AND if you haven't seen... go take a look at GLYNIS LEE's blog and you will see all the fugly unglam cannot-make-it photos of me. man, she even made a video and post it on Youtube. neh neh her... that's the priviledge of being really close get the undisputed right to post fugly pics of your friends and be sure they won't hold grudges against you. hmph.. i think i should think THRICE about posting my photos in future... in case i leave any traces of my sorry faces.
My 22nd birthday was quite a smashing one. Did quite a lot of things, met quite a number of people, did quite a lot of memorable stuff. everything's just...QUITE good, 'cept for the 'still single' part. haha....
ANYways, this is part 2 to "my 22nd birthday". part 1's on my outing with my family to the S'pore flyer...
I REALLY REALLY REALLY wana thank my beloved jms who planned and did everything for me at Pasir ris park that day. SMOOCHES to all three of you. we had an absolute blast and i totally enjoyed myself... like TOTALLY. i'm so so SO happy to have you three with me!!!
Just a preview to what you're gonna see: they were supposed to "surprise" me but turned out i already knew about it just that i didn't know what to expect. lol. Jm cher was hilarious... i asked her where so she told me... how honest. hahaha...and there goes my not so surprising "surprise". But what matters is really the "programme line-up" they did for me which made the entire party damn "high" and hilarious. so that's also why my voice is still pretty bad. lol.
A toast to more twenty-somethings to come. bleah~
The "scene"
you see, jm yy worked so hard for this she didn't even have time to comb her hair !
my favourite one and only JM CHER in her FAVOURITE dress.

Jm don just freaking looks like a giant next to me. but i'm gonna forgive him since he was so nice. lol.
i can't really rem what this face was for.
my favourite one and only JM CHER in her FAVOURITE dress.
Jm don just freaking looks like a giant next to me. but i'm gonna forgive him since he was so nice. lol.
Jm why is it that you always get the bigger boob?!
They made me dig for my own present lor...and specifically told me it's buried near the boobs. lol!
..but i still cannot find
Just when i was about to give up...
"it's at the sexiest part of the body"
i was like, "where? the nipples?"
"OHH!! the CLEAVAGE!!!"
"yar yar yar!!! must be the CLEAVAGE!"

"oooooH!!! found something!"
"WOAH! i knew it was the cleavage!"
Must be yy... she's the only one besides jiayi who knows i like the A/X necklace.

luurve it!

we were supposed to watch dvd under the stars but ended up chatting randomly on the matt. sorry bjm! your hardwork wasted. teehee~
"oooooH!!! found something!"
luurve it!
we were supposed to watch dvd under the stars but ended up chatting randomly on the matt. sorry bjm! your hardwork wasted. teehee~
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