I, impossible as it seems, suffered from sleeplessness yesterday.
i was dead tired and had no qualms about sleeping like a baby the moment i lie down. HOWEVER, i don't know what came over me, i couldn't. And i spent an hour plus, in desperation, engaging in some kind of mind-reasoning which i thought was totally ridiculous.
Like why the hell can't i just put my mind at ease? i don't exactly have things to worry about but it just went on and on thinking about everything. And if over exertion do cause physical exhaustion then i should be knocked out after an hour right? Apparently not, i think my mind is like partying in a pool of crazy thoughts, and neglecting the fact that i need to wake up early the next day.
i can actually number the times i tell myself "stop it! stop it! i need to sleep!" and then it became "okay.....i'm VVVeeerrrryyyyy tired already........ i'm going to sleeep...i'm going to sleeep....i'm going to sleeeeep............" and i tossed and tossed and tossed. i think this went on for hours. just when i thought i was really sleeping, it starts again. SHIT!
in the end, i woke up in the morning feeling i haven't slept. i'm not exeptionally tired but i just didn't sleep well. it's a complicated feeling. if you know me, you'll know i'm a person who values sleeping a LOT. what bothers me is not the lack of sleep, it's the lack of a good night's rest that's irritating. urgh!
okay enough of my sleepless topic. Boy JM was so free yesterday he helped me photoshop some of my pictures. i demanded one with Micky and i inside but he said it was quite hard and it takes time. JM, i have ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD! haha...but please don't make me wait too long, i'd die of anticipation.
Here are the before and after photoshop pictures of me:
i think i freaking look like an alien in the 2nd one. lol. jm, it's either your skills are not up to the mark or i'm too beautiful there's nothing to edit. LOL. kidding. thanks for your effort jm! i'm looking forward to me and micky's couple pic. HEHEHEHEHE.
oh, and this is my boyfriend, =D

LIKE REAL RIGHT. you must be thinking, if i can be his girlfriend, then you could have already been married to Jude Law. Honestly, if you can just find ONE flaw about this hot chap here, i would...i would....oh come ON please leh, you won't find it! he's like the epitome of PERFECTION. i know it sounds KZ but i'm forever generous with my compliments for men with chiseled good looks. hahaha. i was telling boy jm, he is the reason why ugly guys wana commit suicide. ooops. kidding, my bad!
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