Wednesday, February 06, 2008


this video can serve as a rude awakening to whoever thinks that it's okay to purchase fur products. Before you think that "oh no, i don't think this piece of fur is from animals skinned alive...this must be artificial", you f*ing think again.

this is a frustrating, saddenning, cruel, inhumane issue.

i simply couldn't finish watching the entire thing because i'm human. it's really too much for my eyes to bear. it's horrible. terrible. traumatizing. and for the animals, it's PAIN. two things came into my mind: ONE - they are suffering so much but they couldn't even say. TWO - THOSE FUCKING ASSHOLES WILL GET KARMA AND DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH!!!! i hope they get devoured by some man-eating monsters!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it's so bad that i cried like 4 secs after the video's really bad. i didn't just cry, i literally BURST INTO TEARS!!!!! and i am still traumatized even as i'm blogging this now.

i hope you guys, whoever you are, if you stumble across my blog, please HELP TO SPREAD THIS VIDEO AND MESSAGE. please urge your fur-loving sicko friends to stop supporting this perverted trade built on the sufferings of animals who CANNOT apprehend their pain. this is not funny. so watch this, spread it, and not some obscene pictures of that perverted hongky celeb.

***this is not for animal-lovers***

"Are there skeletons in your closet? There is no difference between fur, leather, and wool when it comes to cruelty to animals. Every fur-trimmed jacket, leather belt, and wool swe.ater represents the intense suffering and gruesome deaths of millions of animals each year."
Now sign the petition

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