meet your match, HE XIAO MEI!!!! he can so be your biggest threat! hurr hurr hurr....but no worries, he xiao mei, i will confirm support you (if you become as cute as baron). =X
yikes, i'm becoming grossed out by how disgusting i am now. i'm no different from those naive and immature girls on the street!!! eeeeeee!!!!!!!!! okay, i better keep my class before i irk more men with my unglam demeanor. lol.
My rehersed OS:
"well, baron, i love you but i know i can't have you. (sounds sane enuff right?)
besides, i already have micky. i should stick with micky no matter what. -_-""
(i'm all about insanity when it comes to handsome men) WAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA~~~~~~~~