Wednesday, September 26, 2007

LIES.... random

First, just so you know...i'm having my mid term break~~~~ YAY.

i'm really surprised by how disciplined i am for glueing myself before stacks of notes. though i get distracted, i DID study. it's a BREAK for crying out loud~ so please be impressed. lol. at least i am.

i haven't been slacking in my comfort zone lately. so i decided to stay home today...sleep till i fall off my bed.....sprawl on my sofa and do nothing but channel surf....gorge myself with chips and whatever unhealthy junk. ha... i hate to admit this man, but i bear queer similarity with this animal called PIG. lol.... and PIGS, for your info...are a bagload of hidden talents. lol.
just to give you the benefit of the doubt. amidst all that crap i STILL managed to study for like 2 hours. this is like the best consolation for sleeping more than i should. hahahaha..
anyways, i just realised, i'm a pack of lies. wooops, that's not to say i lie to everyone. and it's also unfair to say i lie all the time. Put it a good way: i've this ability to exercise descretion when i speak. LOL.
sounds like BULL, but, HEY, DON'T YOU SICK PEOPLE OUT THERE LIE TOO?! lies ain't that bad i'm not saying it to protect my sick lil habit but i bet you're so used to telling lies [white or not], you don't even realise you did...okay, sometimes.
i'm also not trying to promote it [and believe me, i'm trying REEEEAAALLY hard to kick it away], but i'm just wondering how this can get serious.
like what if one day i can't even trust my own words. like i can't even tell if what i said or thought were truth or lies??'s so scary!!! it's not even about lying to someone's about you, and your warped stand.
like what if i say i don't like this just because i thought it was more diplomatic to say it but i don't actually mean it?! what if i tell myself "okay, i'm not going to cry because i'm strong just because i don't want to seem weak?" you get what i mean??? okay nevermind, i don't think you all do.
it's just food for thought. i just hope that i can at least stay truthful to myself. lol. like guys don't like flat girls, i'll have to live with it. WAHAHAHAHA...bad example.
actually, NO, i'm not a pack of lies...CORRECTION, i take it back...i'm just.....deluded.......lying is bad! so stop lying!
...yikes...i must've slept more than i'm supposed to.
***P.S.: Listen to my blogtune. sang by Olivia Ong. you'll love it! All of u!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

In the mood for lllooooovvveeee....

i watched Jerry Maguire for like the 11th time on HBO yesterday.

man, some can never get tired of. like how i can memorize the script from the first 15mins of 'My best friends wedding'. it's annoyingly fulfilling.

suddenly it occured to me that Tom Cruise's character is like the MAN OF MY DREAMS..[ok, u can kindly ignore the fact that the man-of-my-dreams changes almost every month]. But looking at him made me want to fall in love...... and get married, and have a cutesy-cherub-face baby named SURI.


of cus, i can only dream about it...that's my forte. i can almost, almost control what i want to see in my dreams. it's like a gift....hohohoho~

anyways, it's movies like those that make me feel LOVELESS.

but hell am i inspired. check out these love quotes man...

"Lots of peoplewant to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who willtake the bus with you when the limo breaks down." ~Oprah Winfrey~

"After all these years I see that I was mistaken about Evein the beginning; it is better to live outside the Gardenwith her than inside it without her."~Mark Twain~

"Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute.THAT'S relativity."~Albert Einstein~

"Nothing spoils the taste of peanut butter like unrequited love". ~Charlie Brown~

"The only thing we never get enough of is love; and the only thing we never give enough of is love." ~Henry Miller~

''Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from age.''~Jeanne Moreau~

"If you have it [love], you don't need to have anything else.If you don't have it, it doesn't matter much what else you have."~Sir James M. Barrie~

"Men always want to be a woman's first love--women like to be a man's last romance."~Oscar Wilde~

"A man falls in love through his eyes, a woman through her ears."~Woodrow Wyatt~

"LOVE: The irresistable desire to be irresistibly desired."~Robert Frost~ you've heard it from the pros and the profound. kids know a lot too okay...

"I think you're supposed to get shot with an arrow or something,but the rest of it isn't supposed to be so painful." ... Manuel, age 8

"One way is to take the girl out to eat. Make sure it's something she likes to eat.French fries usually works for me."... Bart, age 9

"When a person gets kissed for the first time, they fall downand they don't get up for at least an hour." ... Wendy, age 8

"Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good too."...Greg, age 8

AND, my personal fav:

"No one is sure why it happens, but I heard it has something to do withhow you smell...that's why perfume and deodorant is so popular."...Mae, age 9


If i ever come up with'll be something like....

"love is when yoochunie chooses you over that ah-tiong." ~mathilda~

and i don't plagiarize: credits to

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Lately, we've been clinging like FLEAS. [New entry after pics]

The location of the legendary FALL... as in the trip and fall, FALL. hohoho~
It's like can you imagine how far her file slided? just look at the length of the underpass! lol~

..And i just couldn't subdue my laughter at the thought of it.

Big Flea, Tiny Flea

Potential candidates: Micky, Xiah and UKnow.

Random and tired.

The pasta's TASTELESS! HMPH~

Cam-whoring behind closed curtains. our new fav past-time.

She's just immensely happy when i'm i'm around.

what else shall i order....? a GUY?! heheheheee~

a very unflattering attempt, but it says a hell lot.

oops...did i just burped out loud???

a large TAKAshimaya paper bag always does the magic of making one feel darn rich.

No, i really don't get it.

She does.

All the Small Things...

i'm kinda happy that some of my friends actually care to ask about me... how i've been and all...can literally feel the warmth when i hear about it. whoever it is, just puts a SMILE on my face. Like i heard from my cousin Glynis asked how i was doing and stuff...haha...a small gesture but because i'm such an appreciative and friends like her and jiayi actually call to chat and catch up. though it's just cus she was about to be bored to death...i'll still APPRECIATE IT. ha ha ha...

this brings me to another topic of what a rotten friend i've been to others. to jiayi n glyn, no qualms, i'd always keep myself updated. but i feel i haven't been very attentive to the one whom i shamelessly called besty. hmmm, lol, makes me wonder what that actually means to me now. i know hating to read isn't an excuse but if it means something to read his blog, it's no longer a mere obligation right? don't know how to put it in proper but after reading all 10 posts in one shot, i was simply overwhelmed. like where have i been the entire time? not that he has no other friends, and a lot of them may already be offering incessant chats and company but being oblivious is a whole different story altogether. my bad. so from now on, i should really be more concerned about my friends. really.

and then the news of Micky's attachment. man, it could almost top my OMO-list. BUT, it serves rather as an awakening for me. idolising, no, FANTASIZING about a particluar drop-dead-gorgeous idol is just a phase. yes. at least that's how i console myself. Cherine asked me if i was torn, but i said no. cus honestly, i don't feel that much. compared to IF that someone who ignored me having found a gf, think Micky's won't even amount to half my sadness. lol. In fact, i felt quite happy. i'm kinda proud of myself for being a matured-and-sane fan. haha. whether or not dbsk gets attached or married or even have kids, it's only natural right? and i will never doubt their talents no matter what happens. even the less than flattering Max seems lovable when he sings.

My mid term break is wasn't it just yesterday when i was whinning over tutorial balloting?! woah....time don't just fly's the word?

Friday, September 14, 2007

Anger management.

don't know if it's school or just PMS. a lot of people are becoming temperamental these days...okay, blame it on the weather....

and the Mensus...LOL. cus coincidently, JM and i are like having our's around the same time so you can imagine how anal we were together...

JM, f.y.i., is CHERINE. [HI JM!!! you're featured in my lil insignificant blog!]

and from the way we live our lame-shit lives in NUS, we are so desperate i had to come up with an exciting solution to lifen up. okay, if you're looking at the dress sexy and seduce guys direction then please make a U-turn back....cus for one, we're not THAT desperate, and secondly, OH MAN! do you really wana see us in midriff-bearing tops????!!!! man, you must be insane!!!!

[1.1]i know i like to tell stories...not like you just knew me, friend. =) though my blogskin change like you change your underwear, my style won't. WAHAHAHA!

okay, so what have i came up with? We'd play scissors-paper-stone and the loser will play mistress while the winner becomes slave for the day.








don't you have this urge to ram your head against the screen? cus honestly, I DO.

WAH RAO EH....... lame like there's no tomorrow. and i really do wish that these sickening tomorrows will never come. lol.

so what about Anger Management?? actually, it's more of exercising patience. if anyone holds a class for this, do drop me a msg so that i can enrol MYSELF and cher lau. but luckily, we don't attitude together...if not it's gonna be damn deadly. haha....

THANK GOD i M already....and now my job is to appease my dearest JM. she's not that bad lah, she's just funny. actually, she's damn cute. what will my life in NUS be without her? i think i'd be playing that lame game of mine with my imaginery friend...which is quite scary..... hahahaha...

okay lah, i just like to say things for the sake of saying. and when i'm sian i become incoherent and random. please refer to [1.1].

anyways... the gist of this entire entry is: weather plus PMS plus school equals to ANGER.

but no worries....i'm still your lovely friend. hehehe~

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

too much tears...

Lately, i've been tearing.
my emo-side has gotten the better of me.
Eg 1: while listenning to Ella's song...about her dead pet dog. it's just bloody sad. and i just started pouring the moment the chorus came on. and it's the first time i've heard it....just makes me wonder how many buckets of tears i'm gonna shed when Muffy dies next time.
Eg 2: after reading Glyn's post about as if it's not sad enough, that heartbreaking story of jaejoong's got potential to win some award in a Korean film someday, i tell heart notted like i saw some poor suffering rabbit can. and tears......
and there's more....but i'm lazy to elaborate.
side track a bit...
just heard from one of my friends about a damn stewpid episode of bitching and what not. i gotta admit that as a friend, it's only fair that i take her side... BUT, it's not like she's entirely faultless....the details, i'll not elaborate. i just want to make a point: the fact that you take sides isn't wrong, but the childish stuff you do TOGETHER with your equally not-so-grown-up friend isn't. stabbing a vixen with your victimized friend isn't friendship, just so you know. let's not even touch on the maturity part. it's just lame. the whole episode is lame. considering that person has quite credible credentials like her supposed good english as well as her status as a public figure [maybe passe...but still]. not that i'm dissing or flaming cus honestly, if that's where she gains all that warped satisfaction then, well done...i mean, some people have their own sinful indulgence right... but please enlighten me, what the heck do you get out of it??? that kinda friendship really isn't that impressive.
and as a friend....a more sane friend that is, i'd suggest for my worthy friend to do the right thing. no point firing back cus it's never gonna end. not only me, as more people know of this, even their pores will start laughing. yes, good english always doubt. but that don't reflect nothing about one's values...and words can be really hurtful especially when they're made up and exaggerated. but what the heck, it's just a waste if one just wastes his or her supposed good english on unworthy crap like those.
so come on EVERYONE. there're more important stuff to care about....
To my dear friend: it all boils down to one fact; she lost- right from the start cus of that loser-attitude.

Saturday, September 08, 2007


k this is like the last time i'm ever gonna say these mushy stuff to you. we've grown up remember? so let's just grow outta this too. wahahaha...still, they are from the bottom of my KIND heart =)))

"saying to much is damn superficial, and considering we have a long history of friendship...but it's not plainly about TIME, it's about the DEPTH. not a lot of people know who i really am inside-out. i do have other best friends around but they're not the same. if i can ever find one who understands me thoroughly [besides my family] it can only be you. sometimes i really hate you for seeing through me, for exposing all my quirks and lies... and how you always annoy me with the things you know i don't like..." for all the loser-whatever-chickenpie stuff you did...

congratulations for topping my list!

....and i know you had the


Saturday, September 01, 2007

move on, oh moooove on!

GOODBYE TO ALL THE WHATEVERS....i'm truly, honeslty, actually going to MOVE ON.
suddenly, i feel like scolding vulgarites. i'm gonna do it quietly.