Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Valentine's subjective

It's special because you say so. It's so true because I say: "it's less meaningful to me then Dong Zhi". Maybe i'm sour, maybe you think i'm pathetic. But isn't it so? It's what you think and make of it what.

Heartbreak is not from me but the people around me cus i realised, there are so much drama going on, dramas that i ought to have but can also live well without.

Let's not celebrate the good, let's be practical for once:

1) Learn to let go: Letting-go is so much harder than saying goodbye. But a graceful let-go can promise so many other goodbyes between the 2 of you, because saying goodbye to a friend is so much easier than avoiding an ex-lover.

2) Routine: R stands for routine, it also means REDlight in a relationship. Routine is never the same as getting-used-to. Getting used to loving and recieving love from someone is NOT a routine. Get married or get gone.

3) Break-up not Break-Down: Of cus you're entitled to cry yourself a few rivers but never start killing yourself. There are no such thing as "i can't live without you" because you've well-lived that 18 years of life without him, or with some other hotter guys so quit deluding yourself.

Be practical.

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