Friday, September 23, 2005

the war is on

.........and the WAR is on!

after weeks of struggles, we've finally reached a conclusion. the extent of superficiality is utterly unbearable..... what's with the segregation? we're like playing some kinda game which we couldn't even tell what. it's become ever clearer to me that it's 'every man for himself'.

BUT, at least GMR is still intact and going strong [i hope]....yes we are....*coughz* i'm kinda tired of all that competition shit already....even if i really want to compete, what's the bloody point? the entire cohort's not just 24 ppl anyways....

the most ridiculous thing is that ppl have this spastic mindset like doing well='hao lian'. it's like 'what the fcuk?' a simple example will explain it all: highest score 15/30, all else fails except for one..... and you know what? this person has the line "I'M SO HAOLIAN" written all over his sick face...for goodness' sake, it's just a pathetic pass................get a life leh, as if he/she did it to piss all of us off.....if one scores well then good for him/her lah....what's with having this condescending attitude towards him/her???? if you can, do the same lor. you know, since when is it a crime to do well?? since you change the education system is it?

these ppl.....not that i wana say, their values are like one in a million. so full of themselves and filled with contempt....only evokes utter disgust in me....i'm so full now i don't need another reason to puke....

One very important thing i've learnt is that, should i EVER do well, i better keep all the joy and exhileration in my case they label me as being PROUD. but honestly, who don't feel proud for doing well? i mean after putting in that extra effort and sacrificing hours of sleep, can't you just rightfully express your sentiments??? tt'll probably amount to murder in their very sickenning laws-if they were to impose any....maybe they disapproves of such actions because they've never tasted success in their lives...but whatever it me they're nothing....the real threat tt i should be concerned with shouldn't be confined to just within the walls of the school. it's never that....

i may sound like i'm down-right mean....but seriously, i can't help it. i can't help if i offend anyone....i can't bloody help it if ppl treat me with disdain after reading know, there's a lot of things in this world that cannot be helped. so if anyone don't like the way i am....whatever, i'm not accountable to you and your equally distorted'll probably not see or hear of me again in your lifetime just read this and be VERY pissed...then you can quietly piss off too....=)

ps: this is NOT directed at GMR......whoever else who feels like i'm talking about you. MAYBE.

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