Tuesday, May 15, 2007

dead BEAT

i'm really not for late nights OR early mornings.

had to leave in the afternoon from Glyn's chalet cus i really couldn't take the tire anymore.

hope she had fun, we had fun too. i had fun. fun fun fun. fun but still need to rest. not being a spoilsport but sleep tops my list everytime, all the time.

haha... then you should know lah, followed by tv.

shall i elaborate on what i did during the chalet preparation? it's gonna be another episode of boring details. so let's just skip it.

wow. i wonder how my 21st birthday celebration will turn out. it's a real tiresome occasion, sad to say. but i like =)

....and the photo taking part......dreadful. i simply can't smile for too long. it's a bloody chore to smile, but i can pull off a string of laughter anytime. haha....

ANYWAYS. someone owes me money. a LOT of money. this pisses me off badly. so PAY UP!

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