Wednesday, August 05, 2009

My 2 cents worth on a working reality

One can never fully comprehend the nits & grits of an adult working world. Like a grandmother's story told over again, you can never find one without politics, power struggle, or unfairness.

We know life is never fair, so here we are, slogging our youths away for something we don't really believe in - a better future.... with your shitty coy.

what happends when your supposed 'future' is in the hands of people who are either noobs, aka, people who cannot recognise your efforts, or snobs ( people who simply choose to overlook your adequacies )? Then you are suay.

See, lives all about moving on. SO you move on, like our nomadic ancestors do... leave the shit hole and move on. BUT again, curse the innovation of intellects for a wonderful piece of paper known as a "contract" or some fondly remember it as a "BOND". This bomb, scuse' me, BOND we're talking about here is like a leash holding you back from wanting to pee in front of your nemesis' yard (if you were a dog that is).

So here you go again, living day to day a mundane cycle....socializing with people, with utter reluctance and ingenuity. You are TIRED. And because you are no saint nor one with sky-high emotional quotion, you decide to hell with everything - which very much translates to a work ettiquet equivalent of a 3 year old.

For positive people on the other camp, the glass is always half-filled, never empty.

Somehow, they pretty much worship the idea of sucking-up to save their arses. Not a bad intention but a pretty questionable choice. Have you got no integrity? Oh wait, you don't care about integrity because it can't buy you Coach purses or LV bags. More often than not, people capable of doing this will most probably be in denial as well... well then, good for them. at least they don't see how ugly they are to others.

The rest, are just technically smarter because like most of us know it - Ignorance is Bliss....

Not exactly. Ignorance is stupidity.... a Real intellect is also (never coincidently) - a HYPOCRIT.

.....and it's not necessarily a bad thing
May i also add one more point: Lousy Bosses are stingy (not always monetarily). They are stingy with genuine praises and gratitude - something which hardworking employees should never be deprived of.
Of cus, bosses generous with praises ain't the world if they're merely entertaining you. If you're really worth it, why don't note it in the appraisal? a simple gesture to let their staff know it's all worth it at the end of the day.
Sometimes, people are just not that magnanimous or interested in presumably "insignificant" people in their lives. On their quest forward, it's only natural to trample weaker links. that's how society works. It's scary but so very true.
you might want to digest this.

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