OKAY! spring cleaning on a sunday. very unoriginal cus it's the only day everyone's at home. dad will be flying back tonight. he must be so pleased at the sight of a FESTIVE corridoor...thanks to my 'over zealous' neighbour. haha... but i like.
i'm so glad there's only ONE spring each year cus i might just collapse from exhaustion and dust-infection....and i get moody and start ordering people around...HAHA! i'm a monster i tell you.
the victim:
Not just on a spring cleaning occasion....lol.
just look at how messy a house can be even when there're no men around.
Sometimes, i really hate my cousin...
Bag 1 Bag 2 Bag 3 Bag 4..and there's more of where these come from...
Lazy to keep.....
if these weren't gifts from my friends, i'd throw them away already. i'm sentimental, can't help it. i'll NEVER buy bears. and i don't enjoy owning them.

3 hours later....
Lazy to keep.....
3 hours later....
A Squeaky -clean room

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