so the final meeting's at the library's media room...and as usual, we made a lot of noise. well, it's not suprising with me and yy around. lol! Apple-Girls are happening, what to do?? lol.
we're currently recruiting new members. Irene's our target! cus she's super comical...always don't know what's going on and stuff... her expressions are classic man! haha. but she's really sweet.
Anyways, so cus we were making lotsa noise then this disgusting guy made a big fuss abt it. oh well, other people are also laughing out loudly while watching their videos what. totally don't know what's on his mind. and to think that he's using headphones.
my lappy died on me.....WHY?! WHY why WHY Why?! hai~ it's just simply sucky. so sucky that it's hard to comprehend. but thanks to apple girl no. 1, i managed to control my frustrations. haha...and while the rest were editing the project, we made ourselves useful by not interupting.... instead we entertained ourselves with my handphone. lol!!!

Apple-girl no.1 : Ong yee Yuan Apple girl no. 2: Mat Lau
wahahahhaaaa...totally "ai YEn" [as in Love to act]. lol.
interested individuals please make sure you fulfill the following requirements:
1) you love to eat applechips
2) you love to make lotsa noise
3) you are ultra-gifted in facial expressions [espacially ugly ones]
4) you watch 'yu le bai fen bai'
5) you still eat a lot on diet
6) you must be as animated as possible
7) you're not a boring person
....well, more regulations will be published after our closed-door meeting.
Do you feel cold???? cus i'm freezing after typing all that.
totally 'leng'.
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