i'm like so sleepy now... i've not been getting good rest since the start of that damn soci mid term examination. after all the late nights and hair-loss i still turned in a lousy paper [in my opinion] let's just see the results.
i've been religiously watching 'Yu Le Bai Fen Bai' which surprises me considering i've never really stick to doing something for very long yet i make it such an important ritual now. this is also why i lack sleep cus i always stay up late at night to watch the repeat. it's dumb but at least it gives me excuse to study a bit while waiting.
i've still got to go for New Media project meeting later!!!! lucky it's at khatib if not i'd just kill myself. MORE work's piling up yet there're so many projects to rush.
Glyn msged and asked me abt going to Rain's concert. i vowed to go before i knew how insanely inflated the ticket prices were. NOW, i really don't know.....like not worth it leh. $188 can me a really good seat at David Tao's concert but Rain will be as good as a tiny spec of dust since tt's the lowest ticket price. should i just save for my Taiwan trip next yr or spend it on this once in a lifetime concert?? hmmmm.....tt's something for me to consider when i feel more awake....
for now, i wana get some sleep. at least a quick nap b4 i go for the meeting.
the quote for the day [and for many days to come]: I HATE PROJECTS!
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