5 days out of town and it seems i missed out alot. example, i nearly missed my Module Preference Exercise which i could have commited suicide if it really happened. the rest i shouldn't mention cus it could also possibly be the end of me if i did. i shall just indulge in my private laughs.
ANYWAY, photos, HAHA, i know i'll have to upload them someday... and you know my someday isn't exactly in this entry but rest assured it will be in the near future. hoho.
i gotta say that HK's air is so bad it's constantly on high pollution alert, you know the kind that if sg has it we'll probably be advised to stay home? yeah, you got my point. it's so bad i had eczema outbreaks can. but shopping wise, nothing we'll be interested cus apparently people there are into HUGE brands & brands and MORE branded brands. if you're meaning to suggest 'nu ren jie' or the likes, well, i'd say bugis street is much more interesting and sorry but they really are permanent "pasar malams" with repetitive goods. but ONE good thing about HK, they have H&M. i'm not explaining to you what it is so google it if you want. and MOST of you (my girlfreinds') Xmas gifts are from there. as for FOOD. Oh man, i'm weeping at the 2 extra kgs i put on within 5 days. i hope they get washed away with the tears i cry man...i should be weeping oil for that matter - eeew - THE FOOD WERE SO GOOD man. i've never ate nicer egg tarts in my life. i'm so obsessed with egg tarts now. lemme see, i just had 2 yesterday night and 1 this morning. not good enuf. HK's EGG TARTS ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!
HK ends there, now i wana talk about something absolutely ridiculous, hilarious and possibly Offensive to some. GUESS WHAT?!?!?! i'm gonna talk about......

aren't you all excited????!!!!! WAHAHHAHAHAHAAA. eh, i've decided to be really nice by putting up this appealing picture of her cus whatever i'm gonna say next won't be half as appealing. and before you think i'm dedicating this entire post to her, i'm not, cus it's just half. why am i doing this? cus well, i was just reading some mags and you can say i'm quite 'inspired' by them, like always and i honeslty found them very humouring.
So you see, if some mag can be publicly dissing her in their circulations, why can't I? hahahahaa....
If you haven't heard, she's released an *coughs* ENGLISH album in taiwan (this is the part you wince at the horror of it all). i wonder if she secretly feels "xing xu" for doing it and i'm hoping part of her disapproves of what her record coy is doing for her because it was really quite a disaster. For laugh's sake and since the mag's description of each song was so detailed, i went to listen on IMEEM. my verdict, the mag was being far too polite. trying-too-hard is an understatement.
this girl, poorthing lah, why the coy make her humiliate herself? even Elva who studied overseas for years didn't dare to challenge an ang-mo album...but OH wait, someone's an ENGLISH LIT MAJOR. her credibility just upped 2 folds but her horrifyingly inaccurate pronounciation was truly a testament to her questionable so-called qualifications.
Like that is not enough to make her a joke, she even has a complimentary book to teach english to her umm, equally disillusioned fans. i hope they're buying her album out of loyalty. let's just not start about the numerous errors the book has.
i respect her for her courage and efforts in trying to...(actually i don't know what she's trying) but lucky her, that unlikely album was a sell-out in Taiwan. notice, why is it not as popular somewhere else? you guess lor. oooh, my sister just said "of cus lah, she can only bluff people there mah." maybe that's also why the release of the album was far less upscale than her other albums.
just as i was getting over her clumsy attempts at gymnastics in her concert...omg.
i just hope her fans or her for that matter, are graceful enough for constrcutive criticisms. omg, i'm so mean....but i can't help it after listening to her version of 'kiss me'. that's one of my favourite songs you know!
Finally, i'm all excited about TWILIGHT! let's go watch together, GLYNIS!!
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