Thursday, September 20, 2007

All the Small Things...

i'm kinda happy that some of my friends actually care to ask about me... how i've been and all...can literally feel the warmth when i hear about it. whoever it is, just puts a SMILE on my face. Like i heard from my cousin Glynis asked how i was doing and stuff...haha...a small gesture but because i'm such an appreciative and friends like her and jiayi actually call to chat and catch up. though it's just cus she was about to be bored to death...i'll still APPRECIATE IT. ha ha ha...

this brings me to another topic of what a rotten friend i've been to others. to jiayi n glyn, no qualms, i'd always keep myself updated. but i feel i haven't been very attentive to the one whom i shamelessly called besty. hmmm, lol, makes me wonder what that actually means to me now. i know hating to read isn't an excuse but if it means something to read his blog, it's no longer a mere obligation right? don't know how to put it in proper but after reading all 10 posts in one shot, i was simply overwhelmed. like where have i been the entire time? not that he has no other friends, and a lot of them may already be offering incessant chats and company but being oblivious is a whole different story altogether. my bad. so from now on, i should really be more concerned about my friends. really.

and then the news of Micky's attachment. man, it could almost top my OMO-list. BUT, it serves rather as an awakening for me. idolising, no, FANTASIZING about a particluar drop-dead-gorgeous idol is just a phase. yes. at least that's how i console myself. Cherine asked me if i was torn, but i said no. cus honestly, i don't feel that much. compared to IF that someone who ignored me having found a gf, think Micky's won't even amount to half my sadness. lol. In fact, i felt quite happy. i'm kinda proud of myself for being a matured-and-sane fan. haha. whether or not dbsk gets attached or married or even have kids, it's only natural right? and i will never doubt their talents no matter what happens. even the less than flattering Max seems lovable when he sings.

My mid term break is wasn't it just yesterday when i was whinning over tutorial balloting?! woah....time don't just fly's the word?

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