The location of the legendary FALL... as in the trip and fall, FALL. hohoho~

It's like can you imagine how far her file slided? just look at the length of the underpass! lol~

..And i just couldn't subdue my laughter at the thought of it.

Big Flea, Tiny Flea

Potential candidates: Micky, Xiah and UKnow.

Random and tired.

The pasta's TASTELESS! HMPH~

Cam-whoring behind closed curtains. our new fav past-time.

She's just immensely happy when i'm i'm around.

what else shall i order....? a GUY?! heheheheee~

a very unflattering attempt, but it says a hell lot.

oops...did i just burped out loud???

a large TAKAshimaya paper bag always does the magic of making one feel darn rich.

No, i really don't get it.

She does.
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