Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What?! Low market VALUE?!?!??!?!?!?!

Let me tell you....

Quizes are created for a reason. And the major reason it's ever concieved is to FORCE EXPLETIVES OUT OF YOU. okay, maybe i'm a bit severe here or as you suspect, may be suffering from something known as "I-cannot-accept-inconvenient-truths-Syndrome".

Whatever the hell it is.....i really quite majorly dislike the outcome of this one.

Yes, i broke my Rule No. (what) of NOT Succumbing to generalisation through ill-designed questions that experts supposedly think makes your life better. I FALTERED and SUBJECTED myself to this shit...WHY? simply because i was THAT BORED in office.

Another reason, was of cus, i really wanted to know. But unfortunately end up feeling like a sour-puss over it.

In Case you're still wondering what pissed me of so bad.... nothing can be more insulting than finding out about your LOW VALUE in the MALE-MEAT MARKET.

Allow me another moment to indulge in my sorrows..........Oh~~i must be so insane....

Instead of a BLUE CHIP, i come closer to one that's probably gonna crash and burn in the stock market.

and WHAT IS SO WRONG WITH ALWAYS MAKING TIME FOR MY FRIENDS EVEN WHEN I'M BUSY??? since when has that quality become an obstacle in the quest for love, HUH?! that's totally warped......

Also very strangely, turns out that being a bit of a self-obsessed bitch winds you up closer to dating. like WTF, seriously? You get 10points for being a friend that "cancels on your friend"? Think i'll have to undergo some major values-reconstruction before i date someone. and of cus, end up a total frozen friend (though i do have one or two friends like tt even though they do NOT have bfs).

It just super shocked me when the verdict was:

With your value hovering at a frightening low......

See, i know i shouldn't do those stupid quizes... this is what i get. A SORE feeling from knowing. How can it possibly make you feel better, huh????????

It can.

Cus i did it again after reading the results.

I know, i know... i'm like the epitome of self-denial.

Sidetrack: My wisdom tooth is giving me problems again. This time, i think it's here to stay. *GASP* can somebody invent something that dissolves teeth so we wise ppl can actually avoid going under plyers and needles?

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