Tuesday, February 27, 2007
In My Shoes
If you were in my shoes, you're gonna be bored-stiff everyday.
did i hear someone say it's still cny?? makes no diff to me.
Take for example Today..... it's a boring day [like which day is ever interesting to me right].
i feel stupid in one of my new media tutorials cus i seriously don't know what i've learnt. i'm a mess in that module man. no wonder they made it a compulsory one.
You in for more boring news?
Okay, i'm gonna say something real stupid for a 20 year old standard. Everyweek, i'll at least ask myself once 'how the hell am i ever considered an NUS undergrad'. there's never a week that passes by which i'll feel knowledgeable or clever or at least worthwhile for taking up that place which could've been meant for a more diligent student. i can only feel sorry for myself for thinking this way cus i know it's all in the mind. and the fact that i'm a habitual procrastinator just makes things worst. in the end i'll make it for sure but there's always room for what could've been if i had not wasted so much of my time.
i am so honest about my feelings yet it just stops there. *sigh*
right this moment, i have a stack of notes before me but guess what, it's been in front of me for hours......and what have i been doing?
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Ah lim- My GREATEST besty of all times...
was reading ur blog and i totally dig this pic of ur's. it's so self-explanatory and comical. lol!!! p.s. send me those pics we took at ur place thru email leh...

*i don't plagiarize: http://groovette.blogspot.com/
CNY *Gong Xi[x3] NI!!!!
I HAVE to share this with u all!! it's ultra hilarious right?! credits to my 2 warped cousins georgia and eleanor Chin.

my dad joked about sending me into rehab. in case you think i'm any similar to that infamous divorced mother-of-two [OOPS!] he was referring to MAHJONG!!! i simply can't get enough of it. hee... and the crash course i had with my 3 other expert cousins really made my losses value for money. LOL. i lost a grand total of $56 bucks in mahjong in just 2 days. yes, hail to the goddess of [ZHA hu, xiao xiang gong and da xiang gong].
BUT, there's always light at the end of a tunnel, right? lol. honestly, i'm not a "BA KA" [meat leg in hokkien]. at least i did HU quite a number of times. hee...
Obviously there's more to CNY than gambling... for the last time, YES I OPENED ALL MY ANG POWS ALREADY, YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT?! just can't stand people giving me the "HUH....cannot leh" crap....haha. C'mon lah, you don't seriously wear RED undies to gamble do you?? or maybe u really do, so shoot me, i'm not that particular about these kinda stuff...HAAAAA...
besides all that ang pow collection and GAMBLING [OH GOD, maybe i should check myself into rehab..] haha, there's nothing i like about cny....it gets boring as you age.... okay, i do enjoy the once in a BLUE moon gathering with my friends too... but that's about it. the next CNY, i wana be OUT OF TOWN!!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Ah Hao the BAKING girl....
my sweet friend...haha, she actually made cookies for us to eat on the eve of V-day.....this one's dedicated to you ONG YY! Love ya! and Cherrine...too bad she don't get to try [skip lecture somemore lah!]
that's not a set of newspapers, it's a giant set of lecture notes. credits to me cus i selected A3 for the print job at com lab thinking it's the code of the printer or something... so it's really A3... dammit.
Yes....i know.....i'm INDEED the 'brightest' undergrad around...pls don't label me an IT-idiot though...
Ps: Do check out Cheryl's shop link on the right. she makes awesome necklaces! really cool....
Sunday, February 11, 2007
OKAY! spring cleaning on a sunday. very unoriginal cus it's the only day everyone's at home. dad will be flying back tonight. he must be so pleased at the sight of a FESTIVE corridoor...thanks to my 'over zealous' neighbour. haha... but i like.
i'm so glad there's only ONE spring each year cus i might just collapse from exhaustion and dust-infection....and i get moody and start ordering people around...HAHA! i'm a monster i tell you.
the victim:
Not just on a spring cleaning occasion....lol.
just look at how messy a house can be even when there're no men around.
Sometimes, i really hate my cousin...
Bag 1 Bag 2 Bag 3 Bag 4..and there's more of where these come from...
Lazy to keep.....
if these weren't gifts from my friends, i'd throw them away already. i'm sentimental, can't help it. i'll NEVER buy bears. and i don't enjoy owning them.

3 hours later....
Lazy to keep.....
3 hours later....
A Squeaky -clean room

Episode: SPESHOW DXO showcase!
i realised...if i weren't THAT excited and don't anticipate THAT much for this kinda stuff...i'll get higher returns...and MORE surprises.
Credits to Glyn for winning the tix and for sending me the clearer pics. the ones i took on my phone was disastrous...
I'm SO happy i saw him LIFE finally! cute, witty, funny, talented and charming!!! haha....everything a Singaporean guy's not. [oops] as in if you put all of that together lah... maybe S'pore will have but not as good looking as him for a 28 yr old right? lol.
Most happening event that took place on that fateful day:
we came out of DXO after the showcase and decided to rest at the 'MakanSutra' hawker right behind DXO. we were plainly sitting there to rest and admire the pics n vids we took....AND THEN, guess what?!
XiaoZhu and a few security and staff came out from the back door just a few metres before us....lol!!! we sat there staring at him leave for sometime and glyn suddenly shouted out to XIAOZHU and he turned and wave at us!!! i was speechless the whole time lah... cus we were the ONLY 2 girls there. and i think the security must be wondering why fans like us were so calm...they were probably waiting for us to dash towards him so that they could shove us away, but no need for that, we were simply content watching him walk from such a close distance...haha.
i left with CONTENTMENT....
Grosteque Scale: -ve*****
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Episode: Flimsy Minis a head-turner or puke-instigator?
what i meant was FLIMSY MINI SKIRTS....
My take?
1) if you're ultra SEXY or you have long, slim flawless legs like flamingoes to carry it off, even girls will turn their heads for a second look...with ENVY.
2) IF, and i really mean IF, you're a tat too obesed [oh sorry, not obesed] but you know, kinda plump, then it's probably not a great idea. well, unless you're proud of your distracting cellulite, it's gonna be a pretty bad puke instigator.
i have nothing against plump individuals and neither am i overtly worshiping those with long slender legs. what i'm trying to say is this:
everyone has their assets and flaws...so if you don't believe in flaunting assets, then at least be polite enough to conceal your flaws? i mean, what if people around you fall victim to an annoying sight of meat...? and worse, that part of your meat is SUPPOSED to be hidden ie, your ASS.
the story in short: i was walking up an awfully long/steep flight of stairs to the Bio Lab in school. i saw this rather meaty girl wearing a flimsy mini skirt ahead of me. and guess what, people below her [unfortunately, me] could see the full view of her A** . the best part- there was NO SIGHT of an underwear or anything. which means she's wearing a G-string lah.... GROSSSSSS...
i admire her confidence, but i detest her ignorance.
i don't know if she will feel relieved or what but luckily there were no guys walking behind. the funniest thing was she actually turned and gave me a "never seen anything like that before?" look after that. i was laughing crazily in my heart but had to give a "whatever" face anyways... if i had a friend with me i'll just LOL man.
some people really hor....CANNOT MAKE IT!
Grosteque Scale: ****
My take?
1) if you're ultra SEXY or you have long, slim flawless legs like flamingoes to carry it off, even girls will turn their heads for a second look...with ENVY.
2) IF, and i really mean IF, you're a tat too obesed [oh sorry, not obesed] but you know, kinda plump, then it's probably not a great idea. well, unless you're proud of your distracting cellulite, it's gonna be a pretty bad puke instigator.
i have nothing against plump individuals and neither am i overtly worshiping those with long slender legs. what i'm trying to say is this:
everyone has their assets and flaws...so if you don't believe in flaunting assets, then at least be polite enough to conceal your flaws? i mean, what if people around you fall victim to an annoying sight of meat...? and worse, that part of your meat is SUPPOSED to be hidden ie, your ASS.
the story in short: i was walking up an awfully long/steep flight of stairs to the Bio Lab in school. i saw this rather meaty girl wearing a flimsy mini skirt ahead of me. and guess what, people below her [unfortunately, me] could see the full view of her A** . the best part- there was NO SIGHT of an underwear or anything. which means she's wearing a G-string lah.... GROSSSSSS...
i admire her confidence, but i detest her ignorance.
i don't know if she will feel relieved or what but luckily there were no guys walking behind. the funniest thing was she actually turned and gave me a "never seen anything like that before?" look after that. i was laughing crazily in my heart but had to give a "whatever" face anyways... if i had a friend with me i'll just LOL man.
some people really hor....CANNOT MAKE IT!
Grosteque Scale: ****
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
what in the world can make me so happy? you mean you still have to guess? of cus it's GOOD FOOD and SHOPPING!!!
duh...isn't it like this for every girl? and guys, stop wondering why we get so hyped up by the thw word. you can only get it if you have breasts. [lol!]
my new shopping haven...VIVO CITY! actually, not the entire mall but more like i love its FOREVER 21 outlet. so now you know which is my fave brand [at the moment]...they have so many nice clothes man!!! i simply couldn't resist myself, and neither could my mum...
so i bought i grand total to 5 pieces of tops on my two trips there! what a record, considering it's hefty price tags....and i'm gonna steal this motto from my mom: Price doesn't matter, comfort and beauty does... so that pretty much sums up to 'follow your heart' right? oh whatever, so long as she's footing the bill in the end.
i'm gonna secretly sneak there another time for my new yr bag too! haha. exciting! but in case you think we're such SPLURGERS...no. i only get to shop like this twice a yr...maybe not including the seperate accounts we had on our own within the yr...lol. CNY is on it's way man...it's only natural.........
Anyways, i'm still a huge fan of cheap n chic stuff. so shopping on the whole still does the magic.
OH and on good food!!! wanted to post the pics we took at Sushi Tei Vivo on sunday....but lazy lah. i'm going to prepare for driving soon. so another time then....just a sneak preview: it wasn't the conventional kinda Japanese dishes we ate...to quote my lil sister, "it's all gourmet food". whatever that means.
Grosteque Scale: -ve **** [it's shopping leh, OF CUS!]
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