i realised...if i weren't THAT excited and don't anticipate THAT much for this kinda stuff...i'll get higher returns...and MORE surprises.
Credits to Glyn for winning the tix and for sending me the clearer pics. the ones i took on my phone was disastrous...
I'm SO happy i saw him LIFE finally! cute, witty, funny, talented and charming!!! haha....everything a Singaporean guy's not. [oops] as in if you put all of that together lah... maybe S'pore will have but not as good looking as him for a 28 yr old right? lol.
Most happening event that took place on that fateful day:
we came out of DXO after the showcase and decided to rest at the 'MakanSutra' hawker right behind DXO. we were plainly sitting there to rest and admire the pics n vids we took....AND THEN, guess what?!
XiaoZhu and a few security and staff came out from the back door just a few metres before us....lol!!! we sat there staring at him leave for sometime and glyn suddenly shouted out to XIAOZHU and he turned and wave at us!!! i was speechless the whole time lah... cus we were the ONLY 2 girls there. and i think the security must be wondering why fans like us were so calm...they were probably waiting for us to dash towards him so that they could shove us away, but no need for that, we were simply content watching him walk from such a close distance...haha.
i left with CONTENTMENT....
Grosteque Scale: -ve*****
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