It's so rare for me to see the good side of life now, let alone pretty things like RAINBOWS. I think seeing one last Saturday really meant something; I'm missing out the wonderful things in life. Maybe it's telling me to look at the colorful side of things rather than the dull, ugly and monotonous... =)
This is what i coin recharge. Look at more pretty stuff, hangout with great people, lotsa SWEETS.... anything that makes me H-A-P-P-Y. Very timely indeed because if not all all these, i'm probably gonna indulge in yet another round of self-pity and incessant whining until the week's done. BECAUSE THE OFFICIAL CRAZY WEEK STARTS TODAY.
My personal brand of recharge:
#1 YY's 22nd Birthday celebration

p/s: for almost 3 yrs and counting, we shared tears and laughters, shampoo and toothpaste in Korea, and also share the same friend (Cherine Lau Jiamin),and alot other joyous moments.
Friendsie, Love you always :)
#2 Finally mastering the art of braiding...
#3 Cam-whoring
#4 Prettifying your friend
#5 Making funny faces
#7 Chill with my NUS GFFs (girlfriends forever) @ RED DOT Dempsey
#8 Drink Healthy Beer
#9 Stop and appreciate
When was the last time you just randomly vomit a whole conversation of nothingness to your bestest friend? if you haven't, you should try. it's therapeutic. Or you can try shouting in the car and ad-lipping to Jason Mraz's I'm yours in the most ununiform way.... and then laugh damn hard until you drown out the radio.... Love it. <3
P/S: If i ever get trapped in the car with you i might very well die of laughter than carbon monoxide intoxication. It's a compliment, love. You gimme SO MUCH JOY. LOL.
I'm gonna survive this week and live to tell the tale!!!!!!
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