Friday, August 19, 2005

Listen to my heart

listen to what your heart says....

what do you hear?

mine says i shouldn't wait cos even if i do

.....nothing's ever gonna happen.

now i'm tired.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Full house

FULL it! It's like the nicest korean drama i've ever watched....such a visual indulgence.....wahahaha......please go watch it and you'll get what i mean....*winks*

Sunday, August 07, 2005

shit school, shit you

Sh*t school, Sh*t you [viewers' descretion recommended]

Lyrics by ( the two deprived-souls)

(Sing it with whatever tune you like cos we don't give a shit)

here goes....

what's the damn problem?
why's everyone looking like they didn't have supper?
his eyes are red
and her hair's not in place
i didn't sleep last night and i'm wide awake

where's all the good times?
they're left with nothing but a pack of lies
each mornings is
a bloody nightmare
i step into a school which makes me scared

i'm so doomed...
in this shit school
there're shit everywhere
people step on them like they just don't care

you're so doomed....
in this shit school
don't friggin talk to me now
i don't wana be
influenced by all the shit from you


i say: this song totally sucks......but i like.

Friday, August 05, 2005

believe it

Do you ever remember when people tell you that A'levels was hard?


it's even harder when you have a LOUSY tutor which brought my level of "TOH-lerance" to the brink.

i felt excruciating pain sitting through his class and the fact that i don't fall asleep is incredibly odd. Everyone seem to be in a daze, (some were staring at the screen, some were trying so hard to glean the slightest relevant information from the lecture. and yes, some like me, drifted away into a world of our own..........where tutors like him don't exist.)

All i need to do is to shut my eyes and *poof* it'll be bliss............. but thanks to the dose of coffee i had in the morning....i was wide awake.

i was desperately trying to make the best outta the lecture. Unfortunately, it occured to me that he wasn't really delivering knowledge to us....his very presence did the total opposite.

so he tried to explain the 'Sun Spot' to us....a simple theoretical term that explains the areas of the sun which seem dark to the naked eye. he could've done it in like 20secs? but no, he has to show us the tonnes of pictures he prepared. and after 5mins, i still don't get it. so i got frustrated and asked "So what's a sunspot?!" my tone was that of impatience but i probably echoed the sentiments my class was so dying to express but didn't felt like it. and then he "answered" me with another question.

For crying out loud, i don't know what he's teaching and the very fact that i bothered to ASK a question shows that i seriously don't know what's going on. so just answer the damn question. if i didn't need his help, i wouldn't ask. which part of "please fill me in" don't he get?

frankly, he could've saved so much time if he were more precise. and i mean P-R-E-C-I-S-E.

Why am i so so full agitaion and why am i so easily irritable????? we don't have much time left (less than a HUNDRED days) and he is the ONLY tutor who hasn't complete the syllabus, discounting our human geog which is only left with ONE lecture.....i really don't wana compare but i'm scared. i'm pinning my hopes on geog and he's increasingly making me feel that it's not going to work.

i'm so bothered.