Hey y'all!!! Surprise surprise!!!! just when you thought (and I thought) i'd be MIA again, NO! one more post before i retreat to the books.
This post is gonna be about pretty new products i got and bought recently and i emphasize the word PRETTY cus it's literal and obviously when you look at them you'll probably squirm in delight (at least for me). =) Another reason for this post is that i think i'm too anal and whiney these days - as apparent from the last few posts. i figured there're more pleasant things to blog about. besides, THE WORLD IS SO BEAUTIFUL...beautiful...beautiful....beautiful....
First Up: Pretty cosmetics i bought from ANNA SUI.
even the packaging looks vintagealicious.
Close-up of the blusher.
i know lah, that's a very KNS attempt to conceal the background but what to do, i don't have photoshop.
I LOVE this Eye brow cake! it comes in a compact and the brush is damn good!
I know you know this is a blotter but the emphasis is on the purple butterfly prints on each piece which i personally feel makes your whole blotting experience......(i can't find the word for it). you know what i mean.
On hind note, it can be a nightmare for people who are petrified of butterflies =X oops.
If i said i love those anna sui cosmetics earlier, i tell you i totally LOVE LOVE LOVE these VICTORIA's SECRET BODY LOTIONS!!!!
my mum bought this from T3 when she came back from a praying trip to Thailand today. WOOHOO!!!!! you know how desriable these two bottles are??? i don't think you do cus even by the look of it you'd wana grab it and run. lol. sounds KZ right, but i that's exactly what i did.. i just grabbed it from my sister's hands! haha! like the packaging isn't enough to steal your heart, the scent of the lotion totally sets your skin into fireworks i tell you!!! and there's this nice shimmer that remains on your skin which is great for partying and stuff. i love my mum!!
This is the freebie tiny tote that comes with the two bottles.
The New Rumeur 2 (ROSE) by LANVIN!
i just asked mummy to check out if T3 has this new fragrance by LANVIN and she bought it for me!!!!! did i say i love my mummy????
If you ask me, i'd say it smells like HEAVEN =)
sweet but not intoxicating
ooooh.... look at my fair palm! lol. kidding. look at the sugar sweet pink bottle. it just about ignites the flame of cute-siness in me.
i'd like to intro this amazing product from Sally Hansen to all you girlfriends out there who does your own manicure. I know how much you hate it when you always accidentally scratch your freshly painted nails cus I DO TOO! so instead of screaming the magic 4 letter word, you can pick this up at Watsons or Guardian. just drip like a drop to each of your freshly painted nails and leave it on for a min or 2 and NO MORE SCRATCHES! serious.
It's exact name: Sally Hansen's Instant Dry Speed-dry Drops
I call it: MAGICAL quick-fix nail potion. =D
Some photos that are taken a few days/weeks back.
This is my sexy JM and I in the Merchant Court Hotel Restroom.
Ignore my very unflattering and OVER-exaggerated attempt at acting sexy.
Turned out that the photo proved 2things.
ONE: my thighs are really bigger than JM's
TWO: i have huge flabby arms
As promised, JM's true beauty will always remain a mystery.
Those interested please contact me. i'll arrange for a blind date. LOL.
Anyways, it's Jm, me and Ah leow. Her smile is as sweet as herself. =)
3 reasons why i cannot understand JC students.
#1: Their bewilderment with retarded acts
as you can see in this picture
#2: Their love for nature and their ignorance for cleaniness
I know they love green grasses but i can't help but feel sorry for whoever's gonna wash their uniforms for them
ps: in case you are that perverted, that's NJC's chilli red PE shorts you're looking at. Model: my CHOR LOR sister.
#3: Their capability of Incomprehendable poses
What - The- Hell ? ? ?
The above series of pics is courtesy of FEFE LAU (and her persistent refusal to remove them from my camera)
And if you haven't been tickled enough by the photos above, you can brace yourself for this,

i don't know about you but i'm absolutely entertained. found this cool website that does all these quirky photos from Besty's blog. So fun! even my blog pic is from the website! and now my dad is so addicted to it. lol.
Now, i should retreat to another round of laughter, then start planning on what to mug from tmr onwards...
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