***pictures arranged from most recent onwards***
First and FOREMOST, i wana announce to the whole world that I, Mathilda Lau Shu yi, completed a completely dreadful, unenjoyable, painful course called MICROSOFT OFFICE SPECIALIST - EXCEL.

I know...a million question-marks must be popping in your mind by now, like why EXCEL of all programmes? why am i even enrolled in such a course and whatever....if you don't know then you really don't know me well enough. OR if you're guessing i've suddenly woke up one fine day, no, afternoon to my senses that self-improvement should be my motto-for-life then i can only say, that has never been in my agenda.
Because i like to be frank, because i don't feel like painting a merry-lil-picture of myself to you, HA HA HA, i took it cus i was told to. NO, more like i was forced to... cus even if i ever came close to a com-course it has gotta be Photoshop or the like... like EXCEL?! Come ON leh.... the last thing i can imagine myself doing is starring at the lifeless pc for the rest of my adult life, or data cells for that matter. EEEEW.
the other reason - i get paid for getting the cert =) okay i know smirking is a bit rotten of me... like i do things for money and stuff but the truth is, who wouldn't buy it right? got money don't wana earn meh? you must be siao. actually my sis and i have sort of reconciled to the fact that the course is inevitable and it can be indeed quite beneficial, but dear mommy wanted to "motivate" us into it so... yeah... but anyways, we agreed unanimously that it was a form of "compensation" for waking up at inhumanly early hours when we're supposed to be sleeping. like my sis said "you know there's a reason why school holidays are called SCHOOL HOLIDAYS. kids should just stay home and do nothing"
yeah fefe, you're a kid..i don't think i feel remotely like one, but anyways, it's so over. As we left on the train after the test we just stood in a daze, partly Sickened by the fact that we actually did nothing but excel functions for the past 3 days, and partly congratulating ourselves (in disbelief) that we're finally liberated.
it's a complicated feeling, really.
Nevertheless, it was quite 'enriching'... like whoever i told about this course kept consoling me that it's something useful...well yeah, to a certain extent...and it better be. I don't wana waste my parents' money man...so yes i did learn something; in fact quite a lot of things. you know, i bet you never knew some of the functions existed! like wtf were those geeks thinking?! i think they're really brilliant, no doubt, but STILL!
But horrors of all horrors~! i couldn't recall what i learnt right after the test. this must forever be kept a sercret from my parents. haha. and chances are, if i don't use it often, it'll just drain away...all my knowledge and what not. bleah~~~~~~
okay okay, WOW, very typical of me...8 paragraphs on one topic. hahaha.
Day 3 of course:

Look at how obscenely "tzenged" FeFe's DS is...... my eyeballs nearly popped outta their sockets okay. i should say the final product is very satisfactory. it's just uh....crazily BLINGED. i think whoever sits opposite my sis in the train will have to wear shades to block the shine. OH! or maybe it can be a great distraction from a bad-hair-day or mismatched outfit. LOL!

Very random... Day 2 of course: Fefe and i decided to pamper ourselves at Coffee Club during the course break to compensate for an unbearable lesson. strawberries and chocolate are the best perk-me-up combination. what's most desirable is they're blended together with little strawberry chunks!
sluurrrp sluurp slurp..... Oh and one discovery i made about myself. i'm a messy-eater. really.

Met Jiayi Louise Lim after lesson to make the collage for Janey. Hey darling your name hor, i just realised like J.Lo leh... damn gross.... but funny to use on you cus it's such an irony!!! HAHAHA. ended up shopping for our own stuff... but can you believe it?! i didn't buy a single thing!!!! and i discovered another thing, which J.Lo agreeingly pointed out: i have this annoyingly disinterested expression when i'm hungry. LOL.

Camwhoring in the train. you see, got flash and no flash have big difference lor. and omg.... i just fell into the category of "unpretty without make-up". tsk. Not pretty nevermind lor.... Never-flawless complexion and FLAT-chested. shouldn't i be compensated with a boyfriend? no?? tsk....then what? okay lah just lemme me be disgustingly rich and i can forgo the boyfriend part. =X

THIS, is taken when i just dyed my hair. cus of the flash it looks a bit too copper but in reality it's more blondish... not the dumb-blonde kinda blonde but the brownish kinda blonde. no highlights this time though... REDS is really good at hair-coloring man! Oh and please ignore my fefe's bizarre expression. she's merely a bit disoriented. haha.

see it looks better without flash. But you must be wondering why it looks highlighted right? cus my hair was highlighted before so some strands are prone to look darker. otherwise it's quite acceptable to me. need me illustrate more on the pictures above? literal translation: Muffy is in deep struggle while i forcefully plant kisses on him. Oh you don't need the rhetorical translation cus it'll just appear to be bag of bull to you. you don't know how much he loves me lor. haha. Bull Sh**!

Family outing @ Suntec with daddy mommy and fefe. Don't my daddy look too handsome for his age? *gulps* young is a more appropriate word lah... look at the way he eats ice cream you'll totally think he's possessed by a kid.

After that we went to the "singapore Flyer" to take-a-look. look only hor, never take the ride cus we don't have time. i gotta agree for once, the place made me feel like a tourist...in a good way. for some reason it's suspiciously similar to Odaiba Park in Tokyo. quite an awesome place, really... those cabins looked a bit too much like cargo lifts though...

...totally like tourists...

K-outing with my K-mates once again but this time, a new location. China town really have 10bucks ktv man! got free "sharks fin soup" somemore. fake one lah of cus! Eh don't go and think my face is damn big hor, it's actually the angle of the cam.
k why did i even bother explaining.....

Hey glynis.... not that i purposely wana put your ugly pictures you know. it's just that i've got too many people telling me how pretty you look and stuff, and also cus we've already seen too much of your prettyface... lol. you tell me lah! i zoomx10 also cannot see your pores lor. tsk...

this always happens when they're together. the classic "we cannot stand each other" candid shot. JMs always have this love-hate r/p with one another.

...but i'm just simply Peace-loving. =)

JM! your worst nightmare!!!
Anyways, here comes the F.Y.I. part:
Details of my flight:
Departure Date: 25th June
Departure Time: 11.30pm
Terminal : 3
Airline: SQ
Destination: Seoul (Sparkling~ ahahahahhahaha)
Yonsei University
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