Lately, i've been tearing.
my emo-side has gotten the better of me.
Eg 1: while listenning to Ella's song...about her dead pet dog. it's just bloody sad. and i just started pouring the moment the chorus came on. and it's the first time i've heard it....just makes me wonder how many buckets of tears i'm gonna shed when Muffy dies next time.
Eg 2: after reading Glyn's post about as if it's not sad enough, that heartbreaking story of jaejoong's got potential to win some award in a Korean film someday, i tell heart notted like i saw some poor suffering rabbit can. and tears......
and there's more....but i'm lazy to elaborate.
side track a bit...
just heard from one of my friends about a damn stewpid episode of bitching and what not. i gotta admit that as a friend, it's only fair that i take her side... BUT, it's not like she's entirely faultless....the details, i'll not elaborate. i just want to make a point: the fact that you take sides isn't wrong, but the childish stuff you do TOGETHER with your equally not-so-grown-up friend isn't. stabbing a vixen with your victimized friend isn't friendship, just so you know. let's not even touch on the maturity part. it's just lame. the whole episode is lame. considering that person has quite credible credentials like her supposed good english as well as her status as a public figure [maybe passe...but still]. not that i'm dissing or flaming cus honestly, if that's where she gains all that warped satisfaction then, well done...i mean, some people have their own sinful indulgence right... but please enlighten me, what the heck do you get out of it??? that kinda friendship really isn't that impressive.
and as a friend....a more sane friend that is, i'd suggest for my worthy friend to do the right thing. no point firing back cus it's never gonna end. not only me, as more people know of this, even their pores will start laughing. yes, good english always doubt. but that don't reflect nothing about one's values...and words can be really hurtful especially when they're made up and exaggerated. but what the heck, it's just a waste if one just wastes his or her supposed good english on unworthy crap like those.
so come on EVERYONE. there're more important stuff to care about....
To my dear friend: it all boils down to one fact; she lost- right from the start cus of that loser-attitude.
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