Lemme AWE you (or u can pretend to be awed) with some discoveries i made lately....
Think the fitting rooms in Triumph @ Orchard ION are the most impressive ones i've ever seen. it almost feels like i was some big-time cabaret star...much as you won't wana imagine me as one. HAHAHAHA.
I know some of you might probably have seen something similar somewhere but your friend here haven't so spare me some room for indulgence. I was really more interested in meddling with the mood switches and cam-whoring than trying on the lingerie i chose. HAHA.
luckily i took quite a few pieces...so you know... an excuse to take my time inside. :X
Don't you just wish you own this dainty little dressing table?
..and don't you wish you were that sexy model inside the frame too??
me? i just wish i could fit into the cups (woops!)
feathers and furs... mighty LOVES!!!
this is so inspiring me to turn my room into a cabaret box! HAHA...
Lemme see, shall i start with picking up Muffy's fur remnants on the sofas? Or netting bird feathers from the pond????
Did i also mention the awesome 'mood' modes they have??
i shall spam you with illustrations...of myself(ahem).
Blue: Chill-out Mood

Red: Uh, Dangerously Sexy mood?

Purple: I forgot what mood... LOL
Pink: Sensual Mood??
Okay whatever lah, not a very good illustration cus i can't remember the labels on the switch. LOL. I just wanted to spam and you only need to pay attention to the incredible array of color displays. haha... Ignore my unoriginal poses too...
Just to prove how AWED i was. hahahaha.
The bad BAD BAD:
We were damn early (in Sg standard) for a GV movie.
Just so you wana know... we watched The Proposal and it was AWESOME. (in case u think i have limited vocab in this post, i'm telling you this is my new favourite Adjective. LOL)
k, like i said, we were so darm early... there was NOBODY in the cinema at all.
To make sure nobody's really there, i went "are there anyone making out behind???" u know, sometimes sec sch kids may hide behind kissing and all....
we decided we could do some cam-whoring since we might never get to experience this emptiness anymore. HAHA.
..and so we did
and continued for like 10 mins...
Until we discovered this:
Aww...popcorn....on the floor...of cus of cus, it's a cinema. the cleaner might have missed it that's all... as long as it's not on our seats...oh well...
the mother of all HORRORS
We totally thought we could actually see Kutus and whatever hell of microscopic pests in their same family making mini-jumps around the damn seat.
what was THAT?! some patrons farted poison on the seat? What about the handles?!
F.Y.I, this is just one of the seats out of the many other condemned seats we discovered later.
Appalled and Insulted, huh? Apparently the Management didn't think we're hygenic people who actually care about what we sit on.
So never gonna visit GV yishun ever EVER EVER. EVER AGAIN.
Glynis is smiling in trauma. HAHAHAHA.
did i say EVER?
The weird:
Of cus, what's an entry without featuring MYSELF.

Luckily for you, i decided to go keesiao this time.

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