Tuesday, June 20, 2006

i was younger....

Birthdays......do one exactly feel the overwhelming sense of maturity once the clock strucks 12?


i still feel like 2 yrs ago...when my face was pimple-infested. cus at home, i'm still that childish kid to my parents and the ever-demanding elder sister to my sis.

nothing's changed. we still goof around at home, i'm still tyranous towards my sister. maturity in age doesn't and will not change that....at least for now. lol.

and i get predictable responses too. a very monotonous exclamation of "oh my god! you're 20 already..." then " can u believe it you're gonna be 30 soon?!" no i can't. and then they direct their attention back to the tv. hmmm....i just love how comfortable things are at home. we don't bear grudges even with the most biting or sarcastic remarks.

i figured that as we age, we'll slowly grow out of the blogging phase....not now but in the near future...when u find that it's such a chore, when u suspect that no one actually wants to know about you or when u have better things to do......but for now, blogging is like a kind of responsibility. because i know my friends drop by once in awhile to check out on me. because i know people care about how i'm doing while some are just curious.....though some of you don't leave tags i know you're reading.....some of my posts are ok, some i find kinda childish. i wish i could erase those immature contents but then again, it's all part and parcel of growing up.

Now, at 20, there're a whole lotta stuff i'd like to experience and accomplish....but i hope in my journey to achieveing them i can still look back and laugh at how dumb i was before. like reading my old posts.....they're really a great reminisence of how i once felt and what i was going through at certain points in time. it's good to have a history to fall back on....especially one which you yourself recorded......then i can always laugh it off and say "i was younger...". haha.

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