Anyways, many things happened since the last time i blogged. Project deadlines are so annoying. i wana whine but i know i have no grounds for them so WHATEVER lah. i don't care... you see. YOU SEE. my disgusting attitude these days ah.... unbelievably irksome. come on, i need motivation... i need someone to pull me out of this sorry state. there's nothing in particular i wana do these days then to pull on my comfy home-socks and snuggle on the sofa watching "we Got married". and then i can spend the rest of the day indulging....and indulging and INDULGING.........................
OMG are you even reading this??? as i'm posting this i can't help but feel sorry for myself. what's worse is MY FRIGGIN EXAMS ARE COMING!!!! and i have to mug. which i hate to. aiyah i'm just bloody whiney and sick of school.
what's worse was my annoying sister complained to my dad about how i like to use the F-word. okay, this i gotta admit. i'm trying to change but sometImes they just become part of my speech. BUT i use selectively only with those people i'm more comfortable with. that's besides the point. the point is, WHY THE HELL DID SHE HAVE TO BAO TOH ME???!?! huh huh HUH?!?! TMD. she's really damn BEI BI lor. i also never go and bao toh her about her bf. is this how she treats me?! Bloody hell. so i decided to ignore her. and she got scared. but my dad just RUINED EVERYTHING. in the end i have no choice but to talk to her. KNS. thanks man daddy, for making me look so cui.
The ICING on the cake has got to be housework. Oh talk about subtle reminders of me as an athlete once upon a time. now i can only weep behind the bloody mop. and i'm totally in pain after just vacuuming the living room. i think if i try to spike a volleyball now my fingers will break. okay, a bit exaggerated but i'm really dreading housework cus it never has a freaking END to it. now i know why my mom gets all pissy when she does house work, i can only nodd with empathy the next time she does that.
Okay end of my ranting. i just have so much to rant about everytime i go MIA for very long. anyways, this is the Advertising campaign poster we created for our ad project this sem: "SHOW your Signature Moves". for signature by LEVI Strauss.
OKAY, now for the highlight of the entry!!!! Interned for a day for this PR firm introed by my cousin at where you know??? THE KOREAN POP CONCERT NIGHT !!!!
just a warning, from here on the photo quality is appallingly BAD cus i used my phone's camera. i didn't know i'll have access to the backstage initially so i didnt prepare my kick ass SONY CYBERSHOT. turned out that i'm right: a phone should just be a phone and a camera a camera. sounds awkward but aiyah, u get my point.

ONE last comment before i go MIA again:
JunJin's make up is thicker than your maxi pads. HAHAHAAHHAHAA.
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