Tuesday, May 01, 2007


YEAH I KNOW IT's on the 2nd...

...i figured spelling the 21st out wouldn't make you feel that sad. lol....
10 things i HATE about Glynis...
1-i hate how you look prettier than me [but can't help but show you off to my other friends. haha]
2-you're always broke
3-no matter how you try to look ugly, i can do better without even trying hard
4-you're such a guy-magnet [but thanks for making me popular in your blog-the right way, that is]
5-debating with you is the most tiring and stupid thing to do cus you're soooo stubborn [she's a taurus, btw]
6-i feel sorry for the guys who are smitten by you [cus i know they'll only get to look. lol]
7-we always buy the same clothes but you'll somehow look better wearing them.
8-you STILL get to play volleyball.
9-you have longer legs
10-you passed your math!
...but STILL. hahaha......best mates are best mates.... besides all of the above...you're still LOVELY. heeeheee~~~

it's gonna be brand new phase. start it right! [by saving up for my birthday...WAHAHAHA]


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