Okay friends, this post is divided into 2 parts. Part one about me (without pictures) and 2nd about my family that includes Fefe's birthday.
Anyways, for a moment i thought i'm such a genius thinking that if i post about myself first you guys will have no choice but to continue reading. haaa... me and my smartness... then i realized you may just skip it to the pictures.... bleah~~~~ DAMN YOU!
Anyhow, i'm holding on to the slightest hope that you, my good friend, is still interested in my no doubt boring, but still reasonably readable life. *smiles WIDELY*
Firstly, I lost my voice. really ultimate this time. i couldn't talk.
Think only a few heard my horribly coarse voice over the phone..correction, not just coarse but almost non-existent. even my GP said i sounded "sexy" this morning. See, that's the problem with procrastination... it only gets worse. So, if you ever wana get a kick outta hearing my sizzling voice, please dial 1800-mat is so sexy. lol....
Before that i had a minor accident at SunPlaza's basement carpark again last saturday. yes this is the point where you go "what? AGAIN?!" and then i'll nod, and then you'll go "wah you really cannot make it leh" and then i'll nod. Like what esle you expect me to say? i wouldn't have the voice to anyways... haha. this time really, my bad. hmmm... actually most of the incidences were my bad cus of my skewed estimation, so i scatched someone's car lah. do i even need to highlight that it's unintentional? i have faith in your common-sense. =)
lemme try cutting the story short, cus you know i suck at it. SO, i was happily on my way (with my cousin and sis on borad) to buy brunch for my parents who just got back from Capetown when it happened. Sian.. so then it happened. luckily it was a family man's car i hit. and i guess he was quite surprised by how calm i was the entire time for a p-plate driver. and very luckily we agreed on a pte settlement. there's more in between but it frustrates me everytime i think about it, so please understand and stop probing me unless i voluntarily tell you about it.
Like what a wise welcome-home surprise for my parents right?
first thought that came into my mind when i heard the screech:
"why am i so knn suay"
shall not continue on this cus it only makes me wana...urrrggghhhh.....do a vulgarities recital. nvm. thank god i got BANNED from driving. Halelluyah! i really don't wana have anything to do with the car until my probation's over. i am never gonna let ME jeopardise my license.
alright now for part 2: it's FEFE's 18th birthday today!!!
she's officially..
go rob a bank or something, FEFE!
let's start from this morning...
got a weird msg from her hockey friend last night saying they wana surprise her in the morning.. and TADA!!!!!
LAST night's was an ultimate SUCCESS.
it was 2 of her best friends from Nj who came at 12 and they hid in the kitchen with my stewpid sister totally oblivious to the GLARING mess of a small cake and bags lying on the dining table. she must have been too blind or should i say plain dumb.
their's too. lol.
..and her classic stuck-up look
Oh, we dined at Vienna in united square (y'know the buffet) to celebrate both father's day and my sis and i's birthday last night. all i can say is the standard dropped big time cus the owner is more eager to earn then please it's customers. it's wayyyy to squeezy with tables lined a bit too close together. and the waiters, though effecient, scurry like blind bees. too much clinkering of cutleries and did i even mention how those customers literally behave like they starved themselves for 3 weeks for this moment?
Dining has never been this ugly. 'a hungry man is an angry man' don't apply in this case. well, a hungry man at a buffet will be too busy stuffing himself silly with food to even care what's in the way.
the ultimate starer.
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